the Black Church
The Black Church is a branch of the Luciferian Left Wing Church (the Left Hand Path), used to manipulate black people by triggering trauma, inferiority or superiority complex to create riots and fake protests to become an antagonist of the Right Wing Church (the White Church). |
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The Black Church is very closely associated with the cultural marxist program Hip Hop, that uses mind controlled slaves to promote violence, crime, drug abuse and moral relativism.
The most visible priests and icons in the Black Church are Marcus Garvey, Haile Selassie, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Jesse Jackson, Angela Davis, Public Enemy, Stokely Carmichael, Maya Angelou, James Baldwin, Bayard Rustin, Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, Bob Marley, Barack Obama, Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Nas, Jay-z, Beyoncé, Alicia Keys, John Legend, Lil Wayne, Mos Def, Common, Spike Lee, Erykah Badu, Kendrick Lamar, Jay Electronica, Nina Simone, Lupe Fiasco, Jill Scott, Richard Pryor, Trayvon Martin, Raoul Peck and the fake Black Lives Matter movement.
The Saturn cult consists of psychopaths who have a superiority complex, think they have a 'divine right to rule' other races, because of their DNA. Like all other groups, blacks are manipulated as pawns, with fake leaders and puppets who mislead with black supremacist cults and betray them (the Divide and Conquer strategy of the Roman Empire).
Black slaves became a commodity in the Atlantic sugar and slave trade of the Catholic Church, jewish elite families and the British Empire, were sold at a market at Wall Street in New York.
1787 Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade of Thomas Clarkson and Granville Sharp and 9 Quakers (Religious Society of Friends, crypto-jews).
1788 During the French Revolution the Society of Friends of the Blacks (jesuit Marquis de La Fayette) played a role in the staged Haitian Revolution. The Dominicans let the black slaves flee Haiti to Philadelphia to spread yellow fever.
1793 Benjamin Rush (APS, in charge of the response to yellow fever in Philadelphia) helps Richard Allen and Absolom Jones found the African Methodist Episcopal Church (Frederic Douglass and Harriett Tubman).
Abraham Lincoln and Elihu Washburne are described in history books as 'anti-slavery', but Washburne was connected to the S&B families Stark and Draper, pretended to be a supporter of civil rights of African Americans, founded the Republican Party, start of the left wing - right wing political game.
Black slaves were not brought back to Africa but put in ghetto's to play black-white duality games, and continue slavery in a more subtle way. Total slavery, in contrast with limited freedom, continued in China and India.
1881 the Rockefellers (Laura Spelman Rockefeller) found Spelman College in Atlanta for black women.
1884 the jesuits (Massimo family) and Quakers (Edward Pease) found the socialist Fabian Society, the wolf on sheep's clothing tactic.
The Saxe-Coburg family (a black slave on their coat of arms) colonize Africa, profit from free labour and mining companies with the Rothschild and Oppenheimer families. South Africa is conquered by Cecil Rhodes (de Beers company).
1904 Robert Abele (related to Absolom Jones) and Henry McKee Minton found pedophilia cult Sigma Pi Phi (the Boulé) in Philadelphia.
1909 Charles Edward Russell, Stephen Wise and Boulé member W.E.B. Du Bois found the NAACP.
1910 rise of jazz in New Orleans.
1911 founding of sodomy cult Omega Psi Phi at Howard University by Edgar Amos Love of NAACP (Vernon Jordan, MLK Sr, Bayard Rustin, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Michael Jordan, Khalid Muhammed,..).
1916 Marcus Garvey moves from Jamaica to Harlem, he is trained to lead the Pan African movement.
1918 Oswald Spengler publishes the 'Decline of the West', announcing the death of Western Civilization around the year 2000, which would lead to 200 years of authoritarian Caesarism (the Colonna's claim descent of Julius Caesar, =the Roman Emperor, Mars, Horus).
1919 WEB Du Bois organizes the first Pan-African Congress. popularization of the boxing sport.
1923 the jewish intellectuals of the Frankfurt School found the Left Wing Church, develop the 'Critical Theory', deconstructing every moral rule, to let western civilization collapse through external influences, the blueprint for the modern society and modern art in the Aeon of Horus. The school collaborates with The New School of John Dewey.
