the Illuminati
The Illuminati was a club founded by jesuit Adam Weishaupt in 1776. In the internet age controlled opposition like Alex Jones, David Icke, Fritz Springmeier, Mark Dice, Jim Marrs, David Wilcock, Dan Brown,.. spread disinfo about the order and the links to the Rothschild family, the one eye symbol, the one eye pyramid symbol of top-down rule of the Draco-Orion Empire, also used in freemasonry to turn it into a pop culture cliché and to enforce the concept of a typical 'conspiracy theorist'. |
- The term 'Illuminati'
- The disappearing trick of the Jesuits
- Main misconceptions
- Overview of Illuminati mythologisation
The term 'Illuminati'
The Saturn cult
worships the pineal gland, the One
Eye as a God, as a light bringer. The
word 'Illuminati' or 'enlightened' was used by the different variants of
the Saturn cult: the Gnostic followers of
Mani (Manichaeism) called themselves illuminator, in Christianity
Virgin Mary was called 'Maria Illuminatrix' or 'Illuminator', Jewish
Kabbalists were called Illuminati.
Ignatius of Loyola, founder of
the Jesuits, was imprisoned by the
Inquisition for allegedly being a member of the Spanish ascetic group
Alumbrados (the "Enlightened"). Like all masonic lodges, the Illuminati
were behind the Enlightenment agenda
(more covert dictatorship through technology and illusionary freedom).
In time, the term became a scapegoat and insult to all spiritual
teachings and Enlightenment idea's, not sanctioned by the Church, an
insult to non-Catholics.
The disappearence trick of the
Protestants, Rosicrucians, Freemasons were presented as controlled opposition, as an alternative to the church, but despite the internal power struggle, they worked together for the trade in opium and slaves with the British East Indian Company, for total world domination.
1616 The publicity stunt surrounding the Rosicrucian manifestos spark rumors of a worldwide conspiracy, an invisible society behind the scenes that would overthrow the Church according to biblical predictions. The Church and Martin Luther constantly scolded each other as Antichrist.
1659 Meric Casaubon accuses John
Dee of being a satanist and 'illuminati'.
1756 During the Seven
Years' War (financed by the City of London and their BEIC)
Frederick the Great and his Catholic ally Frederick II of
Hesse-Kassel (Enlightened despote
image, married to the daughter of Britain's King George II) leases his
army to his cousin George II (House
of Hanover George I Brunswick-Lunenberg) to quell the American
There was no conflict between the Catholic Church and enlightened despots. During the Seven Years' War, they took over the opium trade from their competitors France and the Netherlands, generating a fortune for the Vatican and the Jesuits (Cardinal Braschi) and for Frederick II, who had his money managed by the jew Mayer Rothschild from 1769.
1773 the Jesuits are allegedly suppressed by Pope Clement IX (as scapegoats for American insurgency) in countries that had lost the Seven Years' War and thus their opium monopoly, except in Russia (Catherine the Great) and Prussia (Frederick the Great and Frederick II in Hesse) where they retain their absolute power. In the US, the Sons of Liberty (Thomas Jefferson, based on European enlightenment ideas) are working on the transition to 'independence' with the boycott of English tea (Lord North, Lord Dartmouth, controlled by the Cecils), nearly bankrupting the British East India Company.
Freemason Frederick the Great doubles his army, his fortunes are managed by court jews of the Itzig family. Daniel Itzig and his son-in-law David Friedländer finance the Haskalah, the Jewish Enlightenment, Moses Mendelssohn's circle of friends.
Enlightenment ideas cause the dogmatic Jesuits to lose power, they are banned in Spain and France. The British East India company confiscates the money from the Jesuits, the Jesuits infiltrate the Rosicrucian lodges.
20-year-old Adam Weishaupt (trained by the jesuits from age 7) is appointed to the jesuit university in Ingolstadt. Angelo Braschi, who managed the Vatican's finances, becomes Pope.
1776 Adam Weishaupt (in Kabbalism 'Whitehead' is a nickname for the highest sepirah Kether) appears as an actor on the world stage with a rhetoric of freedom, outgrowing church and state, based on Christopher Meiner's ideas of initiations in Greek mystery schools (minor and major mysteries). His godfather Johann von Ickstatt is a supporter of the Enlightenment in Bavaria. Weishaupt's philosophy is a hotch potch of different influences: enlightenment philosophers such as jesuit Voltaire, the Persian calendar, fire worship of Zarathustra (13 days of fire worship to Baal ended on May 1), the owl of Minerva = the cult of Athena, also used by Rosicrucians like Bacon. Weishaupt nicknamed himself Spartacus (who led slave revolt against the Roman Empire).
