Controlled opposition

It has always been a tactic of slavemasters to create and lead opposition themselves: from the Roman Empire incorporating Christianity as a means to appease the slaves, mythology of the Illuminati, from communist regimes springing from the discontent of repressed workers, to Flat Earth psy-ops, New Age ufo alien religions,...

They always give false hope by promise some external saviour (Jesus, extraterrestials, Anonymous hackers, zero point energy, Trump, Qanon, a secret alliance, Ashtar Command, cryptocurrencies..).

Nearly all channels on Youtube (Google) with large following are controlled. In contrast with communist internet in China, in western countries a lot of distraction, deception and fake opposition is used to give the illusion of a free internet, while applying the same heavy censorship and let search engines monitor the search results.

Controlled opposition:

United States

- Above Top Secret
- Activist Post
- Adam Kokesh (Anarchopulco, RT, FYM)
- Alex Collier (Project Camelot)
- Alex Jones Infowars (classic example, king of controlled opposition, constantly making a fool of himself on CNN, promoting distractions like Illuminati and Bilderberg, campaigning for jesuit Donald Trump)
- Alfred Webre (Project Camelot, FYM)
- Alison McDowell (Truthiverse of Brendan D Murphy)
- American Media Group
- Anarchopulco (Jeff Berwick, Ron Paul, Mark Passio, G. Edward Griffin)
- Andrew Basiago (fake whistleblower, FYM)
- Andrew Tate (Infowars)
- Annie Jacobsen
- Anonymous (mask based on jesuit Guy Fawkes)
- Arizona Wilder (disinfo about Project Monarch)
- Barbara Marciniak (channeling of Pleiadians)
- Benjamin Fulford (jesuit, Project Camelot)
- Ben Swann (Mormon university, ABC, RTPizzagate psyop, Anarchopulco)
- Bill Ryan (Project Camelot)
- Billy Carson
- Bitchute (James Corbett)
- Breitbart News (jesuit Steve Bannon)
- Brendan D Murphy (Truthiverse, David Icke, Alison McDowell, Michael Tsarion, Robert David Steele)
- Brian Desborough
- Brice Taylor (disinfo about Project Monarch)
- Bridget Nielsen
- Brighteon
- Candace Owens (pro-Trump)
- Carl Karcher (Order of Malta)
- Carroll Quigley (jesuit)
- Casper Stith (Flat Earth)
- Catherine Austin Fitts (Thrive, Coast to Coast, Gaia, pro-Trump, Covid19 ritual)
- Cathy O'Brien (Mark Philips, disinfo about Project Monarch, FYM, FreemanTV)
- Charlie Sheen
- Coast to Coast AM (jesuit George Noory)
- Collective Evolution (David Wilcock, Deepak Chopra)
- Contact in the Desert
- Corey Goode (Gaia, stories about a fictive Blue Sphere Alliance)
- Corey Lynn (Catherine Austin Fitts)
- Dan Dicks (friend of Alex Jones, focus on Bilderberg)
- Dane Wigington (Bechtel, Coast to Coast)
- Daniel Estulin
- Daniele Ganser
- Dark Journalist (pro Trump, Sacha Stone, Elena Freeland, Peter Dale Scott, Millie Weaver, Nick Begich, Bill Ryan, Michael Cremo, Richard Dolan, Jim Marrs, Catherine Austin Fitts, Russell Targ, Linda Moulton Howe, Joseph Farrell, Cathy O'Brien, Graham HancockRFK Jr)
- David Childress
- David Horowitz
- David Knight (Infowars)
- David Lynch
- David Seaman (Pizzagate hoax)
- David Wilcock (false hope narrative about an Alliance and coming Disclosure, Pizzagate hoax, promoted on Gaia, Project Camelot, Buzzsaw and Collective Evolution)
- Del Bigtree (Plandemic, RFK Jr)
- Democracy Now!
- Dennis McKenna (brother of Terence McKenna, FYM, Joe Rogan)
- Derrick Broze (the Conscious Resistance, RT, Anarchopulco, FYM)
- (David Wilcock, Qanon)
- Disclosure Project
- Donald Marshall (Vinnie Eastwood Show, disinfo about cloning centers)
- Don Elkins and Carla Rueckert (Ra material, promoted by Wilcock)
- Eddie Bravo (flat earth psyop, friend of Joe Rogan and Alex Jones)
- Educate-yourself
- Elena Freeland (Dark Journalist, Sacha Stone, Coast to Coast)
- Erich von Däniken (Project Camelot, Ancient Aliens)
- Foster Gamble Thrive  (documentary feat Catherine Austin Fitts, David Icke, Anarchopulco, FreemanTV)
- Free Your Mind conferences
- Freeman Fly (FreemanTV, Buzzsaw with Sean Stone, Free Your Mind conferences)
- Fritz Springmeier (friend of Alex Jones, FYM, disinfo about Project Monarch)
- Gaia (David Wilcock, Corey Goode)
- Gary Allen (John Birch Society)
- George Edward Griffin (Anarchopulco, John Birch Society)
- George Noory (jesuit, Coast to Coast, Gaia, Ancient Aliens)
- Gerald Posner (jesuit)
- Henry Makow (Veterans Today, Stillness in the Storm)
- HP Albarelli
- Illuminatiwatcher (Isaac Weishaupt)
- Ingo Swann (Scientology)
- Jack Posobiec (Rebel News)
