Who runs the world?
A Saturnian cult that rules a wide range of cults and religions who, sometimes unknowingly, worship the black sun Saturn. It governs monotheïstic religions (Judaism, Christianity), the Catholic Church, the entire political and financial system, the entire entertainment industry. Jewish elite families and he jesuits have always infiltrated and trained their puppets through their education system (all big names in politics, in every country are educated at jesuit schools).
They own the American colony, its secret services CIA, NSA, FBI, the World Bank, United Nations, Knights of Malta, freemasonry, all nation states, the media industry and food corporations. They also run the heroin, cocain, xtc and weapon trade, the mafia, Islamic leaders, fake terror organisations like Isis and have perfected the art of creating controlled opposition.
They have an obsession with fulfilling biblical prophecies and Jerusalem. Texts like Protocol of Elders of Zion (f.i. during nazism) were used to condition people to think a masonic jewish agenda is a dangerous form of extremism and anti-semitism.
Through their education system, the Jesuits train the most important actors in politics.
They designed the
French revolution (Robespierre),
American Revolution (John
Carrol), WW1 and WW2
(Stalin, Goebbels, De Gaule), false flag attack on Hitler
(Von Boeslager).
JFK administration
(rival Fidel Castro, Jackie
Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson,
Pierre Salinger, Anthony Celebrezze)
administration (Lyndon Johnson,
Anthony Celebrezze, Joseph Califano,
Zbigniew Brzezinski,)
Nixon administration
(Tricia Nixon, John Mitchell, Henry Kissinger, Bryce Harlow, Donald
Rumsfeld, John McLaughlin)
Ford administration (Donald Rumsfeld, John Knebel,
Alexander Haig)
Carter administration
(Tim Kraft, Joseph Califano, Moon Landrieu, Zbigniew
Brzezinski, Donald McHenry, Philip Klutznick, Charles Schultze)
administration (Alexander Haig, Frank Gafney, Jeanne
Kirkpatrick, William Bennett, Ann McLaughlin, Gary Bauer, Edwin
administration (Bill Clinton, John
Podesta, Edward Montgomery, Ernest Moniz, Madeleine Albright, Dee
Dee Myers, Alice Rivlin, Leon Panetta, Christine Varney, Les Aspin,
Christine Varney, Clinton Foundation Bill Lindsey, lawyer Robert
administration (Donald Rumsfeld,
Leon Panetta, Robert Gates, Peter
Pacer, Doug Feith, Meghan Sullivan, Joseph Schmitz, Mitchell Daniels,
son of Colin Powell, Michael Peter Jackson), 9/11 commission (John
Lehman, Viet Dinh)
Obama administration
(Jon Favreau, Joe Biden,
John Podesta, Robert Gates,
Janet Napolitano, Avril Haines, Scott Gration, Chuck Hagel, John Allen,
James Jones, Broderick Johnson, Robert Cardillo, William Daley, Dan
Pfeiffer, John Kerry, Jack Lew,
Brennan, Clapper, Denis McDonaugh, Ernest Moniz, Hilary
Clinton's running mate Tim Kaine,..)
Trump administration
(Donald Trump, Paul Manofort, Steve
Bannon, John Kelly, Mick Mulvany, Don McGahn,..)
Biden administration (John Kerry, Marty Walsh, Avril Haines,
Denis McDonaugh, Alejandro Mayorkas, Shanda Young, Neera Tanden of Center
for American Progress, with jesuit Elisa Massimino)
European Empire
(Van Rompuy, Barroso, Joaquin Almunia, Enrique Baron,..)
United Nations
(Boutros Boutros Ghali, John Ashe, Shashi Tharoor)
CIA (Allen
Dulles brother of jesuit Avery Dulles, Walters, Casey, Gates,
Tenet, Panetta, Morell, Petraues, Brennan,..)
The Saturn cult worldwide
- Austria: House of Habsburg-Schwarzenberg, House of Furstenberg (Diane Furstenberg, married to Barry Diller), jesuit prince Amedeo of Belgium (house of Este), René Binko (Sigma), Peter Löscher (Siemens, Merck, Hoechst), Wolfgang Schüssel (ECFR), ..(in the past ruled by Habsburg, Orsini-Rosenbeg, jesuit Kurt von Schuschnigg, Hitler,..)
- Belgium: de Ligne (related to Rothschilds), de Mérode, House of Wettin (Saxe-Coburg, Orsini-Pallavicini), Lippens, Boël, Frère, Christian Van Thillo, Thomas Leysen, Etienne Davignon,..
