

The human brain is a torus field, animated by the trinity of soul-mind-body. Its light generates consciousness by produces electromagnetic oscillat-ions (waves). The brain can process sensory and limbic inputs, analyses and transfers in formation but because everything is one, it can also receive other frequencies from other brains/beings, matter, outer space, the geomagnetic sphere, the solar wind, gamma rays,..It is limited to the dimension of the mind-ego-personality.

The brain is studied in neurology and psychology. It consists of amino acids (22 like the cards of the Tarot, two elevens of equilibrium), peptides like endorphins, catechalomines (dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine), trace amines (anima). Ine: the moon. The geometric torus field of the brain is affected by the genome, energy level of the body (sleep, intake of food, level of pressure on the body and mind).

RAND Corporation conducted early brain research.

Stanford University did research on digital mind control through brain-computer interfaces (Norbert Wiener's cybernetics, Michael Arbib).

In 1991 Karl Pribram wrote Brain and Perception, introducing the holonomic brain theory with David Bohm (working according to the holographic principle).

In 2015 Stanford professor David Eagleton hosted The Brain with David Eagleman on PBS. Quantum computing is expected to reach the human brain computing capacity.

DARPA participated in the BRAIN Initiative.

- Left brain/Right Brain
- Components of the brain
- Brain waves
- Parasympathetic/sympathetic system
- The subconscious

Reasonable, rational (Ra-ion-Al) thinking happens in the neocortex (neo=one). The limbic system controls emotions and the reptilian complex the primitive instincts. The brain consists of grey matter with an outside layer of white matter. A distinction can be made between

Left brain thinking: grey matter, male, analytical, rational 'computer thinking', the Executive Attention Network.
Right brain thinking: white matter, female, intuïtive, imagination, empathy, the Default Mode Network.

Generally speaking the EAN, Executive Attention Network (organization and information processing) is in charge of all things that concern this dimension of reality. It represents the male brain, grey matter, analyzing, mathematical, spatial thinking, alpha brainwaves.
The male brain's has 6,5 more grey matter and is 10% bigger because its right hemisphere is slightly larger, but only because it's not organized in the balanced, optimal way as a female brain.

The DMN, Default Mode Network is used for 'daydreaming' (imagination). The DMN, even when it reads, doesn't think in full sentences, but in an intuïtive, visual, mental language, a constant internal monologue, conversation between different opponents with the illusion of one ego. So when the EAN reads, the DMN translates it into thinking language it forms associations and metaphors (a metaphor is not only useful for a poem or in humour, it is essential in understanding and recognizing patterns since nature is fractal, a microcosm works the same way as a macrocosm). While thinking we can zoom in and zoom out, every detail can become a world -fractality, the same way the universe works as shown mathematically by Mandelbrot images.
It allows abstract thinking and self-referential thought.
The reason why people can overlook their daily problems better at night in bed, before they go to sleep is because the DMN than connects with our problem solving modules, the Task Positive Network.

During creativity and imagination, the EAN is shut off partially. The female brain likes to make more connections, in the brain and with other people, making them more verbal. The female brain has 9,5 more connections than the male brain and a thicker corpus callosum, a broader bridge between the two sides so females think more lateral and are better at controlling anger and aggression.

The Left brain and right brain, the masculine and negative have to be in balance (symbolism of the 2 pillars Boaz and Joachin freemasonry, building the Temple of Solomon).

The more white matter, the more connections. The world is connected as one brain, with the internet, an artificial silicon network as overlay, but also through a morphogenetic field, that transfers information to our intuitive senses.

The brain is subdivided into frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe and insular lobe.

Components of the brain

The pineal gland (3d eye)

The pineal gland - and pituitary gland + regulate the flow of electromagnetic energy through the body and brain. The pineal gland transmits frequencies and the pituitary gland receives. Like our other eyes, the pineal gland is also a photosensitive sensor, it turns light that touches the retinas into serotonin - when they register no light, it produces melatonin. It also produces the hormone dimethyltryptamine DMT. The light body can leave the physical body through the pineal gland. When the eyes see nothing but white (an effect noticed by Arctic explorers that encountered blizzard conditions), it also creates altered states of consciousness.

While the role of the pituitary gland is to exercise control over the physical body through endocrine, hormones, the pineal gland exercises control over the mental and spiritual, with both working through a well coordinated system of of hormones and nerves. In a state of long term fasting, energy levels are no longer dependent on the intake of foods, but from the pineal gland, the seat of consciousness and the point from which our spirit exits during sleep and death.

