Trinity Test
The Trinity Test was the detonation of a nuclear bomb on 7/16/1945 in New Mexico on the 33d parallel to create a dimensional portal for the fallen angels. Jack Parsons of the OTO experimented with nuclear radiation on fetuses to create a homunculus (alchemy, 'little man', concept of Paracelsus), a Moonchild or Golem. Robert Oppenheimer used the Hinduist Baghavad Gita quote 'I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds (Apollo the Destroyer of Revelation 911) to usher in the nuclear era. Plutonium=worship of Pluto (nuclear power, Shadow, dark secrets, regeneration). Manhattan Project was a nuclear research project of the US and British Empire, named after the Manhattan district in NY, from 1942 to 1945 as part of the WW1 and WW2 ritual. While it was a satanic sacrifice ritual of the war industry to create a portal, in propaganda it is presented as a necessary tool to save the world from German fascism. |
The Whore of Babylon is the Mother of All Abominations in the Book of Revelation. It formed a mushroom cloud (mushrooms were part of the gnostic mystery religion). The cloud of nuclear radiation represented the Shekhinah.
The early 40's was the era of development of the OSS (later the CIA) by the Georgetown set. One of its headquarters was in Oak Ridge Tennessee.
The atom bomb was part of a takeover in 3 steps of earth (3 aeons of Isis, Osiris and Horus). The 3 pyramids were zligned with the 3 stars of Orion's belt (trinity of pineal, pituary and thalamus.) July 16 was seen as birthday of Set. The supernal triad Kether-Chokmah-Binah in the qlippoth is the dark trinity Satan-Moloch-Lilith.
Trinity is a reference to a poem of John Donne (d 3/31/1631).
Organic nature creates through trinity of soul (heart), mind and body. Religions used a trinity model of father, mother, son: Amun-Mut-Khunsu, Isis-Osiris-Horus, Semiramis - Nimrod- Tammuz, God-Maria (Holy Spirit)-Jesus. The 9 worlds of the Yggdrasil can be seen as a trinity of 3's. The 3 graces (stages of the moon) pour white sand on the Yggdrasil. The Green Man of the Aryans became Osiris and St Patrick with clover symbol.
The Hierophant holds a key with trinity symbol. The jesuits use the trinity Isis -Horus -Set black sun emblem. Crowley was trained at Trinity College.
Nuclear radiation is associated with Greys (owl symbolism) who have a degraded soul and damaged DNA due to nuclear wars. The homunculus (Uebermensch/Superman) experiment with Jumbo steel bottle was a continuation of medieval alchemy to create being with altered extraterrestrial Grey DNA.
It represented the first goal of John Dee and the Fallen Angels he communicated with, creating energy from matter. CERN (statue of Shiva the Destroyer) tries to open the Abyss (Apollyon destroyer of revelation 911) to create matter from energy.
Sumerian demon Joudy represents the counterpart of Baal, in union to create an even more evil offspring. Judy Garland played in Wizard of Oz.
1945 was the Pluto in Leo (Lust) and Saturn in Cancer (the Chariot) era.
Jack Parsons' Babalon Working were based on Crowley's Alamantra Working near Central Park in Manhattan.
Marie Curie (as archetype of Babalon, MC like Marjorie Cameron) did research on nuclear radiation.
In 1930 the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) was created at Princeton New Jersey by Abram Flexner.
In 1938 Otto Hahn discovered nuclear fission. Hahn worked with Werner Heisenberg (fought in the Freikorps, pioneer in the theory of quantum physics) and Samuel Goudsmit. British agent Niels Bohr helped Enrico Fermi (Grand Orient of Italy) emigrate to the US.
In 1940 plutonium was isolated by University of California Berkeley in San Francisco (Pluto in Leo era) by Glenn Seaborg (Bohemian Club) and Columbia University started nuclear research. Henry Stimson (S&B) became Secretary of War. The project was under authority of president Franklin Roosevelt and Henry Wallace. Albert Einstein was used in propaganda to scare the US population with the external threat of a German bomb. Adolf Hitler, who played the role of Antichrist/Shadow, threatened with the use of secret weapons in speeches.
The George MacDonald Ranch House (name of child William and Kate, Dorothy's house in Kansas in Wizard of Oz) became a museum site.
John von Neumann worked for IAS and RAND Corporation and participated in the Macy conferences on cybernetics.
Luis Walter Avarez was a member of the Bohemian Club and later participated in the Robinson Panel of Project Blue Book.
Robert Cornog was a rocket engineer and friend of Robert Heinlein and Jack Parsons, who became head of the OTO in 1942 and performed the Babalon Working at Mojave desert in 1946. Heinlein worked with Isaac Asimov at the Manhattan Project related Philadelphia Naval Shipyard (Philadelphia Experiment hoax).