The order is mainly aimed at young people. New members
join: Adolph Knigge (Grand Lodge of Germany), Duke of Gotha, Ferdinand
of Brunswick-Luneburg, Karl van Eckartshausen (jesuit university of
Weishaupt). The organization is modeled on the structure of the jesuit
order: a newcomer must give a complete overview of his life (later the MIi6 method), continuously spying on each other,
as with any sect, they are expected to sever other ties. An initiate has
to attain 3 degrees: novice, minerval and illuminated minerval (last
secret that the gods were only deified people). As with other lodges,
many naive people are admitted, who are deceived that they have reached
the highest degree.
With the 'Declaration of Independence' in July 1776 (during the aphelion
of the star Sirius, independent
of the sun), Benjamin Franklin
and jesuits like Charles Carrol found the American
Empire, as a copy of the Roman
Empire. At that point, the Illuminati has only five members. New
members are Franz Xaver von Zwackh and baron Thomas de Bassus (nickname
Hannibal, enemy of the Massimo's).
1780 Adolph Knigge (Gottingen University of George II)
changes the age limit and introduces a model based on American secret
freedom movements like the Sons of Liberty. Jesuits like Benedict
Stattler write works about the Illuminati and give them media exposure.
1782 the Congress of Wilhelmsbad is held in
Hesse-Kassel, on the initiative of Ferdinand of Brunswick, 35
representatives gather to reform freemasonry. Illuminati
member Friedrich Nicolai is a friend with Moses
Mendelssohn (Haskalah, the Jewish
Enlightenment). His son Abraham Mendelssohn marries Lea Itzig. Caecilie
Itzig and banker Bernhard von Eskeles are Wolfgang
Mozart's patrons. Illuminati member Joseph
von Sonnenfels is a friend of Mozart, teacher of Ludwig
van Beethoven and member of the American Philosophical Society of
Benjamin Franklin, Marquis de
Lafayette, Baron von Steuben. He also advises Maria Theresa Habsburg
and Francis I Lorraine (Order of the Garter, Grand Lodge of England).
1783 (John Carrol becomes the first American bishop,
secret clubs like Society of the Cincinatti) new members: JC Bode
(friend of Nicolas Bonneville, who would storm the Bastille during
the French Revolution and Moses
Mendelssohn), Johann von
Goethe (born in Frankfurt), Johann Herder (Sturm und Drang
movement), Carl of Hesse-Kassel (mother Brunswick-Luneburg, later
Mountbatten, the Asiatic Brothers, friend of St Germain), Ernst Saxe-Coburg,
Karl von Eckartshausen, Karl August Saxe Weimar (House of Wettin, which
had created Protestantism, the later Belgian
and English royal family).
1784 Knigge leaves the Illuminati, accuses Weishaupt of
being a jesuit in disguise. After 9 years of existence, the Illuminati
has a few thousand members (including Beethoven's
teacher Gottlob Neefe).
1785 Weishaupt is supposedly exiled by
Karl Theodor Dalberg (Wittelsbach, Sophia of Brunswick-Luneburg Hanover,
ancestors of the present British royal
family), he flees to Gotha, protected by Ernst Saxe-Coburg. JC
Bode takes over leadership. Rumors are spread that Mirabeau and Philip
d'Orleans, Thomas Paine and Alessandro Cagliostro were members. Frederick II dies,
his son William inherits the biggest fortune in Europe, managed by Mayer
1786 America introduces the Bill of Rights, with
freedom to not practice religion. Weishaupt is banned a second time,
during a police raid near von Zwackh, 'by chance' secret documents are
found, the 'Einige Originalschrift des Illuminaten Ordens'.
1787 a raid is made on de Bassus (Hannibal, mission to introduce
ideas beyond the Alps).
