Wolf symbolism is used in masonic death and sodomy-pedophilia symbolism, associated with the dog or wolf star Sirius and solstice (seen as a time when the interdimensional veil was thinner). One of the epiteths of solar deity Apollo was Apollo Lyceus. A wolf is depicted on the Tarot card The Moon (confrontation with Black Isis, dark subconscious). Native Americans had creation myths about wolves (duality of black and white wolf). In Egypt the canine Anubis was the son of Set and Nephthys. His brother Wepwawet, was worshiped in city Asyut (Lycopolis). Zeus turned Lycaon into a wolf. Aristotle taught Alexander the Great at a Lyceum. The Romans celebrated the Lupercalian festival. Widukind of the Saxons was conquered by Charlemagne. The wolf is the symbol of the Tribe of Benjamin. Constellation Lupus is the deacon of Libra (fairy tale of Red Riding Hood meeting the wolf). | ![]() |
700 Beowulf (Nordic giants, dragon slayer motive).
In alchemy the wolf is a symbol of antimony, man's animal nature (cross above circle, inversion of Venus symbol).
The Massimo family (descendants of Fabius Maximus) and Osorio family have a wolf on its coat of arms. The Ottobani family merged with Serlupi (wolflike) and Crescenzi bloodline (pope Sylvester III, crescent moon on coat of arms). The jesuit order was founded by Ignatius Lopez (lupus) de Loyola.
The Brothers Grimm wrote fairy tales with kabbalistic and astrological symbolism (three biglets bad wolf, wolf in Red Riding Hood). Mason Wolfgang Mozart had ties to the Illuminati (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe). Rudolf von Bischoffwerder of the Order of the Gold and Rosy Cross was a friend of Wolf Eybeschutz, the son of Sabbataian rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz. James Wolfe fought in the Seven Years' War.
Rudyard Kipling wrote The Jungle Book about Mowgli (Noble Savage archteype, the Fool), raised by wolves.
1884 The Fabian Society (Fabius Maximus) with wolf in sheep clothing logo. communist Wilhelm Wolff.
1914 legends of bankers creating the Federal Reserve on Jekyll Island.
1920 Paramount Pictures actress Jane Wolfe (OTO). Frankfurt School with jesuit Brigitta Wolff.
1927 Herman Hesse (OTO) Steppenwolf.
1930s Adolf Hitler in Wolf's Lair. American mafia Ignazio Lupo Black Hand.
1936 Sergei Profokiev Peter and the Wolf.
1940 The Lone Wolf Strikes Dalton Trumbo (Delta Tau Delta, Executive Action about JFK ritual)
1941 The Wolfman Warren William Bela Lugosi. Chicago Blues Howlin' Wolf.
1944 Hitler's staged assassination plot at Wolf's Lair with Claus von Stauffenberg.
1950s Allen Ginsberg (pedophilia agenda) poem Howl, published by Lawrence Ferlinghetti (BSA). Sin Wolf worked for B'nai B'rith. Markus Wolf worked for the Stasi.
1953 MK Ultra with Harold Wolff (trained at Bellevue).
1956 The Wolves Silvana Mangano.
1963 the JFK ritual, Lee Harvey Oswald as 'lone wolf' assassin. car with John Connally (Irish conghal fierce as a wolf).
1969 Easy Rider Jack Nicholson Steppenwolf (Michael Monarch) Born to be Wild.
1970 John Philips (Mulholland Drive with Polanski and Nicholson), Wolf King of LA.
1973 Venezuelan Carlos the Jackal. New Journalism of Tom Wolfe.
1974 Marvel Comics character Wolverine (X-men).
1975 Fred Alan Wolf's Fundamental Fysiks Group. Ilsa She-wolf of the SS Dyanne Thorne.
1976 The Omen child with DNA of a jackyll Gregory Peck David Warner Lee Remick.
1978 David Bowie Peter and the Wolf.
1980 The Shining Jack Torrence (Jack Nicholson) imitates wolf.
1981 Wolfen Diane Verona. American Werewolf in London John Landis Frank Oz Peter Guber. pope John Paul II shot by Turkish Grey Wolves.