Harlem Renaissance (Alain Locke, Langston Hughes, Cotton Club with Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Ethel Waters) promoted by Elizabeth Marburg (agent of Fabian GB Shaw, Colony Club with daughter of JP Morgan) and Max Eastman.
1930's another Saturnian cult is created in Jamaica, the black supremacist Rastafari movement, worshiping Haile Selassie of the Akhenaten Beta Israel bloodline, the king of Ethiopia as Christ like Saviour. Rastafarianism is Judaism (with the Saturnian Star of David and Lion of Judah), repackaged for the black slaves. | ![]() |
In Detroit Wallace Fard Muhammed creates the black supremacist cult the Nation of Islam.
Steve Biko founds the black nationalist Black Consciousness Movement and Pan Africanist Congress (his wife Mamphela Ramphele is a puppet of the World Bank and the Club of Rome) as a branch of the cult of Pan (=Saturn, the black sun).
Impoverished blacks are imprisoned in ghetto's (Projects), Saturnian boxes, in worship of Saturn, the god of blackness, poverty, fear, materialism. Knight of Malta Miles Davis is made into an icon of the jazz movement and the New Cool, giving African Americans a new sense of pride.
1941 Franz Boas' student Mel Herskovits The Myth of the Negro Past.
1943 Stormy Weather of Irving Mills (jewish), first Hollywood film of 20th Century Fox with black cast (Lena Horne, Cab Calloway, Harold Arlen).
The music industry uses black artists Nina Simone, Ray Charles (mind controlled with heroin). Theodor Adorno in 'Spengler after the Downfall' considers WW2 as the end of civilization.
1946 After Isaac Woodward, jesuit and Knight of Columbus Francis Mathews leads the Committee for Civil Rights.
1948 Mel Herkovits founds the first African studies department at Northwestern University, funded by Carnegie and Ford Foundation.
1950 Leonard Chess (jewish) founds Chess Records to promote program blues.
1954 Richard Wright (New Masses with Max Eastman of CIA front ACCF) coins the term Black Power.
The fake Civil Rights Movement
1955 CIA agent Herbert Marcuse publishes 'Eros and Civilisation' (eros= the rose Venus, the lightbringer) as a blueprint for the fake gay liberation movement in Greenwich Village and the fake black liberation movement in California, promoted by Columbia University. The jesuits use jesuit trained Mamie Till, mother of Emmett Till in a media ritual with Emmett Till as the child Horus, icon of the Civil Rights Movement (white guilt narrative). Pluto (dark secrets, shadow) in Virgo era: Montgomery bus boycott with Rosa Parks (Alpha Kappa Alpha).
1957 debut album of Ray Charles.
1958 Emmanuel Charles Edwards founds the Rastafarian Bobo Ashanti cult in Jamaica, based on the teachings of Leonard Howell and Marcus Garvey, named after the Ashanti tribe in Ghana.
1959 Berry Gordy founds Motown Records.
1961 murder of Patrice Lumumba (UN) as martyr of the Pan-African movement. As part of MK Ultra mind control research, Columbia University orders research on social experiments with Africans (subproject 123, 1960-1961). Motown releases 1st album of Marvin Gaye.
Angela Davis, student of Herbert Marcuse at Zionist Brandeis University, promotes the philosophy of dialectic liberation, with characters like Michael X (Saturn symbol). Nation of Islam with Elijah Muhammed who trains Muhammed Ali, Louis Farrakhan and Malcolm X (daughter jesuit, portrayed by jesuit Denzel Washington). Knight of Malta Nelson Mandela cooperates with nazi Knight of Malta Bernhard Lippe (1001 Club, with Mobutu Seke Seke).
1963 Julian Bond's Students Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and Bayard Rustin (gay agenda) organizes the March on Washington, a media ritual in front of Lincoln statue with fasces-fascism symbol and Saturnian obelisk with mind controlled celebrities Bob Dylan, Joan Boaz and The New School trained puppets James Baldwin, Harry Belafonte (daughter Disney actress), Marlon Brando and Sydney Poitier (Disney), Sammy Davis Jr, Alice Walker, Charles Heston (Jolyon West as handler), jesuit Philip Berrigan, Roy Wilkins (NAACP, Omega Psi Phi), ..
The Congress for Racial Equality organizes the Martin Luther King 'I have a dream' media ritual, with Zionist Joachim Prinz, in front of the obelisk of Columbia, the phallus of Saturn. The idealism of 'I have a dream' was an expression of the Neptune (idealism, dreams) in Scorpio (death, dark secrets) era of the 60's.