All religions of the Saturn cult practice the Holy Breath process: a fasting month, fasting of all external stimuli, along with long rounds of prayer/meditation, sleep deprivation experienced from night time prayer/meditation in order to cleanse, to decalcify the pineal gland (calcification) so it is flooded and releases DMT.

The thalamus is a relay station (sensation, attention, alertness, memory) and plays a key role in the physical basis of consciousness, also called 'the bridal chamber'.

The prefrontal cortex is our short term working memory, it stores info for 1 minute, with a capacity of 7 items.

The limbic system is a center of emotions, learning and memory. Long term memory is stored in the hippocampus, with an associated emotional response from the amygdala. The hippocampus records facts and events, holds them until they can be formed into long-term memories during sleep. The amygdala, a small section in the center of the brain that controls the intensity and duration of how long a negative emotion like fear or anxiety can disrupt the brain can shrink significantly after weeks of mindfulness meditation, the physical volume of the amygdala shrinks in meditators, and the recovery time from negative emotional reactions quickens.

The hypothalamus controls the autonomic system, hunger thirst, sleep, sexual response and body temperature, blood pressure, emotions and hormones. it also has a pleasure center which can cause an addiction when stimulated.

The substantia nigra in our brain contains eumelanin and works like a magnet. People who have less of the substance (Parkinson's disease) sometimes hallucinate like people who try to stay awake for days.

The raphe nuclei (libido, empathy, happiness, the reward pathway) send serotonin to the cortex and body, heighten perceptions.

The cerebellum ('little brain') plays a role in motor control.

Broca's area (named after Paul Broca) is involved in the learning of language.

Experience through the human brain is subjective because our neurons use neurotransmitters to communicate their electric signal of information/energy to the neurons in the vicinity.

The brain is made up of 2 sort of cells: nerve cells/neurons (like neutrons in the atom) and glia cells, glia cells produce 'astrocytes' (stars in the cosmos).

Like people in a society who constantly change their function, connection, structure, the representations in our brain are not fixed. We constantly, conscious or unconscious change the structure and connections through our habitual mental patterns. Even two hours of repetitive activity changes the connectivity.
Due to its neuroplasticity every person has the power to change the anatomy and physiology of his brain, to change his thoughts and genes, his vibration and energy. Like the muscles of our body we can train the brain so it becomes bigger and stronger, except for the fact that when it comes to brain, bigger doesn't mean stronger.

Positive energy (happiness) seen rationally, can be viewed as absence of discomfort or pain, something that never lasts long.  Human beings need nature, sunlight, connection with others, healthy, diverse food, meditation, creativity and intelligence to feel happiness. Food is important to balance the acid/alkaline levels in our body and provide the right neurotransmitters.

Fish, eggs, meat, cheese, milk (provided by cow or goat), avocado, nuts, seeds produce dopamine for assertivity, immune system, energetic, quick thinking. Alcohol, nicotine, sugar and other drugs temporarily disrupt the dopamine balance.
Soya beans, wheat products produce acetylcholine for thoughts, memory and concentration.
Broccoli, spinach, seeds, fresh nuts, potato's, banana's, onions produce Gaba for tranquility, well being. Too little Gaba can lead to depression.
Milk, brown rice, sunflower seeds, pumpkin and sesam seeds, banana's produce serotonin for calmness and happiness.
All tissues and organs produce specific magnetic pulsations, biomagnetic fields. Whatever one thinks, turns into physiology.

Whenever the body is jogging or having sex or when the fully concentrated mind is learning, the heart and breathing rate increases and the hippocampus creates gamma-waves, the highest brain frequencies that modulate perception and consciousness, above the frequency of neural firing (so higher consciousness/ spiritual emerging).

Brain waves

The contemporary human hearing range is 20 to 20.000 Hz. Elephants and moles hear lower frequencies like the 7 Hz frequence so they have better memory. Cats, dogs, bats, dolphins and whales hear higher frequencies so they are more in tune with what is about to happen. When we would see, hear, feel and produce waves with a range of 0-160.000 Hz in a way, we would remember everything, know the future and have unlimited intelligence, creativity. Higher beings who live in higher dimensions (higher frequencies) just don't live in linear time, their atoms are not as dense and they can manifest things with their mind.

Lambda waves (200-.. Hz) do not occur in normal waking conditions in normal humans. As with color, the highest and lowest brain frequencies are interconnected because they form a spectrum that can be represented as a circle. Lambda and epsilon waves (below 0 Hz) are thus related, both found in Out of Body Experiences.

Gamma waves (30-200 Hz) high-processing information, bursts of insights, being in the zone, feel that you can do anything, 'genius' thoughts. 136 Hz is the frequency at which most people pray or meditate.