Robert Oppenheimer (Phi Beta Kappa) became director of Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico, linked to University of California in Berkeley (physicists Edward Teller, Enrico Fermi).
Uranium was imported from Congo. Plutonium was isolated by the University of California Berkeley in 1940.
An obelisk (black pyramid, cult of Baal) was placed on the site.
On august 6 and 9, 33d degree mason and shriner Harry Truman dropped 2 atom bombs Fat Man and Little Boy on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the 33d parallel. Fat Man was a reference to Paracelsus (concept of philosophical egg), often depicted as a fat man. 1945 was also the year of Operation Paperclip, transfer of nazi scientists like Wernher von Braun (archetype of Horus like Parsons).
After WW2 Oppenheimer became director of the IAS and worked for CIA fronts ACCF and CPD.
In 1946 Parsons and Ron Hubbard performed the Babalon Working in the Mojave desert. Operation Crossroads was a ritual with goat on ship Nevada at Bikini Atoll. Donald Trump was born 333 days after the Trinity Test. Hilary Clinton is a reference to Hilarion (Marjorie Cameron).
1947 was the year the CIA was founded, the year of the Roswell psyop on 33d parallel (Roswell Army Air Field was part of Project Manhattan), and death of Aleister Crowley.
From the 1950's the CIA was involved in mind control projects like Project Bluebird, Artichoke, MK Ultra, linked to Disney and HHS.
Parsons died on june 17 1952, according to his mythology because of an explosion, a bang as destructive-creative act.
In 1961 Robert Heinlein dedicated his Stranger in a Strange Land to Robert Cornog.
Joseph Rotblatt Chisholm participated in the Pugwash Conferences On Science and World Affairs (world empire disguised as peacekeepers) in 1957 of Bertrand Russell (Earls of Tavistock) with Brick Chisholm (WHO), Cyrus Eaton (protegé of John Rockefeller), Cecil Powell (Royal Society), Herman Muller (teacher of Carl Sagan), Shinichiro Tomonaga (IAS of Princeton), Paul Doty (International Science Foundation of George Soros).
Trinity Test in pop culture
1963 the JFK ritual took place at the trident shaped Dealy Plaza in Dallas on the 33d parallel.
1969 Apollo 11 launched on 7/16, press ritual with Robert Heinlein. the 911 Sharon Tate ritual on 8/9 (date of bomb on Nagasaki). Paul Tate officer at Presidio like Michael Aquino of Temple of Set.
1981 The Day After Trinity.
1986 The Manhattan Project John Lithgow Cynthia Nixon (gay agenda).
In the Superman franchise the 3 outlaws of Krypton represent the dark trinity.
1989 Fat Man and Little Boy Paramount Pictures Paul Newman, Bonnie Bedelia, Natasha Richardson (daughter of Vanessa Redgrave), John Cusack, Laura Dern and Robert Cornog as advisor.
David Icke labeled everyone involved in the Manhattan Project as Rothschild Zionists. In the Conspiracy Church the project is seen as masterminded by the Rockefellers, who supposedly financed the IAS.
1992 White Sands Willem Dafoe.
1995 Tank Girl Naomi Watts.
1997 Robert Zemeckis Contact with Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey at the VLA in New Mexico. nuclear explosion on Dr Dre (Dr Dee, three) album The Aftermath.
1999 Eyes Wide Shut (one eye pyramid poster) 7/16, date of the Trinity test and the day JFK Jr (son of JFK who died on 33d parallel) died in a plane crash.
Carrie-Anne Moss played the character Trinity in The Matrix (3/31, date of d John Donne, green rain).
2001 the 911 Twin Towers ritual in Manhattan (Manhattan Working) with the site also named Ground Zero.
2003 Hulk nuclear test as plot element (green man Osiris, Marvel Comics=John Marvel Parsons). Wesley Snipes played in Blade Trinity.
2012 The Dark Knight Rises (Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy with Nathan Crowley) ends with the detonation of a nuclear bomb, released on 7/16/2012.
2014 Interstellar (house of George McDonald) black hole Guargantia.
2015 The Bomb
2017 Scenes of the Trinity Test was used in David Lynch's Twin Peaks the Return. Hilary Clinton vs Donald Trump (Beast and Babalon).
2O23 Oppenheimer Christopher Nolan Cillian Murphy (=Murphy in Interstellar) as Robert Oppenheimer Alex Wolff as Alvarez Emily Blunt Matt Damon Robert Downey Jr Matthew Modine as Vannevar Bush Gary Oldman as Harry Truman Rami Malek Josh Hartnett Casey Affleck (Interstellar) Jason Clarke Tom Conti as Albert Einstein.