Vibration is a pulsation of a frequency of an energy source in wave form (longitudinal, transverse and scalar) within the electromagnetic spectrum. Vibro: to shake in Latin, motion of sex (phallus as vibrator). Human beings are multidimensional beings, animated by the pulsing heart, that exist in multiple dimensions at the same time but live in the time illusion of the 3D world, cut off from their essence, hear only a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum through their ears. Everything in the universe (including thoughts and emotions) has its own specific frequency. | ![]() |
The serpent cult worshiped the serpent as a symbol of the wave (vibration=movement of the viper). The pineal gland vibrates like a crystal of sand, works as a transmitter and receiver and rules 7 chakra system (corresponding to 7 notes, 7 virtues and vices, 7 colors of the light spectrum). The range of human hearing is controlled like a ranch.
Sound vibration is a source of vibration that travels through air as medium and is transferred to the brain through its synapses. Harmonious sound vibration becomes music. Octaves represent dimensions.
Sound can diffract (bend around corners) like light and water waves. The higher chakra's are manipulated through Saturn, the lower chakra's through the moon (Sin, the sinewave).
The denser the medium, the slower the speed of light but the denser the medium, the faster the speed of sound (faster in water than in air).
The effect of vibration in water is studied in cymantics (sound producing geometric patterns), a term coined by Hans Jenny.
Every atom is vibrating at a certain unique frequency. The higher the frequency, the higher the matter vibrates, the higher it vibrates, the closer it comes to becoming pure light. Crystals are used fi as batteries in watches because of their high level of vibration.
Vibration can reprogram DNA. Magnetic fields of fi planets can remotely influence cell activity (magneto genetics). Astrology is based on the knowledge that each planet with its own vibration represents a plane of existence.
Ice, liquid water and steam are all forms of water but the different vibration of the molecules changes the state of their manifestation in this reality (shifts shape). The higher the molecules are vibrating the less dense the form the water takes is. The molecules of water form ice vibrate at a very low rate making it very dense whereas the molecules of the water comprising steam are vibrating at a very high rate. The higher the frequency, the more vibrant a color gets (vibrant green emerald, vibrant green radium).
Sound waves are pressure waves with compression and rarefaction (+ and -, left and right pillar of freemasonry), positive masculine (rising), negative feminine (falling) and androgynous neutral vibration.
Humans have a heart that produces an electromagnetic field (frequencies expressed in Hertz=the heart) with a pulse and polarity of love (harmonic, order) and hate (dissonance, chaos) but communicate through the vocal chord (cavity, throat chakra).
Earth (anagram of heart) has its own magnetic field and vibration (the Ohm pulse, 7,38 Hz, the so-called Schumann resonance caused by lightning and thunder), below the spectrum audible to humans.
The knowledge of harmonics can be used to produce music, the interplay of harmony (relaxation) and dissonance (tension).
The most common way to increase the rates of vibration of molecules is through applying heat (natural byproduct of increased vibration and frequency). Microwave ovens transmute matter using microwave frequencies. Speed of sound increases with the increase of temperature. Saturn with rings of ice represents 'low' vibration, base consciousness. Saturn rules the ears.
A sound source creates a resonance field (reverb, reflection) of overtones (multiples of the frequency). Sounds vary in frequency, wavelength and amplitude. Speed of sound depends on elasticity and density of medium (fastest in solids, less fast in liquid and gas). Bats use reflection for echolocation.
Earthquakes are caused by tectonic plates whose force can also create mountains.
Language (words) was designed as a spell, a downgrade from telepathic communication. Drumming is used in religion to create coherence in rituals.
Atlantis had a power system of crystals that transmitted spiritual energy (mentioned in the Timaeus).
The secret passed on in secret societies is sex magic. The affinity between the secretions of the endocrine glands and the vibrations radiating from the subtle chakras explored by yogi's, forms the basis of sexual magic which utilizes these vibrations. All the so-called phallic cults originally possessed the true knowledge of these matters before it was lost or perverted by improper use. What remains of the ancient wisdom is the remnant only of debased and phallic rites.