- Britain: Cecil family (linked to the Cavendish, Vanderbilt, Kennedy, Payne families), Rothschild, Saxe-Coburgs, MI6, Grosvenor (Grosvenor Square, National Geographic), Wellesley, Goldsmith family, Russell family, David and Simon Reuben (connected to Roman Abramovich)..
- Czech Republic: Milos Zeman, Karel Schwarzenberg (TC, ECFR, descendants of the Habsburgs, Roman Empire), Vaclav Havel (VOC),..
- Denmark: House of Glücksburg-Oldenburg, Helle Thorning-Schmidt (European CFR, Atlantic Council, International Crisis Group, Save the Children, Gates Foundation, Friends of Europe), Anders Holch Pvolsen (Bestseller), Kjeld Kristiansen (Lego),..
- Finland: Martti Ahtisaari (ICG, ECFR),..
- France: jesuit Emmanuel Macron, jesuit Brigitte Trogneux, Francoise Bettencourt, Bernard Arnault, Francois Pinault, Serge Dassault, Alain Mérieux, Gérard Mulliez, Patrick Drahi, jesuit Henri Beaufour (Ibsen pharmaceutics), Pascal Lamy (WTO, ECFR), Stephane Bancel (Moderna, the Covid19-ritual), Le Siècle,..(in the past ruled by Capetian and Valois dynasty, de Medici, de Guise-Lorraine, House of Bourbon-Farnese, jesuit Napoleon, jesuit Chirac,..)
- Germany: House of Hanover and Hohenzollern (connected to the Saxe-Coburg), House of Wittelsbach and Wurttemberg, Angela Merkel, Dieter Schwartz (Lidl), Stefan Quandt and Susanne Klatten (BMW, nazi party), Georg Schaffler, Michael Otto (e-commerce), Karl Albrecht (Aldi), von Siemens, Gerhard Cromme (ERT), Miele, Reimann family, von Finck, Merck family (Merck group), Meister, Friede Springer (Axel Springer Group), House of Furstenberg (Barry Diller), Liz Mohn (Bertelsmann, Club of Rome, AB)..(in the past ruled by Habsburgs- after Hitler, Knights of Malta Adenauer and Herman Abs still in charge, politicians of the European Empire - Kohl, Schroder, Merkel, Atlantik-Brücke)
- Greece: House of Glücksburg (jesuit Pavlos Glücksburg, married to daughter of Robert Miller), Wittelsbach,..
- Hungary: Thomas Peterffy (Interactive Brokers), Sandor Csanyi (OTP Bank with 624 billion revenue, Mol Group), Gyorgy Gattyan (LiveJasmin), Gyorgy Schwartz/George Soros (CFR, ECFR, Soros Fund Management, Open Society), Viktor Orban (TC, dictatorship through the Covid-scam) and Lorinc Meszaros (Matra Power Plant, Echo), Thun-Hohenstein, Rosenberg and Rosenthal family, ..
- Italy: House of Savoy, italian nobility like the Massimo's (the descendants of Fabius Maximus, owners of the jesuit Istituto Massimo, Fabian Society, Center of American Progress,..), Orsini-Rosenberg (Ndragheta maffia), Aldobrandini (intermarried with the Rothschilds), Colonna (Dupont, NY maffia Columbo, Columbia, Knights of Columbus, Order of Jesters,..), Farnese-Bourbon, de Medici, Pallavicini (NY maffia Luccese), Chigi, Sforza, Ruspoli, Borghese, Odeschalchi, della Rovere, Albani, Agnelli (married into Furstenberg), Michele Ferero, Ndragheta mafia Calabria, Camorra Naples,..(in the past ruled by the Roman Empire, papal bloodlines, Knight of Malta Mussolini, House of Savoy)
- Ireland: jesuit Denis O'Brien (Digicel), jesuit Michael O'Leary (Ryanair, both assistents of billionaire Tony Ryan), Guiness (Furstenberg, Rothschild), jesuit Terry Wogan, jesuit Paul McGuinnes (manager U2), Pat Cox (European Parliament)..(in the past ruled by Tuatha de Danan, Church of England, William of Orange, jesuit Thomas Meager, jesuit Kevin Barry, jesuit Mary McAleese)
- Monaco: House of Grimaldi.