1789 Illuminati-member Philippe II Duke of Orleans (Bourbon, Grand Orient, friend of jesuit
Marquis de Lafayette) is accused of initiating the Women's March on
Versailles. During the French
Revolution, the jesuits (Maximilien
Robespierre, Joseph Guillotine, Emmanuel Sieyes) commit atrocities
to give the freedom movement a bad name and, and after the chaos, bring
their jesuit and rosicrucian Napoleon to
power. They perform the same fake revolution trick in
Belgium, with Jesuit JF Vonck. The population begins to assume
power is no longer in the hands of royalty and church but of bankers and
1793 Massimo
(Jesuits) unite with House of Wettin-Sachsen (Protestantism). Philippe
II, Robespierre, Danton, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are guillotined.
1810 Battle of Waterloo, the power of the
Bourbons is restored.
1811 Bishop of Mainz Theodor von Dalberg, member of
Illuminati, emancipates the Jews of
Frankfurt (including Rothschild), who are
allowed in lodges such as l'Aurore Naissante, a lodge with the symbol of
the double-headed eagle (priests and kings of the Roman Empire).
1824 death of Johann Sigmund Jung, ancestor of Carl Jung.
1830 July Revolution, Philippe Egalité's son becomes King of France.
Start of the modern era,
the apparent disappearance of the Catholic Roman
Empire, with more emphasis on
science as transition to the new Age of Aquarius. The power center
of the Nesilim empire shifts from Germany to
London and Washington, the same families of
slave masters continue to rule, but more in the background, hidden
behind an image of free democracy and free trade, supposedly as a result
of the 'Enlightenment' ideas
The dialectical concept of Fichte's
'thesis-antithesis-synthesis', which became a trend in Germany
around 1830, partly due to Goethe
(also illuminati), is picked up by the opium trading Russells,
who found Skull and Bones.
In the 41 years the jesuits were supposedly oppressed, they operated clandestinely, and performed some sort of disappearing trick.
Jewish masonic lodges introduced rituals around the symbolic return to Jerusalem, to achieve a universal monarchy (Catholic = universal, the mission of Catholic missionaries sent all over the world), rebuilding the Temple of Solomon.
3 members associated with the Rothschilds: Karl Theodor von Dalberg
(1744-1817, who arranged for Jews to be admitted to lodges), Karl Landgraaf of Hesse-Kassel (1744-1836, brother of William who his
fortunes were managed by Mayer Rothschild) and the Thurn und Taxis family (Sovereign Military Order of
The Rothschilds' fortunes came from
Frederick of Hesse, money made from hiring soldiers during the American
Revolution and money from the East India Company, the slave and
opium trade (the Rothschilds are related to the Sassoon family, another
family who controlled the opium trade in China).
Weishaupt was a jesuit agent but used an anti-jesuit rethoric: he taught at Jesuit University of Ingolstadt after the jesuits were suppressed in 1773 but his approach was different than the other dogmatic jesuits. Weishaupt and other Illuminati members such as Bode, Nicolai and Knigge wrote pamphlets with an anti-jesuit rhethoric, were in favor of anti-religious absolutism (worshipers of Reason), which sparked rivalry with the Rosicrucians, practicers of mysticism and kabbalism, who recruited jesuits.
The same internal conflict between rational philosophers (masonic illuminati) and the Church (jesuit rosicrucians) occurred in cities like Vienna.
Their goal was to introduce an 'anarchist' social reorganization (Rousseau primitivism), found an anti-religious republic (collapse of old religions) and eventually dominate the world. Those 'plans' were published by Bavarian authorities and spread in the press.
Overview of Illuminati mythologization
1797 the master plan for world domination,
'accidentally' found by the Bavarian police, is spread by John Robison (Royal Society of Edinburgh, linked to
modern Freemasonry, friend of James Watt from the Lunar Society). He
publishes 'Proofs of a Conspiracy Against all the Religions and
Governments of Europe', based on the story of Benedictine monk Alexander
Horn, who worked for British intelligence and, like the Rothschilds,
had links to the Thurn und Taxi family and Earl Spencer, ancestor of Diana Spencer.
Jesuits like Pope Angelo Braschi and Augustin Barruel ('Memoirs' blamed Jesuit-controlled Frederick II, Jesuit Voltaire and his Nine Sisters lodge) tell the tale of a Jewish Illuminati plot against the Catholic Church. Barruel spreads the rumor that the Illuminati continued to exist as a German Union and that Weishaupt was allegedly initiated by kabbalist Kolmer and Cagliostro, in 'Against Philosophes, Freemasons, the Illuminati and the Jacobins'. The 2nd edition of Robison's book uses quotes from Burruel.
