the New Age church
The New Age Church is a branch of the Saturn cult, like Christianity, Islam and Judaism, a religion centered around the pineal gland and sacred geometry, introduced in the new age of Aquarius. In contrast with the rigid skepticism of the cult of scientism (left brain imbalance), the New Age is another cult, based on naive, blind belief (right brain imbalance). Where the intellectuals of scientism will deny the existence of a spirit world no matter what, followers of the New Age Church will believe anything that sounds spiritual. Their belief is a form of escapism, running away from the dark, by constantly focusing on False Light. | ![]() |
Through the ages the Saturn cult disguised itself through Hermeticism, rosicrucianism and freemasonry (Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn), through worship of the false light.
The Theosophical Society was founded by British-Russian intelligence agent Helena Blavatsky.
In 1888, the era of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (WB Yeats was also member of Theosophical Society) and the Fabian Society of the jesuits, she published The Secret Doctrine to spread disinfo about Lemuria and Atlantis. In Victorian England spiritualism became the new trend with the Society for Psychical Research as driving force.
In 1862 the Ghost Club was founded (members AC Doyle, WB Yeats) and the Society for Psychical Research with agents of the Cecil family like Arthur Balfour, who supposedly investigate spiritual phenomena with occultism as cover for propaganda and secret service work.
Phineas Quimby started the New Thought movement. His patient Mary Baker Eddy started Christian Science. Stephen Paul Andrews introduced the term 'scientology'. Sri Yukteswar Giri (teacher of Paramahansa Yogananda) wrote The Holy Science about the new Golden Age as end of a Great Year, jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin introduced New Age concepts and Alice Bailey (funded by Mellons) coined the term New Age.
In 1907 the Fabian Society published The New Age magazine with Theosophist Alfred Orage (friend of Aleister Crowley and George Gurdjieff) as editor and with writings of Ezra Pound, Arnold Bennett (HOGD), Florence Farr (HOGD), PD Ouspensky, Katherine Mansfield, GB Shaw, HG Wells, Dimitrije Mitrinovic (mentor of Alan Watts), Theosophist Beatrice Hastings and introduced the ideas of Sigmund Freud. Walter Russell published the Immortality of Man (term New Age).
In 1930 Theosophist Guy Ballard created the i Am movement in Chicago with members of William Dudley Pelley's Silver Shirts and created mythology around Mount Shasta. His friend Baird Spalding introduced the term Ascended Master. Edgar Cayce spread disinfo about Lemuria and Atlantis through his readings in trance.
George Van Tassel started a UFO religion in the Mojave desert (China Lake), channeling Ashtar.
Ron Hubbard created the Church of Scientology cult. Scottish Rite mason Norman Vincent Peale mentored Donald Trump.
Rosicrucian Mark Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet (worked for Christian Science and Leo Rosenthal at the UN), influenced by New Thought, Christian Science, Theosophy and I Am, founded The Summit Lighthouse (teachings of Ascended Masters, Great White Brotherhood and Twin Flames).
The CIA (fi the Mellon family) created the hippie counterculture of the 60's through radio hits about the coming Age of Aquarius and puppets like Jim Morrison, Timothy Leary, Alan Watts, James Hurtak, Stanislav Grof, Ralph Metzner, Richard Alpert,..
The Human Be-in in San Francisco was organised by Michael Bowen, connected to the OTO and the Theosophical Society. At the Esalen Institute (Stanford) and California Institute for Integral Studies they created new trends like yoga, meditation, shamanism,..Mia Farrow, Mick Jagger and The Beatles promoted meditation guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who also worked with Deepak Chopra.
The Findhorn Foundation was created in Scotland by David Spangler (educated at elite school Deerfield), Theosophist George Trevelyan (Teilhard de Chardin Society) and Theosophist and Rosicrucian Peter Caddy.
In the 70's and 80's new characters are introduced:
Elizabeth Rauscher's Fundamental Fysiks Group, Jane Roberts (Seth Material), Robert Temple (the Sirius mystery 1976), Louise Hay, Marilyn Ferguson (The Aquarian Conspiracy, protegé of Willis Harman of SRI), Jean Houston, Edgar Mitchell (Institute Noetic Sciences, Carnegie Mellon), Oprah Winfrey, Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Gaia, David Wilcock, Michael Talbot, promoting trends like yoga, reiki and ayahuasca (Aiwass entity in Thelema) ceremonies.
MK Ultra psychologist William Thetford and Helen Cohn Shucman wrote A Course in Miracles, supposedly channeled by Jesus Christ, promoted by Marianne Williamson on The Oprah Winfrey Show.
The New Age cult of 'Ascended Masters' is intertwined with the UFO religion (crop circles), where humans are considered less evolved than their higher, spiritually more evolved alien gods, and the Luciferian rainbow gay-transgender religion, that uses purple and rainbows as dissociation method, used in mind control.
Uranus energy is the creating of an utopian society, environmentalism (the Green Church), so in the 70's eco villages pop up like Findhorn Foundation. After the 2000s, this trend continues (Anastasia villages, etc), mostly based on the climate change scam.