The Howling Joe Dante (mentored by Roger Corman) Dee Wallace (E.T.) John Carradine (OTO) Kevin McCarthy Forrest J Ackerman (agent of Isaac Asimov, Ron Hubbard, Ray Bradbury, AE Van Voght, gay-lesbian agenda with Daughters of Bilitis).
1983 Lone Wolf McQuade Chuck Norris David Carradine Orion Pictures. Dick Wolfe produces Miami Vice.
1984 Red Dawn Wolverines.
1985 Teen Wolf Michael J Fox, nr 42 of rabbit hole next to Sirius, written by jesuit Jeff Davis and Jeph Loeb Atlantic Entertainment Group of Michael Rosenblatt.
1986 The Wolf at the Door Donald Sutherland.
1988 Curse of the Queerwolf Forrest J Ackerman.
1989 Wolf CBS Judith Hoag.
1990 Dances With Wolves Kevin Costner (JFK) Orion Pictures.
1992 Shadow of the Wolf Donald Sutherland.
1993 video game 3D Wolfenstein. W.O.L.F. vehicle in GI Joe franchise of Hasbro. program Hip Hop as continuation of Anubis death cult (Snoop Dogg, Dogg Pound).
1994 Wolf Jack Nicholson Michelle Pfeiffer James Spader (Stargate) Christopher Plummer Mike Nichols (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf) Columbia Pictures. Pulp Fiction (orange=33=sodomy) Harvey Keitel as Winston Wolf. The Mask Jim Carrey transforms into wolf. Iron Will Disney. The X-Files episode about lycanthropy. White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf Ethan Hawke Alfred Molina Geoffrey Lewis.
1996 Princess Mononoke raised by wolves Studio Ghibli. Jennifer Lopez.
1997 An American Werewolf in Paris (year of death Diana in Paris) Julie Delpy Anthony Waller (The Singularity Is Near of Martine Rothblatt, founder of Sirius XM Satellite Radio). drowning ritual of Jeff Buckley at Wolf River Harbor in Memphis (Rite of Memphis).
2001 the 911 Twin Towers ritual with Paul Wolfowitz. Disclosure Project with Karl Wolfe. feminist Naomi Wolf. Brotherhood of the Wolf Vincent Cassel Monica Bellucci. Wolf Girl Grace Jones Tim Curry.
2002 Time of the Wolf Burt Reynolds Jason Priestley.
2003 Monster Charlize Theron (Therion).
2006 10th and Wolf Dennis Hopper.
2007 Beowulf Robert Zemeckis (BTTF with Michael J Fox) Ray Winstone Anthony Hopkins Angelina Jolie (played mother of Alexander the Great)
2009 X-men Origins: Wolverine (Osiris Risen pose, 3 nails=3 vav's=666) Hugh Jackman Liev Schreiber (The Omen) Danny Huston will.i.am Dominic Monaghan written by David Benioff (son of Stephen Friedman, president of NY Federal Reserve) produced by Lauren Donner (The Omen) Marvel Entertainment (John Marvel Parsons).
2010 Wolfman Anthony Hopkins Benicio Del Toro Hugo Weaving. gay rugby team Ottowa Wolves (participated in Ottowa Capital Pride).
2012 Mtv series Teen Wolf with Dominican Gage Golightly. Tinder app of Whitney Wolf Herde. Silent Hill Revelation Carrie-Anne Moss as Claudia Wolf.
2013 The Wolf of Wall Street Leonardo di Caprio Martin Scorcese (both Scorpio's close to Lupus) 12/25 (winter solstice). Kanye West Wolves. Tyler the Creator Wolf gay alter ego.
2014 Wolves Jason Momoa (Conan the Barbarian)
lone wolf shooters Omar Mateen, Nikolaus Cruz, James Holmes, Stephen Paddock.
2017 Selena Gomez Wolves.
2019 The Wolf Hour Naomi Watts (The Omen actor Liev Schreiber). Daughter of the Wolf Richard Dreyfuss.
2021 Garbage song Wolves. Werewolves Within.
2023 Nick Redfern Werewolf Stories: Shape-Shifters Lycanthropes and Man-Beasts.