Marsha Emanuel, from a hardcore Zionist family, mother of Zeke Emanuel (part of the Covid19 scam and Massimo controlled Center for American Progress) and Hollywood mogul Ari Emanuel, leads the Congress of Racial Equality.
The JFK murder ritual followed the script of Spengler's 'Decline of the West', a description of the collapse of the Roman Empire by external influences. He is replaced by jesuit Lyndon Johnson. Disguised as 'the Civil Rights Movement', the jesuits introduce reforms: jesuit Michael Harrington introduces the concept of 'war on poverty'.
Robert Kennedy played his role in promoting the fake Civil Rights movement and NAACP. John Dewey (ACCF, Stephen Rockefeller as biographer, friend of Henri Bergson) organised the march in Illinois, controlled by Knight of Columbus Richard Daley and founded the leftist institute The New School, and made school indoctrination mandatory through the American public school education. Howard University trains civil rights activist Andrew Young.
1964 the Civil Rights Act designed by jesuit Theodore Hesburgh, chairman of Rockefeller foundation and Chase bank who funded the nazi's. Rockefeller Foundation funds Fisk University, Atlanta University, Tuskegee University and Ralph Ellison (The Invisible Man). Atlantic Records releases 'soul music' of Otis Redding and Isaac Hayes.
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1965 assassination of Malcolm X. Media ritual in march at Selma, Alabama of crossing the abyss/bridge by mason Martin Luther King at 33d parallel (most important nr in Scottish rite masonry, 'reaching Jeru-salema', the sacred marriage of sun and moon). He worked with jesuit James Pike (HHS), Theodore Hesburgh CFR, Andrew Young CFR, was covered in the NY Times by Harrison Salisbury CFR. |
The beating of Amelia Boynton, linked it the ritual to the crossing of the Boyne and rise of Martin Luther's protestantism in 1690. The bridge is named after Edmund Pettus, Grand Dragon of the KKK. Governor George Wallace represented Saturn (liberation, breaking through the wall of Saturn).
As a problem-reaction-solution trick the jesuits
(Philip Hart) introduce the National Immigration Act
for mass immigration (the Multiculti
Church) from third world countries, altering the demographic mix
of the US, dependent on socialist
government (Great Society, Knights of
Malta jesuit Jack Valenti MPAA and jesuit Joseph Califano).
Multiculturalism and mass
immigration becomes official policy in Western nations, while white
supremacists continue to rule.
1966 the CIA founds the Black Panther Party with characters Huey Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland. The black panter was an animal of Dionysus, symbolizes Saturn (=Pan), the Beast 666, repressed sexual desire, dark people as the release of repressed trauma and dark desires, the iconic raised fist as black phallus of Saturn (year of founding of Church of Satan of Anton LaVey, media figure who lives in a black house in San Francisco). Paul Cecil orchestrates the Olympics Black Power salute.
Other Civil Rights Movement puppets: Rosa Parks, Muhammad Ali, W.E.B. Du Bois, Alain Locke of Howard University (Rhodes Scolarship, 'the New Negro' giving rise to the Harlem Renaissance), Ralph Bunche (OSS and United Nations, wife Miriam Makeba also UN), Paul Simon (Columbia Records), Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Black Panthers (Assata Shakur), Huey Newton, Stokely Carmichael,..
Donyale Luna is put on the cover of Vogue, used in Andy Warhol films and promoted as first black supermodel (black moon archetype, died of heroin overdose in 1979). Miriam Makeba and Nina Simone are used in the Greenwich Village scene.
1968 Nathan Hare (Howard University, teacher of Stokely Carmichael) establishes the first Black Studies at San Francisco State University and founds The Black Scholar with Ossie Davis (married to Ruby Dee), Angela Davis and Shirley Graham Du Bois. Carmichael marries Miriam Makeba and moves to Guinea as friend of its first president.
MLK murder ritual to cause riots, murder of Bobby Hutton, funeral with actor Marlon Brando -the Neptune in Scorpio (death, dark secrets) era, launching of the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucas. James Brown records Black and Proud. Rise of Reggae trend in Jamaica. Bob Marley plays a role in creating a global pop culture.