The term 'Illuminati' is used in the US
by Jedediah Morse (Yale) as an accusation against Thomas Jefferson and
George Washington (family of Legge-Dartmouth, Society of Cincinatti with
jesuit von Stauben) and an anti-Masonry party is formed. Washington is
also depicted with Minerva's owl in the painting
'The Apotheosis of Washington'.
1802 Seth Payson 'Proof of the Illuminati'.
1830 Johan Wit 'Les Sociétés Secrètes de France et
1835 used as an accusation against Andrew Jackson who
paid off the national debt.
1878 anti-communist Pope Leo XIII calls for the
publication of Alta Vendita (Lodge of
Giuseppe Mazzini's Carbonari), the rumor of a liberal conspiracy
within the church against the Bourbons (= Farnese family, who founded
the Jesuits).
1890 jesuit Leo Taxil spreads an anti-Freemasonry
hoax, in which Giuseppe Mazzini
is said to be leader of the Illuminati. Leopold Engel pretends to revive
the Illuminati with Theodor Reuss of the Ordo
Templo Orientis, writes 'Geschichte des Illuminaten-ordens'
(1906). Reuss was part of the Cecil-controlled
circle of the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn.
1896 Theodor Reuss (OTO as revival of the Illuminati) History of the Illuminati order.
1912 Aleister Crowley, in the service of Cecils, as head of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), mentions in a manifesto the Illuminati as one of 20 inspirations (including Mohammed and Moses as OTO saints). AE Waite is said to have been influenced by a book by Karl von Eckartshausen.
The OTO works with Carl Jung, descendant of Johann Sigmund Jung, at Monte Verità.
1914 René Le Forestier 'Les Illuminés
de Bavière et la franc-maçonnerie allemande'.
1920 the British empire spreads The
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, starts planning the League
of Nations (later United Nations).
Nesta Webster, supported by Winston Churchill, with 'the Jewish Peril' spreads the idea of a jewish Illuminati plot to create an anti-semitic and anti-communist climate in Germany in which Erich Ludendorff can recruit Nazi supporters with the Thule Society.
1921 Nesta Webster, in her book 'World
Revolution in 1798', states that Rothschilds
financed the Illuminati (repeated by antisemite Spiridovich and Eric Jon
Phelps, who equates the Illuminati with Jesuits).
Winfield Riefler launches the term 'military industrial complex'.
1927 Nesta Webster 'Secret Societies'.
1951 jesuit and Knight of Malta Frank Shakespeare (later ambassador to the Vatican) introduces the Saturnian one eye symbol of CBS.
1955 William Guy Carr 'Pawns in the Game' repeats the story of Barruel, Robison and Webster, spreads disinfo about fluoride in drinking water in News Behind the News.
1966 jesuit Carrol Quigley 'Tragedy
and Hope' (published by Macmillan, Harold Macmillan 1st Secretary of
England, married to Dorothy Cavendish, linked to the Cecils).
1977 Robert
Anton Wilson (from the club of jesuit CIA agent
Timothy Leary, Esalen institute,
Playboy, Philip
K. Dick, The Realist of Paul
Krassner) publishes 'Cosmic Trigger: Final Secret of the
Illuminati'. The one eye at the top of a pyramid becomes a ubiquitous
symbol and cliché in pop culture. Wilson
practices deception as an art in the style of Crowley, as part of
Operation Chaos of the CIA/Order
of Malta, to discredit the anti-war movement. The Nation owas created as controlled opposition against Illuminati jews, influencing New
York hip hop culture. Rich Isaacson
(Cornell University, Loud Records) introduces Hip
Hop artists who continue to use the term Illuminati: Prodigy from
Mobb Deep, Tupac Shakur
(relationship with daughter of jesuit Quincy
Jones, last album Killuminati), Jay-z,
etc ..).
BBC introduces celebrity David
Icke (son of a rabbi) and Alex Jones.
G. Edward
Griffin (JBS, Anarchopulco, Thrive) stated the Rothschild dynasty was the driving force behind Bank of America in 'The Creature from Jekyll Island', like Derek Wilson in 'Rothschild:
The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty', and Gustavus Myers in 'History of the
Great American Fortunes'.