- James Corbett (friend of Alex Jones, Anarchopulco, focus on George Soros and Bilderberg)
- James Fetzer (Coast to Coast, 153News, pro Trump)
- Jay Parker (disinfo about satanic ritual abuse, friend of Mark Passio and Sean Stone, FYM, Alfred Webre, Vinny Eastwood, Richie Allen, Sacha Stone)
- Jay Weidner (FreemanTV)
- Jason Louv (Disinformation Company, Gaia)
- Jeff Berwick (Anarchopulco, financial scam artist)
- Jerome Corsi (jesuit, Infowars, Coast to Coast)
- Jesse Ventura (McMahon's WWE, Reform Party, RT)
- Jim Keith
- Jim Marrs (FYM, Project Camelot, Infowars, WeAreChange, Coast to Coast)
- Jim Sparks (Project Camelot)
- Jim Tucker (Alex Jones clique)
- Joachim Hagopian
- Joe Rogan (friend of Alex Jones, NBC show Fear Factor, Sirius XM, owned by Greg Maffei CFR)
- John Coleman (disinfo about Tavistock and Rothschilds)
- John D Marks
- John McManus (jesuit, John Birch Society)
- John Rhodes (disinfo about reptilians)
- John Titus (Catherine Austin Fitts)
- Jon Rappoport (Infowars, David Icke)
- Jordan Maxwell (the Right Wing Church, guest on Gaia, Joe Rogan, Project Camelot, Truthiverse)
- Joseph Farrell
- Kenn Thomas
- Kerry Cassidy (Project Camelot)
- Laura Eisenhower (FYM, Gaia)
- Len Kasten (Coast to Coast, MUFON, Project Camelot, Gaia)
- Linda Moulton Howe (Coast to Coast, Ancient Aliens,
- Liz Crokin (Pizzagate, Qanon, pro-Trump)
- Luke Rudkowski (friend of Alex Jones, Anarchopulco)
- Mark Dice (friend of Alex Jones)
- Mark Passio (promotes Crowley, claim of being part of LaVey's Church of Satan, friend of Alex Jones)
- Matt Drudge
- Matt Walsh (Joe Rogan)
- Max Keiser (Russia Today)
- Metapedia (Daniel Friberg, Unite the Right)
- Michael Cremo (FYM)
- Michael Moore
- Mike Bara (Ancient Aliens, George Noory)
- Mike Smith (Out of Shadows)
- Millie Weaver (Infowars, pro Trump)
- Miriam Delicado (Project Camelot)
- MUFON (UFO religion)
- Naomi Wolf
- Natural News (pro Donald Trump)
- Neil Sanders
- New American (JBS)
- New Dawn magazine (Robert Schoch, book with Robert Bouval)
- NewsPunch (Pizzagate)
- Nick Begich (HAARP)
- Nick Fuentes
- Noam Chomsky (Institute of Policy Studies of Marcus Raskin, ties to S&B, funded by the Warburgs)
- Occupy Wall Street
- Out of Shadows (Mike Smith, Liz Crokin)
- Parler (Mark Meckler, Capitol attack)
- Paul Bennewitz (Dulce Base hoax)
- Paul Bonacci (Franklin scandal)
- Peter Dale Scott (Dark Journalist)
- Peter Levenda (Project Camelot)
- Pete Peterson (Project Camelot)
- Peter Joseph (Zeitgeist)
- Phylliss Schlemmer
- PragerU (Dennis Prager, Collapse of Europe conference)
- Project Camelot
- Qanon
- Randy Cramer
- Richard Dolan
- Richard Hoagland (face on Mars hoax, Coast to Coast, Project Camelot, mentor of David Wilcock)
- Richie from Boston
- Robert Anton Wilson
- Robert David Steele (CIA, pro-Trump, Qanon, Infowars, RT, Sacha Stone, Truthiverse)
- Robert Kennedy Jr (jesuit)
- Ron Alan (Coast to Coast)
- Ron Patton
- Ron Paul (Anarchopulco)
- Russia Today
- Sasha Stone (New Age Church with Teal Swan, Project Camelot)
- Sean Stone (son of Oliver Stone, produced the movie Pedophilia and Empire, feat disinfo from Ronald Bernard, Cathy O'Brien, Buzzsaw on The Lip tv and Gaia)
- Sethikus Boza (Infowars, Free Your Mind)
- Sevun Bomar
- Sheldan Nidle
- Sgt Report
- Spirit Science
- Steven Greer (Disclosure Project, Thrive, Sirius documentary with jesuit Amardeep Kaleka, Gaia, Project Camelot)
- Stewart Swerdlow (Project Montauk hoax about aliens and time travel, FYM)
- Stillness in the storm
- Terence McKenna (Coast to Coast)
- Terry Melanson
- Texe Marrs (deceased)
- The Higher Side Chat (Whitley Strieber, Richard Dolan, Alison McDowell, Nassim Haramein, Joseph Farrell, RFK Jr)
- The Lip tv (Sean Stone)
- The Millennium Report
- Tim Ballard
- Tony Gosling (Russia Today)
- Trine Day (publisher of Daniel Estulin, Sean Stone, HP Albarelli, Peter Levenda, Jay Dyer)
- Truth Frequency (Anthony Patch, Zachary Hubbard, George Kavasillas, Sean Stone)
- Tucker Carlson
- Unslaved
- (Robert de Niro, Andrew Wakefield)
- Veterans Today
- Victor Marchetti (book with John D Marks)
- Vigilant Citizen (Pizzagate, Jeffrey Epstein)
- Walter Bowart (Mellon family, disinfo about mind control)
- Wes Penre
- Whitley Strieber
- Wikileaks (Assange, Snowden, Manning,..)
- William Cooper
- William Guy Carr
- William Tompkins (Project Camelot)
- Wrenchinthegears (Alison McDowell)
- Zachary Hubbard
- Zecharia Sitchin (LSE, Coast to Coast, disinfo about Anunaki)
- Zeitgeist /Venus Project
- Zero Hedge