Stokely Carmichael participates in the Dialectics of Liberation conference with Allen Ginsberg, RD Laing and Herbert Marcuse.
The banning of Walter Rodney by Hugh Shearer in Jamaica leads to the Rodney Riots and founding of Black Power magazine Abeng (jesuit Trevor Munroe).
In the 70's Hollywood produces Blaxploitation movies with black pimp characters (Pam Grier in Coffy of MK Ultra linked Samuel Arkoff, later in movie of Disney director Quentin Tarantino).
1975 Muhammad Ali is promoted as icon of Black Pride in the media.
1980's JM Basquiat (theme of colonialism and racism), promoted by Debbie Harry.
NBC show Miami Vice black and white duo's representing the black and white pillars of masonry, good cop bad cop. Characters Dr Dre and Ice Cube (N.W.A. with Mossad agent Jerry Heller) are used in commercials for a criminal and violent lifestyle as icons of black liberation. The Colonna's (Columbia) makes Michael Jackson (black and white in one) the biggest pop star in the world. NBC introduces Eddie Murphy.
1984 The Cosby Show NBC Bill Cosby (Omega Psi Phi) Phylicia Rashad (Alpha Kappa Alpha), Malcolm-Jamal Warner (Professional Children's School), Raven Symoné, Lisa Bonet (later married Lenny Kravitz), produced by Gary Kott (Tau Epsilon Phi).
1985 The Color Purple (Alice Walker, AKA, Spelman College) Whoopi Goldberg Oprah Winfrey.
1987 Martin Bernal (jewish) Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Civilization Rutgers University Press, with Mary Lefkowitz (jewish) and Jacques Berlinerblau (jewish, Georgetown) as debunker. Def Jam (Bill Adler as publicist) and Columbia release debut album of Public Enemy.
Black music as cultural marxism
1990 As a masonic ritual Nelson Mandela (Order of Malta) is released from prison on Robbeneiland on the 33d parallel after 33 years to become president of South Africa (new style of imperialism). Public Enemy Fight the Power music video of Spike Lee with Nation of Islam.
1991 Rodney King media ritual to cause racial tension.
cultural marxist Hip Hop program, promotion of crime, violence, sexism and nihilism, with mind controlled slaves sold as black empowerment and social justice. Tupac Shakur from Black Panther family is promoted as a saviour Christ figure. Gradually more black role models are presented on tv and in movies: Whitney Houston, Will Smith, Janet Jackson, Morgan Freeman, Terrence Howard, Queen Latifah, Lenny Kravitz, Chris Rock, Wu Tang Clan, Puff Daddy, Jamie Foxx, Erykah Badu, Jada Pinkett Smith, Spike Lee, Halle Berry, Mos Def, Samuel Jackson, Nas, Chris Brown, Ludacris, Denzel Washington, John Legend, T.I., Naomi Campbell, Dave Chapelle, Kevin Hart, Aaliyah, ...
1995 Louis Farrakhan organizes the Million Man March with Benjamin Chavis (NAACP), Rosa Parks, Betty Shabaz, Jesse Jackson, Martin Luther King III.
1997 Million Woman March with Jada Pinkett, Winnie Mandela, Maxine Waters and the daughters of Malcolm X, promoted by AKA.
1998 Julian Bond as president of NAACP.
2000 Raoul Peck (Haitian Minister of Culture) Lumumba. Jamaican Dancehall music popularized by Sean Paul (Sephardic jew).
2001 Viacom buys BET of Bob Johnson (Kappa Alpha Psi).
Jay-z and Kanye West are glorified as successfull black entrepreneurs that overcame the odds and racist prejudices. Interscope (linked to Disney) presents priests of a materialistic death cult, like Dr Dre, Snoop Dogg , 50 Cent, Lil Wayne and Rick Ross, as role model for white teenagers ('wigger' phenomenon). | ![]() |
Blacks are given false hope with jesuit puppets Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey.
2009 Abigail Disney produces the movie Woman liberation in Africa.
Black mind controlled sex slaves as Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Alicia Keys, Ciara, Missy Elliot, Brandy, Cardi B, Blac Chyna (Kardashian) who play the role of Whore of Babylon are promoted as icons of 'black culture' (black pillar, the Left Hand Path of Lucifer).
