
Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet) was a French writer, philosopher and freemason, trained by the jesuits (Charles Porée) at Lycée Louis Le Grand, to play a role in the European Enlightenment trend with jesuits René Descartes and David Hume. He was imprisoned in the Bastille for accusing the Regent of France of incest. In 1717 he debuted his 1st play Oedipus, promoted by George I (House of Hanover).  From 1726 he was exiled to Britain after rivalry with the Rohan family, where he wrote Letters Concerning the English Nation. 

After a visit of Francesco Algorotti (friend of Frederick the Great), he wrote Elements of the Philosophy of Newton (start of the Science Church) with his partner Emilie du Châtelet and spread the famous story of Isaac Newton receiving inspiration after a falling apple (apple of Lucifer). He was a friend of homosexual Charles marquis de Villette and rival of  Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

He spread Anti-Machiaval of Frederick the Great in Amsterdam. He also promoted Francis Bacon as 'the father of the scientific method'. He published a satirical work on jesuit Bertier. He had a relationship with his niece Marie Louise Mignot.

From 1750, after invitation of Frederick the Great, he moved to Charlottenburg in Prussia.

From 1754 he lived at Genève Switzerland. In 1759 he published Candide as satire on the deterministic philosophy of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

In 1778 Benjamin Franklin, assisted at the initiation of Voltaire, in the Lodge of the Nine Sisters in Paris (John Paul Jones who played a role in the American Revolution, Jean Sylvain Bailly,  Camille Desmoulins, Joseph Emmanuel Sieyés who all played a role in the French Revolution), under authority of the Grand Orient. Jesuit Augustin Barruel claimed George Danton was a member in Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism (the Illuminati hoax).

In 1916 Hugo Ball founded Cabaret Voltaire (program Modernism).

During the stage Charlie Hebdo attack (the Isis ritual) the Boulevard de Voltaire was used for symbolic reasons.

Astrological chart

born 11/21/1694, date René Magritte, Jena Malone.

Dom: Capricorn (the Devil), Scorpio, Sagittarius - Neptune, Saturn, Pluto.

died 5/30/1778.


the Jesuits