- Amazing Polly (pro-Trump)
- Colin Ross
- Jordan Peterson (Joe Rogan Show)
- LifeSiteNews
- Naomi Klein
- Rebel News
- Serge Monast (Project Blue Beam theory, deceased)
- Tom McDonald

United Kingdom

- David Icke (BBC celebrity, friend of Alex Jones, mixing truth with fiction about Illuminati, focus on Rothschild and Rockefeller, disinfo about Project Monarch, Gaia, Project Camelot, Anarchopulco)
- Graham Hancock (guest on Joe Rogan, Gaia, Ted talks, Dark Journalist)
- James Casbolt
- London Real (David Icke, Graham Hancock, Steven Pinker, Rhonda Byrne, G Edward Griffin, Peter Diamandis, Plandemic, Judy Mikovits, Wim Hof, 5G psyop)
- Milo Yiannopoulos
- Nesta Webster (promoter of the Protocols)
- Nick Redfern
- Nigel Farage
- Paul Joseph Watson (friend of Alex Jones)
- Richie Allen (David Icke, Elena Freeland, Stewart Swerdlow, John Hamer, Ray McGovern, Max Igan, Cathy O'Brien, John Perkins, Jeff Berwick, Jim Fetzer, Michael Salla, Norman Finkelstein, Jon Rappoport, Neil Sanders, Eric Karlstrom)
- Russell Brand (Fabian Society)
- Simon Parkes (promoted Trump as saviour, Project Camelot)
- Tommy Robinson (Right Wing Church, Rebel News)
- Vernon Coleman