The matrix system traps people in mental programs, identifying with creed, nationality, color. The UN and puppets like Russell Brand create division around Saturnian character Black Pete (december=Saturnalia), media focuses on Colin Kaepernick or offensive quotes of Right Wing politicians. Predictive programming of BLM protests Rise in Planet of the Apes (Caesar, subconscious programming to view blacks as monkeys).
2012 Trayvon Martin media ritual with Shriner Tracy Martin, George Zimmerman (year before birth William's child George) and lawyer Benjamin Crump (=Donald Trump, OPP) in Sandford Florida. Million Hoodie March like Anonymous.
2014 movie 'Selma' dramatization of fake fight for the meaningless right to vote for political puppets, glorifying masonic puppet MLK, by HarpoFilms of Oprah Winfrey, whose Oprah magazine is owned by the Hearst family, career launched by Roger King of CBS (Colonna). Michael Brown media ritual on 8/9, Ferguson riots (apocalyptic race war of Revelation 9).
2016 Raoul Peck I Am Not Your Negro, based on life of James Baldwin.
2017 Unite the Right rally (Zionist puppet Trump as white supremacist villain) with BLM as antagonists.
2019 Lori Lightfoot (lesbian agenda) as mayor of Chicago.
2019 Harriet Cynthia Erivo as Harriet Tubman (Methodist, abolitionist movement with Frederick Douglass) Leslie Odom Jr Janelle Monae.
2020 During the mass incarceration Covid19 ritual, the media industry orchestrated another hoax, the George Floyd media ritual, a copy of the Erica Garner ritual as the start of a new breed of extreme militant, violent 'social justice' warriors of the Left Wing Church, to create a race war with the Right Wing Church, which as a result also becomes more aggressive and racist.
The fake Black Lives Matter protests were the only protests allowed during worldwide imprisonment, leading to riots and burning cars, endorsed by CNN. Cultural marxists invent the term 'white privilege' and 'cultural appropiation', the replacement of white by black as needed and 'justice', leading to political correctness as extreme form of mind control through language (not allowed to say black coffee but coffee without milk, media rituals about Justin Bieber's dreadlocks, etc..).
BLM is funded by Bayer, Bank of America, BP, Citigroup, Ford Foundation, GM, Goldman Sachs, Google, Open Society Foundations (cultural marxist David Rieff), jesuit trained George Soros-Schwarzenberg (London School of Economics of the Fabian Society, used as distraction) and Mabel Wisse-Smit Saxe-Coburg, the same bloodline that is responsible for the murder of millions of Africans. It is promoted by Disney celebrities like Selena Gomez.
The administration of jesuit Joe Biden represents the new style of multiculti-fascism using women and blacks to create a more human image to cover up their imperialistic agenda.
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mind controlled slaves are used
to program the white slaves with white guilt (Rosanna
Arquette, Macklemore,
Eminem,..). Jesuit Brian Helgeland makes the biopic of
Jackie Robinson '42', jesuit Effie Brown makes 'Dear White
People', announcing a new sort of cocky black supremacism, blaming
all white slaves instead of their actual slavemasters (the Saxe-Coburgs)
and to trigger the white supremacists in the Divide and Conquer
puppet game. |
Harry Spencer and Meghan Markle are promoted in the media as icons of open mindedness and tolerance. Paul Soros, brother of George Soros/Schwartz invents the Fellowship for 'New Americans' for Vivek Murthy of the Covid 19 hoax team of jesuit Joe Biden.
Jay Electronica promotes the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan.
2021 more gay-transgender
propaganda with Lizzo, RuPaul, Lil Nas X.
2022 Till HBO produced by Barbara Broccoli (MI6 propaganda James Bond) Orion Pictures Danielle Deadwyler Whoopi Goldberg (The Color Purple) as Alma Chinonye Chukwu (Zeta Phi Beta like Tatyana Ali of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Anita Hill, Angie Stone, Dionne Warwick, Sara Vaughan, Vivica Fox, Chaka Kahn and Rhona Bennett)
2022 Women of the Movement ABC Adrienne Warren (Wizard of Oz programming in The Wiz, Tina Turner in Tina, Rustin about Bayard Rustin) Glynn Turman (married Aretha Franklin) Carter Jenkins (jewish) produced by Will Smith 's Westrbrookand Jay-z's Roc Nation (Live Nation) and Aaron Kaplan (jewish)
The endgoal
of the Black Church is a raceless, genderless cyborg slave race.