The Egyptian gods were depicted with a tuning fork. Ra represented the vibrating, radiating sun. The pyramids were build through acoustic levitation, an art and science passed on the Levites (art of levitation). Tutankhamon was buried with brass (alloy of copper and zinc) trumpets. Pillars with the head of Hathor symbolized a resonance field. They used the sistrum to create ultrasound.
In Greece the Pythogereans (cult of the serpent) studied mathematics and music. They knew that reducing the string with one half, doubles the frequency. The cult of Dionysus was a phallic cult. The knowledge of acoustics was applied in theater arena's for Dionysian tragedies.
In Buddhism monks recite mantra's. In Hinduism the Ohm sound (at-om, At-um) is sacred. The Hypogeum in Malta is built with knowledge of sound resonance.
The art of sound was used by dark occultists in propaganda of the Catholic Church like classical music (music to reach trance state, vibrating strings or wind instruments with columns of air, symbol of incarnation tunnel).
The Medici (cult of Hermes/Mercury) invented the piano with 88 keys.
Jesuit Marin Mersenne did research on the speed of sound. Alchemist Robert Boyle stated sound needs air as medium. Leonhard Euler wrote his dissertation on propagation of sound waves.
In 1863 Hermann von Helmholtz (teacher of Max Planck, Heinrich Hertz and Albert Michelson) published Sensations of Tone. Heinrich Hertz proved the existence of electromagnetic waves of James Clerk Maxwell's equations. Lord Rayleigh published The Theory of Sound.
Nikola Tesla quote “To understand the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration” was used in the New Age Church.
Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity (fictional concept of spacetime) became the dominant model in science. Richard Feynman played a role in the quantum field theory.
Technology of tv and radio was used for propaganda (propagating waves). Hans Jenny (follower of Theosophist Rudolf Steiner) published on cymatics.
CIA project MK Ultra investigated ultrasound. Mind controlled slaves were used in the music industry.
In the 60's string theory (Leonard Susskind, Michio Kaku) was introduced.
The concept of natural vibration is distorted in program Reggae and the Green Church.
In 1968 Vernon Carrington (Haile Selassie's Ethiopian World Federation) founded the Rastafarian subgroup Twelve Tribes of Israel (reggae groups like Israel Vibration).
The strict duality of high and low vibration became a program in the New Age Church (Gaia, Teal Swan, Mari Silva, Bridget Nielsen, Michael Beckwith, In5D,..), a branch of the Saturn cult, like Christianity, Islam and Judaism, a religion centered around the pineal gland (3d eye or one eye) and sacred geometry.
In contrast with the rigid skepticism of the cult of scientism (left brain imbalance), the New Age is another cult, based on naive, blind belief (right brain imbalance). Where the intellectuals of scientism will deny the existence of a spirit world no matter what, followers of the New Age Church will believe anything that sounds spiritual and label criticism with rational arguments as negative energy (low vibration) because it makes the ego feel threatened. Their belief is a form of escapism, running away from the dark, by constantly focusing on False Light (spiritual drug addiction).
Raising vibration in the New Age program Ascension is a watered down version of positive thinking and self-programming (magic) with candles, crystals, yoga, Reiki and vegan food, visiting places like Sedona, Glastonbury,.. (seen as the chakra's of earth).
The Beach Boys (program Surf music, riding the wave) promoted Transcendent Meditation guru Maharishi Yogi and released song Good Vibration. Kendrick Lamar released Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe. Lenny Kravitz released Raise Vibration.
Airports are controlled as important energy centers (taking a plane, taken to a higher plane, higher plan).
Wireless mobile phones (silicon technology) represent the Saturnian one eye.
David Icke published Truth Vibrations.
Masaru Emoto (The Hidden Messages of Water published by Ankh-Hermes, The Shape of Love) spread disinfo about thoughts influencing the vibration of water. He worked with the Institute of Noetic Sciences was used in What the Bleep Do We Know?!, What If? with Joe Dispenza (Gaia, What the Bleep Do We Know?!), The Indigo evolution and a film with Vandana Shiva, with the CfI and James Randi as debunker.