- Netherlands: House of Orange-Nassau (Royal Dutch Shell, Order of Malta, Open Society, Bilderberg group, ECFR), princess Irene (child of jesuit prince Bernhard, married to Carlos Farnese-Bourbon, the bloodline that created the jesuits), Michel and Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken (Rothschild, Citigroup, Heineken), Frits Goldschmeding (Randstad), Bert Koenders (ICG, ECFR), Endemol (venture with Disney and Apollo Global Managent of jesuit Tony Ressler, announced the Orwellian totalitarian society through Big Brother and Black Mirror), jesuit Karin Van Gennep, Brenninkmeijer (C&A), Schimmelpenninck, LSV Minerva, ..
- Norway: Erna Solberg (ECFR), Gro Harlem Brundtland (director-general of WHO, UN Foundation of Ted Turner),..
- Poland: Michal Solowow, Zygmunt Solorz-Zak (PAK power plant, Polkomtel, Polsat, Slask Wroclaw), Dominika Kulczyk, Sebastian Kulczyk (LSE, Singularity University of Ray Kurzweil),..
- Portugal: House of Bragaza, jesuit José Barrosso (Goldman Sachs),..(in the past ruled by House of Burgundy, Habsburg)
- Romania: Daniel Dines, Ion Tiriac,..
- Russia: Vladimir Putin and his oil and gas oligarchs, Anatoly Chubais (CFR), Leonard Blavatnik (CFR, Apollo Management), Viktor Vekselberg (Renova oil), Leonid Mikelsen (Novatek gas), Gennado Timchenko, Mikhail Fridman and German Kahn (Alfa-bank), Moshe Kantor (Acron Group, World Jewish Congress), Boris Rotenberg (Gazprom), Roman Abramovich, jesuit billionaire Eugen Shvidler, Mikhail Prokhorov (Brooklyn Nets), Russian mafia -Aleksandr Torshin (Bank of Russia), Sergei Mikhaeliov, Vyachoslov Ivankov, Semion Mogilevich (RusEkrEnergo),..(in the past ruled by the Romanovs, the communist party, Yeltsin)
- Spain: king Juan Carlos (Order of Malta), jesuit Gabriel Escarrer (Melia hotels), Amancio Ortega, jesuit Emilio Botin (Banco Santander), jesuit Fatima Banez (socialist), jesuit Joaquin Almunia, Juan Luis Cebriàn (Prisa media group, Club of Rome), Javier Solano (NATO, ECFR, CFR, TC), Bourbons, Zuniga family,..
- Sweden: House of Bernadotte (Habsburg), Wallenberg (Ericsson, Electrolux, Investor AB, TC, ERT), Guy Dardel (CERN), Nina Lagergren (sister-in-law of UN leader Kofi Annan), House of Oldenburg-Glucksburg, Kamprad (Ikea), Persson (H&M), Carl Bildt (ECFR, AC, TC, ICG), Pierre Schori (ECFR), Leif Johansson (Ericsson), Annie Lööf (TC), Anna Eckström (TC), entourage of Greta Thurnberg,..
- Switzerland: Hayek (Swatch group), Dreyfus family, Ruth Dreifuss (OSF), Le Rosey, ..
- Ukraine: Rinat Akhmetov, Viktor Pinchuk (Atlantic Council), Ihor Kolomoyskyi,..
- United States: Georgetown University and Catholic University of America jesuits and Dominicans in Washington DC, jesuit Joe Biden, jesuit Trump, Colonna (Collins, Dupont, Knights of Columbus), Kennedy, Disney, Hearst (Hearst Communications, CFR through president Bruce Paisner), Hilfiger, Koch (John Birch Society, Guardian Glass, Cato institute, influence on Trump administration), Michael Bloomberg, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Mars family (cult of Horus), oil families Duncan (Enterprise Products, Texas Monthly), Getty (Pia, John Paul, Gordon all jesuit) and Bechtel (CFR, Business Roundtable), Cargill-MacMillan, Cox, Johnson (SC Johnson), Johnson (Fidelity), Mellon, Crown, Pritzker (CFR), Russell, Schwarzenberg from Bohemia through Skull and Bones (Karel Schwarzenberg and George Soros-Schwartz, Stephen Schwarzmann of the Blackstone Group), Walton (Walmart, Business Roundtable, fund the jesuit run Center for American Progress), Phil Knight (Nike), Michael Dell, jesuit Tony Rezzler (Apollo Global Management), Robert Warren Miller and Miller sisters, jesuit William Doyle, jesuit Ted Leonsis (AOL), jesuit James Zenni (ZCapital), jesuit Mario Gabelli (Gamco), jesuit Vincent Viola, jesuit Fanjul brothers, Larry Ellison (Oracle),..