The fiction of Dan Brown
(educated at Le Rosey like
the Rothschilds) was promoted on
National Geographic (Disney, Rupert
Murdoch -Order of St Gregory). Anthony Sutton (Hoover
Institution) and Kris Millegan claim that Skull
and Bones is part of the German Illuminati.
1999 Fitz
Springmeier 'Illuminati Bloodlines' and in 2000 'The Illuminati
Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind-Controlled Slave'
(disinfo about mind control with
Cisko Wheeler -Earl Wheeler linked to Jesuit Lyndon
Johnson, One Eye Pyramid symbolism).
Christians like Fritz Springmeier, SGT Report, Vigilant Citizen, Carolyn Hammett, Rebecca Scott, Mark Dice tell the story of an illuminati plot against the Christian church, in which the Satanist Illuminati takes over the role of the Devil. Project Camelot features fake whistleblowers like James Casbolt, Leo Zagami, Jesuit Benjamin Fulford, Svali, .. Disinfo from Arizona Wilder, Cathy O'Brien, Roseanne Barr, Illuminatiwatcher, Vigilant Citizen ..
It is often emphasized that the Illuminati originated in Bavaria (river Danube, named after the Aryan Tribe of Dan) because Bavaria is where the Guelph dynasty and eventually the British royal family originated (Antichrist William V). Bavaria was ruled by the house of Wittelsbach, associated with the novel Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and many illustrious figures such as Ludwig II (whose castle was the inspiration for the Disney castle), Richard Wagner and his Bayreuth festival, Richard Strauss, Albert Einstein, Levi Strauss, Thomas Mann, Claus von Stauffenberg, Goering, Himmler, Josef Mengele, Pope Ratzinger, Henry Kissinger, ..
Warner Bros releases Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut, filmed in Mentmore Towers of the Rothschilds, the idea of a sinister Illuminati conspiracy that also controls the music industry is brought into the collective consciousness of mainstream audiences.
2001 the 911 Twin Towers ritual with Youtube video's linking Jay-z and masonic One Eye Pyramid symbolism to Rockefeller, Rothschilds and the Illuminati. The ancient One Eye and One Pyramid symbol are made tropes in pop culture, leading to denial and indifference.
2003 Monika Neugebauer-Wölk (and Reinhard Markner, Herman Schüttler) 'Arcane Worlds in a Political Context'
2004 Peggy Pawlowski 'Johann Adam Weishaupt's Contribution to the Pedagogy of Illuminatism'.
2006 Columbia Pictures of the Colonna's released The Da Vinci Code as an attempt to link Rosslyn Chapel (owned by the St. Clair family, related to Rothschild through Serena Dunn Mary) with Pierre Plantard 's 'Priory of Sion' hoax and insinuate that the elite bloodline of the royal family is not a bloodline of psychopaths but are descendants of Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ.Texe Marrs 'Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati' (links Scottish rite symbols to the Illuminati hoax, promoted by Alex Jones). Terry Melanson 'Perfectibilists (Trine Day).
2009 Mark Dice 'Illuminati: Facts and Fiction'.
Every time the death of a celebrity is announced, the internet rumor mill is fueled with insinuations that they were murdered by the Illuminati because they knew too much (Lincoln, JFK, Marilyn Monroe, John Lennon, 2pac, Diana, Stanley Kubrick, Prince, ..). Ron Howard's Angels and Demons with Ewan McGregor and Ayelet Zurer about antimatter of CERN.
2010 Rebecca Scott 'Hip Hop Illuminati' (Christians good-Illuminati bad).
2011 Steve Jackson 'Illuminati Card Game'. Casper Stith links the Illuminati hoax to the Flat Earth hoax. Mark Dice 'Illuminati in the Music Industry'.
2015 Reinhard Markner (University of Innsbruck) 'The Secret School of Wisdom: The Authentic Rituals of the Illuminati'.
2016 Henry Makow 'Illuminati the Cult that Hijacked the World'. The overt Satanism of jesuit Lady Gaga is used as a diversion in the Qanon story. single Madonna 'Illuminati', Lil Pump 'Illuminati', parody of scenes from Eyes Wide Shut, etc ..
2017 Jim Marrs The Illuminati The Secret Society That Hijacked the World (with one eye pyramid cover).
2020 Jay Electronica (relationship with Kate Rothschild-Guiness) Act II: Patents of Nobility (one eye pyramid) song New Illuminati.