Beta-waves (14-30 Hz) are required to function in everyday reality. During history it was the spectrum in which most people on earth dwelled their entire life. It produces the experience of an old-fashioned 'normal' human being, linear thinking, concentrating, talking, being aroused, learning (too high levels can cause anxiety, fear or flight).

Alpha waves (6-8 Hz) when we study or lie in bed at night and start to contemplate, when a person is naturally relaxed, creative and aware, the brain produces and increases serotonin production. We feel a relaxed focus, light trance, learn quicker. Children or cannabis users have more alpha waves than 'normal' adults.
pre-sleep drowsiness, beginning of access to unconscious mind.

As pointed out by Nikola Tesla, the wave frequency of the human brain, all biological systems and the earth resonates between 6 and 8 Hz. As Tesla also predicted, the ones who con control these frequencies electronically, can directly control the entire human mental system.

Theta waves (4 to 7,9 Hz) extreme relaxation, meditation, peace, calm sleep or drowsiness. 5 times a night the eyes show Rapid Eye Movements because the brain switches 5 times to Theta waves and creates neurotransmitters like catecholamines (learning, memory and creativity). We live simultaneously in different realities, the experience is translated through projections/dreams.

Theta is our original brain state of creative potential. When during the day your brain is going at theta speed, you are focused inward on your mind's eye, having visions and receiving intuitive information from the Higher Self.

Every night when we sleep we lose body awareness, the body starts regenerating and the right hemisphere/DMN becomes dominant. It is the dominant wave of infants, stimulating growth hormone.

Epsilon waves (...-0 Hz) occur during extreme deep meditation, intense bliss and compassion.


Parasympathetic and sympathetic system

The brain and the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) needs the quiet, calm waves to recharge its energy.
When a person masturbates or has sex and he/she relaxes and surrenders to the feeling that comes up, the front part of the thalamus is activated. The plateau phase starts (the period of sexual excitement prior to orgasm) with an increase of parasympathetic activity.
(When one is unable to relax, the energy is blocked, possibly leading to frigidity and impotence).

During sex activation of the front part of the thalamus creates energy that activates the posterior hypothalamus and the Sympathetic Nervous System.
The brain 'recruits' other neurons to join and changes its activity toward more alpha, beta, theta and gamma waves, which means better access to the mind/body. The energy rises and increases its momentum, close to orgasm, the brain tends to shut down, the hypothalamus reverses the energy which will then seek release through the genitals (it's possible through meditation/tantra to hold the energy without releasing it). When afterwards the body calms down, the body has enough blood flow and can reach a state of mind of complete tranquility so the body calms down but the mind is accelerated. Oxytocin, a bonding hormone is released.

When one meditates on love and compassion, the brain accelerates to the same gamma-waves, that cause a decrease in inflammation, and increase in immune system response.

When the body is literally accelerating, jogging, gamma waves are created (runner's high) and more bloodflow is supplied to the brain.

The brain  reaches only a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The effect of all these activities (jogging, sex, meditation, talking and learning) are enhanced by sunlight (also an electromagnetic wave with a frequency but higher).
In mind control programs optogenetics are used (combining genetic engineering with light) individual nerve cells are manipulated to induce higher frequencies.
Geneticly the protein ChR2 is created, which sensitizes cells to light and with an optical fiber and laser fast-spiking interneurons, known for high electrical activity, the proteins are activated towards higher frequencies.

The Subconscious

We consciously process 55 bits per second, while the unconscious processes millions of bits per second. Our body can start to move, before we consciously decide to move. We are under influence of our own subconscious, other brains, other beings in 4D, the magnetosphere, light,..The subconscious is influenced by the geomagnetic field around the earth of 7 Hz. We as a specie share the field and it contains enough energy to store the thoughts and experiences of every human being (morphogenetic field of Rupert Sheldrake). When we sleep and the brain produce the brain produces 7Hz waves, we have access to the field. The time required for 1 event in a brain to diffuse in all human brains is only 10 minutes. Human can telepathically communicate with each other when there's a close connection between them like love, genetic relation or spiritual similarities. Two persons in love can finish their sentences, twins know when one of them is in trouble have the same dreams and friends can send each other signals unconsciously.

Persons with similar DNA have similar thoughts, but when people share thoughts, their DNA also starts to synchronize so two people in a long relationship chose each other because they resemble each other but through interaction they start to resemble even more, internally and biologically.

When a person has to name/write random things, the subconscious provides suggestions of the things it has processed lately and the person puts his/her own overlay on it.
The subconscious guides non-verbal expression and intuitive behavior during theta waves.

Pineal gland