- Canada: Bronfman (Seagram, MGM, Universal, WarnerMusic, Mega Group with Les Wexner), Justin Trudeau (son of jesuit Pierre Trudeau), Thompson (Reuters), West End Gang, Rizzuto family, Paul Martin (Berggruen Institute),..
Latin-America (conquered
by the Spanish and jesuit missionaries, under
control of CIA since Operation Condor in 1975):
- Argentina: jesuit
Alberto Fernandez, Jorge Rafael Videla (WACL),
pope Francis, Zorreguieta (princess
- Bolivia: Hugo Banser (WACL), La Corporacion,
Santa Cruz cartel
- Brazil: jesuit Pedro Mala,
jesuit Alex Behring and his mentor Jorge Lemann (Garantia bank, AB Inbev
beer, 3G Capital, Burger King), Marinho family (mass media), jesuit Joao
Moreira Salles (banking), Fernando Cardoso (Berggruen
Institute), Jair Bolsonaro and Olavo de Carvalho as Trump like
right wing villains
- Chile: Ricardo Lagos (Berggruen
- Colombia: jesuit Ernesto
Samper Pizano, jesuit Alvaro Uribe, jesuit Ivan Marquez, Juan Santos (LSE,
ICG), Alejandro Gaviria (OSF),
jesuit Luis Carlo Sarmiento (Grupo Aval, 11,9 billion)
- Costa Rica: jesuit Laura Chinchilla, Oscar Arias (LSE), Jose Figueres
Ferrer (WACL), Bernal
Urbina Pinto (WACL)
- Cuba: jesuit Raùl Castro
- Dominican Republic: Dominicans, jesuit Luis Abinader
- El Salvador: jesuit Alfredo Cristiani, death squads
of Roberto d'Aubusson (WACL),..
- Guyana: Azruddin Mohamed
- Guatemala: jesuit Oscar Berger
- Haiti: Michèle
Pierre-Louis (Open Society
- Jamaica: jesuit Bruce
- Mexico: jesuit Vicente
Fox, Sinaloa cartel (opium and marihuana, 90% of cocain
and heroin market, money laundering through
HSBC, DEA controlled by jesuits- Timothy Shea), jesuit Emilio Jean
(Televisa), Carlos Slim, Raimundo Guerrero (WACL),
Jorge Prieto Laurens (WACL),
Ernesto Zedillo (Berggruen
- Nicaragua: Daniel Ortega
- Paraguay: jesuit
Horacio Cortes, Mario Benitez
- Uruguay: jesuit Luis
Lacalle Pou
- Venezuela: jesuit Julio Borges (Borghese)
Middle east
- Afghanistan:
jesuit controlled opium trade (heroin),
Taliban, Mirwais Azizi
- Armenia: Armenian mafia
- Bahrain: house of Khalifa
- Egypt: Muslim brotherhood,
Sawiris family (Orascom).
- Georgia: Giorgi Margvelashvili (Central European
University of OSF)
- Iran: Pahlavi (Italian
Pallavicini family), Aga Khan (Le Rosey,
Kendra Spears, connected to the Fürstenberg
family), jesuit Noor Pahlavi. Reza Pahlavi is the son of Fahra
Pahlavi, stepcousin to Mercedes Bass (Disney). Jesuit Noor Pahlavi appeared in Harper's
Bazaar of Hearst.
- Iraq: the marxist Baath
movement, Al bakr, Saddam Hussein
was replaced by jesuit Ayid Allawi, Paul Bremer (Yale, linked to
Kissinger), jesuit billionaire Nemir Kirdar CEO of Investcorp, from 2018
led by pm jesuit Adil Mahdi.
- Israel: jesuit Shimon
Peres, Reuven Rivlin, Roman
Abramovich (Chelsea, Sibneft oil, BrainQ, close to Yeltsin and
Putin), Eyal and Idan Ofer (CFR,
Bloomberg New Economy Forum with David
Rubenstein, Gary Cohn and Mukesh Ambani), Tzipi Livni (ICG),
Shari Arison (Bank Hapoalim), Benjamin
Netanyahu (worked with Mitt Romney),
film producers Haim Saban and Arnon Milchan (work with Disney),
Dan Gertler (diamond mining Congo, through the
connection), Lev Leviev (diamond mining Angola), Israel mafia
Abergil, Mulner, Rosenstein.