- acTVsm Munich (Julian Assange, Catherine Austin Fitts)
- Ernst Zündel (Holocaust denial)
- Jan Udo Holey/Jan van Helsing (Vril Society, Illuminati, the Protocols)
- Querdenken (fake protest in Berlin with Atilla Hildmann, Götz Kubitschek, Robert F Kennedy Jr)
- Udo Ulfkotte


- Bases Project (Miles Johnston, Kerry Cassidy, disinfo Max Spears and James Casbolt)
- Michael Tsarion (Crowley-follower, Gaia)


- Ad Broere (story of Ronald Bernard)
- Café Weltschmerz (Willem Engel, Pieter Stuurman, Thierry Baudet, Marie Therese ter Haar, Jeroen Pols, Willem Middelkoop, Erik van der Horst, Karel van Wolferen, Sid Lukassen, Ad Broere, Gideon van Meijeren, Sven Hulleman, Peter Toonen, Anthony Mighels)
- Common Sense tv
- De Andere Krant (Café Weltschmerz)
- De Blauwe Tijger
- De Trueman Show (Jorn Luka, David Icke, Catherine Austin Fitts)
- Gezond Verstand (Karel Van Wolferen)
- Janet Ossebaard
- Jensen
- Lange Frans (Pizzagate)
- Maurice De Hond (Tegenwind)
- Micha Kat (Joris Demminck case)
- OpenUp (Viruswaanzin)
- Rob Scholte
- Ronald Bernhard (worked with Sacha Stone)
- Thierry Baudet
- Tibur Olgers (
- Viruswaanzin
- Willem Engel (Café Weltschmerz, Querdenken event with jesuit Robert Kennedy Jr, Vrij en Sociaal Nederland)
- Willem Middelkoop
- Wim Hof (Ellen DeGeneres, Vice of Hearst, Russell Brand, Joe Rogan, Tony Robbins, Sirius XM, TED Talks)


- Anneke Lucas (Collective Evolution)
- Brecht Arnaert
- Peter Van Eecke (CVP)


- Pierre Barnérias (Hold-up with Catherine Austin Fitts)


- (David Weiss, Santos Bonacci, David Icke, Kerry Cassidy, Jordan Maxwell, George Kavasillas, Simon Parkes, Sacha Stone, Ole Dammegard)
- Ole Dammegard (Anarchopulco, FreemanTV)


- Linda Karlström
- Red Ice (Unite the Right rally)

South Africa

- Credo Mutwa (David Icke, Project Camelot)
- Michael Tellinger (Gaia)


- Avi Yemini (Rebel News)
- Fiona Barnett
- George Kavasillas (Truth Frequency, Project Camelot, Alfred Webre)
- Julian Assange (Pizzagate psyop, transgender agenda with Chelsea Manning)
- Max Igan (Anarchopulco, FreemanTV)
- Michael Salla (Coast to Coast, Ancient Aliens, Qanon)
- Peter Slattery (Thrive)
- Santos Bonacci (Flat Earth psyop)

New Zealand

- Vinny Eastwood Show (Benjamin Fulford, David Icke, Donald Marshall, George Noorey, Jordan Maxwell, Mark Passio, Max Igan, Ole Dammegard, Santos Bonacci, Sacha Stone)


The entire New Age religion (Oprah Winfrey, Edgar Cayce, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, Tony Robbins, Terence McKenna, Ram Dass, Timothy Leary, Spirit Science, Gaia, Drunvalo Melchisedek, Teal Swan,..) is engineered by Luciferians as a preparation for the Luciferian world religion.


Misleading conspiracy theories:

- 5G (spread by David Icke, Sasha Stone, Fritz Springmeier)
- 911 'there were no planes' (Charlie Sheen)
- adrenochrome
- Albert Pike letter to Giuseppe Mazzini as evidence of the Illuminati
- Antarctica (David Wilcock, David Weiss, Jan Van Helsing, Ernst Zündel)
- Area 51 (Bob Lazar, Coast to Coast, Gaia, Steven Greer, Annie Jacobsen)
- Bilderberg as the most important gathering (Dan Dicks, Alex Jones, Daniel Estulin, Tony Gosling, Jim Tucker, Gaia, JBS, Jesse Ventura)
- bloodline of Jesus (Lynn Pickett, Dan Brown, Laurence Gardner)
- Bohemian Grove rituals (Alex Jones and David Icke, Paul Bonacci)
- Committee of 300 (AC Spiridovich, John Coleman, Joachim Hagopian, StillnessInTheStorm)
- crop circles (Thrive movement)
- Deepstate (in contrast with 'good politicians', Peter Dale Scott, Michael Salla, Jerome Corsi, Robert David Steele)
- depopulation agenda of Georgia Guidestones or Bill Gates (David Icke, 153news)
- Die Glocke (Nick Cook, Jim Marrs)
- Dulce base New Mexico (Paul Bennewetz, John Rhodes, fictional Thomas Costello)
- Federal Reserve (G Edward Griffin)
- Flat Earth (B.o.B., Santos Bonacci, Eddie Bravo, Aplanetruth, Casper Stith, David Weiss, Tila Tequila)
- Franklin cover-up (Sean Stone, David Icke)
- George Soros as the ultimate master mind (Alex Jones, James Corbett, David Horowitz, Rebel News)
- Georgia Guidestones (Mark Dice, Jay Weidner)
- Great Reset (WEF as only culprit behind Covid19)
- HAARP (Nick Begich on Coast to Coast, Jesse Ventura, David Icke, Leuren Moret, Richard Hoagland)
- Jade Helm (Greg Abott)
- Jeffrey Epstein distraction (David Wilcock, David Icke, Anonymous, Sean Stone)
- JFK murder/ JFK as good guy (Oliver Stone, Eric Jon Phelps, Fritz Springmeier, Kenn Thomas, Jesse Ventura, Michael Salla)
- Majestic 12 (Stanton Friedman, Bill Moore)
- McMartin school abuse (the Satanic Panic in the 80's)
- Men in black
- Moon landing (Bill Kaysing)
- monoatomic gold
- nazi UFO projects (Vril society, Ernst Zündel)
- New World Order theories
- Operation Gladio (Daniele Ganser, Philip Willan)
- Operation Mockingbird (media control as something that started in 1950)
- Propaganda Due (P2)
- Pizzagate (David Seaman, David Wilcock, Ben Swann, Jack Posobiec of Rebel News)
- Planet X or Nibiru (Zecharia Sitchin)
- Priory of Sion (Pierre Plantard, Dan Brown)
- Project Blue Beam (projection of holographic images, Serge Monast, David Icke, Texe Marrs)
- Project Monarch (Cathy O'Brien, Mark Philips, Fritz Springmeier, Tracy Twyman, Ron Patton, Neil Sanders,, disinfo about mind control)
- Project Montauk (fictional secret project involving aliens and time travel, Stewart Swerdlov, Duncan Cameron, Preston Nichols, Al Bielek, David Wilcock, inspiration for Stranger Things)
- Protocols of Elders of Zion (spread by MI6, repeated by Nesta Webster, David Icke, Ronald Bernhard, Robert David Steele, Serge Monast,..)
- Qanon
- RAND Corporation
- Rockefeller or Rothschilds as the big masterminds (David Icke, David Horowitz)
- Roswell crash (Philip Corso, Bill Moore)
- sacred geometry as something positive
- Stargate Project
- super soldiers (Project Camelot, Jesse Ventura, Max Spears)
- Tartary (Max Igan, Edge of Wonder)
- Tesla free energy technology (Thrive)
- Trump as good guy (Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi, Tucker Carlson, Roseanne Barr, Catherine Austin Fitts, Newt Gingrich, Simon Parkes, Lange Frans, Rebel News)
- UFO's (mostly photoshopped distraction, MUFON, Kenn Thomas)
- Vril Society (Louis Pauwels)
- WEF (Great Reset narrative)
- Wikileaks whistleblowers (Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden)
- Qanon (Alternate Reality Game to promote jesuit Trump as saviour, Fox News)


Misleading coincidence theories

Politicians, the United Nations, the World Bank are all people with good intentions, that organise a fair financial system, helped by the free press that inform the public. The public only has to listen to them and everything will be ok. Pop stars are talented musician who worked hard, followed their dream and were discovered by people from the entertainment industry who care about art and integrity. Covid19 is a virus that appeared by coincidence. The WHO cares about the health of the world population so it's only fair criticising them is not allowed, etc..


The majority of controlled opposition news outlets will give some clue's who is behind the propaganda stream and how news is staged (what the mainstream audience is blind to), but do nothing more than point the finger of blame and trigger fear anger like the mainstream media, repeat how evil 'They' are (keeping people in a victim mentality or duality trap, without doing the inner work, the hardest part, working on yourself).

Traps in 'waking' up