Crowley supposedly wrote the Book of the Law, channeling an entity called Aiwass. In the New Age the practice of channeling is sold as a shortcut to gaining knowledge, and offering your mind and body as a telephone for an unknown entity is considered healthy and hip: Edgar Cayce ARE Virginia (Zahi Hawass), Dolores Cannon, JZ Knight, the Ra material, Andrija Puhrahich (channeling of the Nine), the Seth material, Helen Shucman, Drunvalo Melchisidek channeling Thoth, Darryl Anka (Bashar), Geoffrey Hoppe (Adamus), Lee Carroll (Kryon),..
Louise Hay founded Hay House in 1984 and published Ester Hicks, Deepak Chopra, Suze Orman (gay-lesbian agenda), Marianne Williamson (friend of Laura Dern), James Van Praagh, Lee Carroll (indigo trend), Joe Dispenza, Joseph Mercola, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden,..
In 2004 What the Bleep Do We Know?! was released with Joe Dispenza (Gaia), Dean Radin, Fred Alan Wolf (Fundamental Fysiks Group), JZ Knight, John Hagelin,..(James Randi and Richard Dawkins as debunkers).
In 2006 Australian
writer Rhonda Byrnes (influenced by New Thought writer Wallace Wattles)
released The Secret (The Secret Doctrine of Helena
Blavatsky) with Esther and Jerry Hicks, John Hagelin, Michael Beckwith, Fred Alan Wolf, promoted by Oprah
Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres and
Larry King. Sacha Stone organized the New Earth Festival with Dan Winter, Del Bigtree, Joseph Mercola, bishop Riah, G Edward Griffin,..
Masuru Emoto (What If with Joe Dispenza) spread disinfo about the effect of thought as a vibration on water.
In the internet age Sasha Stone, Spirit Science, Eben Alexander and Teal Swan became the new guru's of the New Age religion.
The New Age Church uses Ascension as a Saviour program.
Conscious Life Expo (at LAX Hilton, sacred geometry, caduceus of Hermes symbol) worked with Nassim Haramein, David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Vandana Shiva, David Childress, Eben Alexander, Jim Marrs, James Van Praagh, George Noory, Del Bigtree, Russell Brand, Emery Smith, Marianne Williamson, Erich von Dänicken, Daniel Estulin, Darryl Anka, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Lynne McTaggart, Giorgio Tsoukalos, Richard Hoagland, Drunvalo Melchisidek, Arianna Huffington, Mariel Hemingway, Dick Gregory, David Icke, David Carradine, Zecharia Sitchin, Gotham Chopra, Sally Kirkland, Gary Zukov, Michelle Philips, Michael Beckwith, Rhonda Byrne, Daniel Sheehan, Whitley Strieber, Jacques Vallée, Linda Mouilton Howe,...
New Age dogma's:
- never focus on the negative or you will feed it. This is repeated over and over again, for instance in the 'channelings' of Bashar (Darryl Anka 10/12 like bald Aleister Crowley).
- mumbo jumbo about frequency and vibrations, usually linked to quotes from Nikola Tesla (Gregg Braden, Nassim Haramein, Deepak Chopra). The stories about Tesla being a visionary genius who communicated with aliens, invented free energy devices but was boycotted by a cabal of bankers, and whose inventions were studied by the grandfather of Donald Trump are all deliberately created mythology. Tesla worked for Thomas Edison (Theosophical Society).
New Agers believe in duality between high and low vibration, that star seeds have incarnated on earth (the Indigo program) to 'raise the vibration'. In simple meme's 3D is labeled Service to Self and 4D Service to Others. Everything non-material and spiritual, everything alien is considered better and angelic. The hermetic proverb 'as above so below' indicates 3D and 4D are mirrors of each other, if 4D would be all light and love, life on earth in the material realm would be a paradise. There is as much deception and darkness in 4D as you would encounter in the material world.
- never get angry. Indignation can be used as motivation. In modern type of slavery this 'never get angry' attitude is used to suppress the divine Masculine, for compliance to passive-aggressive fascism (f.i. the Left Wing Church and Corona-fascism).
- believing 'everything is good'. From a cosmological, metaphysical perspective there is no difference between good and bad. Using that concept to live a life of moral relativism in 3D, is allowing evil to rule.
- accept everything, don't resist.
- a watered down version of the Law of Attraction ('you are able to attract what we focus on'). The idea that we create our own reality and attract the energy we emit, sometimes leads to New Agers claiming their reality is the only thing that exists (there is no truth, 'nothing is real' so nothing matters, no action is required). This 'secret' is sold as Oprah Winfrey's the Secret, in methods like NLP, self help guru's like Tony Robbins. Understanding how to manifest reality is than used, only to improve their own health and wealth, only to gain material success like a better job, a more attractive partner, a bigger house and not to benefit others.
- never judge. no one is to blame (no one has responsibility).
- love is all you need (the motto spread by The Beatles), no knowledge, critical thinking and no action is required.
- raise your vibration, spirituality equates 'feeling good'. Trends like yoga and meditation lead to a more calm, harmonious mind state but New Agers get addicted to this feelgood vibration, and live their life in escaping from the negative. They talk about light and love as if they talk about coke and heroin.
- a saviour is coming. To New Agers, there is no need to act, because an Alliance, the Ashtar command, the Blue Sphere Alliance, the World Freedom Alliance is coming to save them. Sometimes the saviour is expected from a specific Event as Disclosure, Ascension, the increasing of the Schumann resonance, solar flashes and energy shifts, or moving into a specific zone of higher vibration as the Solar belt, etc..
- sacred geometry as something that is necessary to contact the Higher Self.