- Jordan: jesuit King Abdullah, jesuit Ghida Talal,
Rania of Jordan (UN Foundation with
Ted Turner of CNN).
- Lebanon: Hariri
family (jesuit Saad Hariri, jesuit Aymen Hariri), jesuit Amine Germayel,
jesuit Riad Salameh (Central Bank, IMF), jesuit Taha Mikati (MTN Group).
- Pakistan: jesuit Alif Ali Zardari, since 2018 pm
Imran Kahn (relationship with Hannah Rothschild
and Jemima Goldsmith), Saba Qamar (CFR), Shaukat Aziz
(AC, Berggruen
- Qatar: house of al-Thani
(Quintet bank Merck Finck & co, Al Jazeera, Glencore,..), jesuit
Mohammed al-Thani, Nasser Al-Khelaifi (Paris St Germain, FIFA, WHO
- Saudi Arabia: Ibn
Saud under control of the British (MI6 agent St
John Philby), jesuit Turki Bin Faisal, jesuit Adel al-Jubeir
(Foreign Affairs), Al Waleed bin Talal (Citigroup, 20th
Century Fox, gave 20 million to jesuit Georgetown University), Bin Laden connected to Bush
family, Golden Crescent drug trade, Kashoggi family (related to
Dodi Fayed, James Cox), Mohammed bin Salman.
- Syria: Bashar al-Assad
- Turkey: Sabanci family (UN), Koç family, Recep Erdogan,..
- United Arab Emirates:
Al Maktoum family, Al Nahyan family (Manchester City), jesuit Mohamed
Alabbar (Emaar Properties -Burj Kalifa in Dubai, Eagle Hills Properties,
Dubai Mall), Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber (Masdar, Abu Dhabi National Oil
Company ADNOC, UN climate scam),..
gradually under jesuit
control during the Ming and Qing dynasties, completely under control of
the jesuits and British Empire
since the opium wars (Golden Triangle, Chinese Triads
14K, Sun Yee On), through universities and Fabian
- Bhutan: jesuit William Mackey
- China: Chinese Communist
Party (part of the Saturn cult, logo
with Saturnian sickle), C9 universities (Fudan founded by jesuit Ma
Xiangbo), Xi Jinping, Jack Ma (Alibaba Group with Joe Tsai -Yale,
chairman of Barclays Center), Wang Jianglin (Wanda Group), Ma Huateng
(Tencent), Kwok brothers, Nout Wellink (Bank of China, TC),
Eric X Li (newssite Guancha, Berggruen
Institute), Zheng Bijian (Berggruen
- India: richest person
jesuit Mukesh Ambani, net worth 76 billion and his Relilance
Foundation that works together with the London
School of Economics (Fabian
Society), jesuit Lakshmi Mittal (steel), KR Narayanan (LSE),
Gandhi Nehru family (LSE,
Fabian Society), Manmohan Singh (Le Cercle), Nandan Nilkani (Infosys, Berggruen
Institute), Rajeev Chandrasekhar (Hudson
- Indonesia: jesuit
Mohamad Chatib, jesuit Anthony Winza, Erick Thohir,..
- Japan: controlled through
the CFR and TC,
Yakuza maffia (Yoshio Kodoma WACL)
and jesuit trained politicians (Koichiro Genba, Morihiro Hosaka, Taro
Kono), billionaire Li Ka-Shing, Tadashi Yanai (Berggruen
- Korea: jesuit president
Park Geun-hye, jesuit Park Young-sun, jesuit Kwon Hyuk-bin (Smilegate
online games), jesuit Kim Suk-won (Ssangyong), Lee Jae-yong (Samsung),
Kim Jung-Ju (Nexon online gaming), Chung Mong-joon (Hyundai), Unification
Church (ties to JBS, WACL, THF),
K-pop industry of SM Entertainment, YG Entertainment, using Disney
mind control. North-Korea: mason Kim Jong-Un.
- Nepal: Sher Bahadur Deuba (LSE)
- Philipines: Ferdinand Marcos (WACL),
jesuit Gloria Macapal
- Singapore: George Yeo (Berggruen
- Taiwan: jesuit Lin Chuan, jesuit Jolin Tsai, Jerry
Yang (Yahoo, Berggruen Institute),
Tsai Ing-Wen (LSE)
- Thailand: Chakri
dynasty, Chearavanont family, Tanom Kittikachon (WACL),
Thaksin Shinawatra (pm, Shin Corporation)
- Tibet: 14th Dalai Lama
- Vietnam: WACL
(heroin and meth trade)
- Australia: Packer family, Pratt family, Blair Parry-Odeken (Cox Enterprises), Harry Triguboff (Meritron), Scott Morrison (Hillsong Church), Michael Hintze (Goldman Sachs), Malcolm Turnbull (Goldman Sachs), jesuit Tony Abbot, Frank Lowy (Lowy Institute), Kevin Rudd (Berggruen Institute, Chatham House, Atlantic Council, CSIS), Alexander Downer (ICG),..
