the Green Church
The Green Church is a feel good program of the UN Totalitarian World State and Left Wing Church, where everybody lives in 'smart' cities without privacy, under the guise of 'sustainable development'. Alchemists used mercury poisoning to contaminate the earth and the wildlife of its oceans. The Lunar Society created the Industrial Revolution to separate man from its natural habitat Earth. Green is the color of the heart chakra. | ![]() |
1884 the jesuits found the Fabian Society with mason John Ruskin who starts writing about environmental issues (Uranus energy of the Age of Aquarius).
1914 OTO center Monte Verita (alternative lifestyle community).
1930s Wandervogel movement of Hans Bluher (pedophilia agenda).
1948 Henry Fairfield Osborn Jr (son of eugenicist Henry Fairfield Osborn) Our Plundered Planet.
1961 the WWF is founded by Julian Huxley (League of Nations-United Nations world empire of the Cecils, brother of Aldous Huxley, who announced the Brave New World of modern day society during the Covid19-ritual), Philip Mountbatten, nazi Bernhard Lippe and Godfrey A. Rockefeller (S&B). | ![]() |
Godfrey Rockefeller was trained at Philips Academy (alumni like George HW Bush). The jesuits of the CIA create a fake counterculture group, called the Merry Pranksters with Stewart Brand, trained at elite school Philips Exeter Academy (like Nelson Rockefeller, Dan Brown), also part of the Eight Schools Association, to later play the role of anti-establishment hippie.
1963 Rachel Carson Silent Spring about pesticides.
1968 Aurelio Peccei (Fiat company of the Agnelli family, close to the jesuit Massimo's) founds the Club of Rome.
1969 Greenpeace is founded in Amsterdam by Irving Stowe (Yale), later Ana Toni (Ford Foundation) with Luciferian rainbow logo (Wizard of Oz programming, also in the gay-transgender religion). Philip Mountbatten and Bernard Lippe found the 1001 Club with Mobuto Seke Seke (dictator of Congo) and Anton Rupert (wine company with the Rothschilds). Lippe, Rupert and Knight of Malta Nelson Mandela found the Peace Parks foundation.
1972 the Club of Rome publishes The Limits of Growth.
The term eco-nazi is an accurate description because prince Philip, NASA all have a nazi past and have done nothing more than a PR-switch, where they pretend to care about something else than power. Brice Forbes Lalonde, cousin of jesuit John Kerry is advisor of the UN on 'sustainable development', politician of the Green Party in France. The Green Party in Belgium is founded by jesuit pedophile Luc Versteylen.
1970 Richard Nixon creates the Environment Protection Agency. Norman Borlaug (Green Revolution, funded by Rockefeller Foundation) is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
1980 German party Die Gruhnen of Joseph Beuys (Hitler Youth), marxist Joshka Fischer (CFR) with a faction pushing the pedophilia agenda.
1982 Koyaaniqatsi of Godfrey Reggio (affiliated with WWF) music by Philip Glass. Findhorn eco-village (UN Environment Programme). media ritual with radical environmentalist Ted Kaczynski (interview with Earth First! activist).
1987 Maurice Strong and Mikhail Gorbachev (members of The Club of Rome) write the Earth Charter, calling themselves the 'United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development' with jesuit Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Steven Clark Rockefeller, Jordan 'princess' Basma bint Talal (family of jesuit King Abdullah), jesuit Ruud Lubbers.
1992 the Kyoto Protocol is created by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (George W Bush played the role of conservative villain). Other priests of the Green Church are Yann Arthus-Bertrand (Chirac Foundation, financed by the Pinault family), Andrew Shapiro (CFR, GreenOrder), jesuit Pat Lemarche (Green Party).
2001 Green Party US with Jello Biafra (program Punk Rock), Malik Rahim (Black Panther Party), Jill Stein (jewish, promoted Democracy Now! and Occupy Wall Street), Roseanne Barr, Ralph Nader,..
2007 Al Gore founds the Climate Church.
2010 the BP oil spill ritual with William Reilly (WWF, American Farmland Trust with David Rockefeller's wife).
2017 Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro become the new villains for the Green Church. As part of the new world religion all monuments are lighted in green, to conquer Earth (green heart chakra).
2020 Australian bush fires (Apocalypse=Apollo's eclipse).