- New Zealand: Richard
Chandler (Gates and Rockefeller
Foundation), Peter Thiel, Julian Robertson, John Key (Federal
- Angola: Lev Leviev (Chabad), Antonio Mosquito, Isabel Dos
- Algeria: Isaad Rebrab
- Botswana: Festus Mogae (Berggruen
- Congo: enslaved by the Belgian Saxe-Coburgs,
Félix Tshisekedi (African Union, son of jesuit Etienne Tshisekedi),
jesuit Sylvestre Ilunga, jesuit Ilingu Kalenga, mining companies with
Saxe-Coburg connection. Corporate Council on Africa, Maurice Tempelsman
(CFR), De Beers, Oppenheimer/Lazar.
- Ethiopia: Sahle-Work
Zewde (UN Office of African Union),
Tedros Adhanom (WHO), Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi
- Ghana: Hilla Liman (LSE),
Kwame Nkrumah (Phi Beta Sigma)
- Kenya: Bhimji Depar Shah
and Vimal Shah (Bidco Africa), Kenyatta family (LSE)
- Liberia: William Tolbert (Phi
Beta Sigma), William Tubman (Phi
Beta Sigma)
- Lybia: Saif Al-Islam Gadaffi (LSE, son of Muammar Gadaffi)
- Morocco: Alawi dynasty
- Namibia: jesuit Hage Geingob (The
New School).
- Nigeria: Aliko Dangote
(Gates Foundation), jesuit Aubrey Hruby (CFR),
Akinwumi Adesina (Rockefeller Foundation,
African Development Bank, UN),
Mohammed Indimi (Jaiz Bank), Yemi Osinbajo (LSE,
vice president), Benjamin Nnamdi Azikiwe (Phi
Beta Sigma), Femi Otedola, Mike Adenuga, Folurunsho Alakija, Abdul
Samud Rabiu.
- Rwanda: Paul Kagame
- Senegal: jesuit Léopold Sédar Sénghor.
- South Africa: in
the 70's John Vorster (Le
Cercle), Nicky Oppenheimer (De
Beers, related to Rothschild), Jonathan Oppenheimer (NM Rothschild, Brenthurst
Foundation), Johan Rupert (father was member of Le
Cercle, founded WWF with Bernhard
Lippe), Patrick Soon-Shiong (Berggruen
Institute, LA Times), Cyril Ramaphosa (Lonmin, married to Motsepe
family of African Rainbow Minerals), Knights
of Malta Nelson Mandela and
Desmond Tutu, jesuit Farid Esack, Rodney Sacks (Monster Beverage, sister
married to Zionist Le'ev Bielski), Tito
Mboweni (Goldman Sachs), ..
- Sudan: Mo Ibrahim
- Zimbabwe: Emmerson
Mnangagwa (vice-president of jesuit Robert Mugabe), Strive Masiyiwa (CFR)
Left Wing Church puppets: Fabian Society, Frankfurt School, Civil Rights Movement, Open Society Foundations, Media Matters for America, Greta Thurnberg, Extinction Rebellion, Black Lives Matter, Russell Brand, New Age movement, Joe Biden, Center for American Progress, Justin Trudeau,..
Right Wing Church puppets: Thule Society, Oswald Mosley, Julius Evola, Aryan Brotherhood, Willis Carto, Francis Yockey, George Wallace, John Birch Society , William F Buckley Jr, World Anti-Communist League, Le Cercle, P2, Reagan, George HW Bush, PNAC, Paul Wolfowitz, Matthew Mellon, Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage Ukip, the Bow Group, Council for National Policy, Hoover Institution, The Heritage Foundation (Ed Feulner), Hudson Institute, American Enterprise Institute, KKK, Manhattan Institute (jesuit William Casey), Peter Thiel, Trump, Steve Bannon, David Horowitz, Alex Jones, Rebel News, Breitbart News, Rumble, Bitchute, Gatestone Institute (Zionist Nina Rosenwald, Zionist Geert Wilders)..