The Matrix
The Matrix is a gnostic movie franchise of the Wachowskis with Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Hugo Weaving, Carrie-Anne Moss, Joe Pantoliano, Marcus Chong and Gloria Foster, released on 3/31 (spring equinox) 1999 by Hollywood studio Warner Bros, produced by Joel Silver. It became a trope in the Conspiracy Church (initiating, anticipating- countering wave of awakening). | ![]() |
The universal Matrix (womb) is designed to facilitate experience and spiritual
growth in the journey 'home'. The overlay matrix is designed to obstruct
just that. Saturn (dark mother Binah=dominatrix) is the guardian and creator of the matrix, to
distract, control, manipulate keep people from their true essence. A matrix is a concept in mathematics. In Thelema Babalon represents a matrix.
In 1965 nightclub the Matrix was opened in San Francisco, used for promoting CIA bands like the Jefferson Airplane, the Doors, the Grateful Dead, creating the 'San Francisco sound'. Jefferson Airplane released the single 'White Rabbit' (Alice in Wonderland programming). During the 70's UCLA developed brain-computer interfaces with the National Science Foundation and DARPA. Jordan Maxwell wrote Matrix of Power, David Icke wrote Children of the Matrix (Laurence Fishburne played Ike Turner).
in 1998 Neptune
moved into Aquarius (through technology world closer through cell phones
and internet, also trapped in escapism, illusionary world). New
Age spirituality, founding of Google, gnostic movies The Truman Show, Dark City, David Cronenberg's eXistenz,..
1999 Saturn in Taurus (30y after 1969) other
saturn in taurus movies: Blade, Shaft, Columbine shooting news ritual
with Marilyn Manson.
Its poster contains one eye pyramid symbolism. Binah (Saturn, virgin Mary) is the Outer Robe of Concealment.
Warner Bros had Bruce Berman (jewish, jesuit trained) as CEO.
directed by
the Wachowskis (Lana 6/21/1965 summer solstice cancer like prince William) Dominants: Cancer, Pisces, Virgo-Moon,
Saturn, Pluto.
Lilly (=Lilith) born 12/29/1967. Dominants: Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo- Mars,
Sun, Pluto.
1996 Bound Jennifer Tilly Gina Gershon
2005 V for Vendetta (writers and producers) James McTeigue Natalie
Portman John Hurt
Stephen Fry Hugo Weaving about the Jesuit
plot of Guy Fawkes announcing controlled
opposition Anonymous
2008 Speed Racer (the chariot) Emile Hirsch Matthew
2012 Cloud Atlas (Atlas project of CERN, clone race) Tom Hanks Hugo
Weaving Halley Berry Hugo Weaving
2015 Jupiter Ascending Mila Kunis Douglas Booth Channing Tatum Eddie Redmayne Tuppence Middleton Terry Gilliam (reptilians and greys, Ascension
as soul harvest).
The trinity is a concept in Norse mythology (Odin, Vili and Ve, principle shown
in valknute, 3dimensions interwoven), Egyptian religion, kabbalism and Christianity (father-mother-son).
Year 999 (nr of end of cycle, 9 ages) is an inversion of 666 where Sabbatai Zevi (born on 9th of Av) was declared Messias. Thelema is based on the concept of the trinity of three Aeons, Isis, Osiris, Horus (Aeon of Horus).
In gnosticism God
is the Monad, the one. Neo represents the gnostic christ/antichrist, that defeats Christianity : Apollo of Tyana, Merovingians, fall of Constantinople
was first blow to Christianity (Keanu Reeves also played Constantine).
Saddam Hussein, president of Iraq,
from the Djengis Khan bloodline, saw himself as an incarnation of
Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II, ordered tanks called the 'lion of
Babylon'. According to Max Spears he had stargate technology and supposedly was a handler of US elite
like Barry Soetoro, Hawaï native who becomes Barack (Hussein) Obama. 1999 was the year of South Park movie in which Hussein has anal sex with
the devil. Smith in hebrew= khan qayin (yes we khan). Nebuchadnezzar was the symbolical king that destroyed the first Temple of Jerusalem (Temple of Solomon) on 911 (9th
of AV).
Like Dark City, the story is based on the gnostic concept of a material world created by YHVH, with legal financial control system
to enforce it. The script was influenced by Kevin Kelly (cybernetics, Wired magazine, Whole Earth with Stewart Brand).
The computer codes turn into numbers and then the movie zooms in to the
number 506. The opening sequence was developed by Animal Logic of Disney (green rain of nuclear Trinity Test ritual).
In Aleister Crowley's Thelema, the number 5 represents Thelema, a magician microcosmos and the number 6 represents macrocosmos. When you add the numbers 5, 0, and 6 together, you get 11 which represents the Cosmos, O representing creation cosmic womb of the high priestess.
It was filmed in Fox Studios in Sydney (33d parallel, James Murdoch attended Trinity School).
Opening scene at Heart Of the City Hotel (the heart is the trinity soul-mind-body, Heartbreak Hotel, Hotel California), the place where Venus (Eve) symbolically betrays sun god with Saturn/Satan like hotel opening scene in Dark City. Trinity is sitting in room 303 (33, illumination).
The letters C.A.M. are on the apron of 4th degree=Clavis ad Mysterium, the Key to the Mystery. The third card is the Empress. The Trinity Test supposedly took place on 7/16/1945 at Los Alamos, creation of moonchild antichrist. The Matrix used predictive programming to announce the fake 911 truth movement-hackers like Anonymous, Glenn Greenwald, Wikileaks,... Carrie Anne-Moss was born 8/21, 6 years before Sergey Brin of Google. Trinity is the name of a supercomputer.
The officers smash the door, daleth (the Empress) means door. Trinity can walk on walls, defy gravity like greys, 4D entities, men in black FBI agents. In the first scene the concept of 'bullet time' is introduced, ability to freeze time (bullets=lead, metal of Saturn). Trinity and Morpheus wear leather coats (holy bull and cow) like the Archons in Dark City (or Cenobites in Hellraiser).
Agent Smith is a series of clones (trinity test house Schmitt=Tubalcain Cain bloodline, Rufus Sewell
of Dark city played in The Man in the High Castle John Smith, the Strangers, men
in black) the perfect mind controlled slave like a virus that can
shapeshift, feeds off hosts. Weaving played Eric Schmitt in Avengers franchise. In Thelema the demon Choronzon takes the form he wants. Fire is the male principle.
Charles Manson named his child Michael Valentine Smith after Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land (6/1/1961, year of Diana
and Obama).
Hugo Wallace Weaving (spider 8 symbol of
saturn) 4/4 1960 like Heath Ledger and Robert Downey Jr. 44 nr of gnostic Mass of the Phoenix. Dom: Pisces (the Moon, Neptune illusion-mask), Cancer, Capricorn- Moon (in cancer), Saturn (in
capric), Mars (in pisces).
born in Australia=Oz, the Wizard of Oz that trapped Dorothy.
Trinity calls Morpheus. She has to reach a phone cell at Wells and Lake Street in Chicago as exit (Mercury: communication, phone calls used as hypnotic trigger for amnesia in MK Ultra, phone booth as time portal in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure with George Carlin). Chicago is the city of Obama and where the Wachowksi's were raised. HG Wells was the author who first introduced greys in fiction.
Trinity is Neo's anima (saturn animatrix dark feminine, dark masculine counterpart).
She is chased by agents on rooftops (like scene in Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles with Laurence Fishburne), taking huge leaps (gnosis= knowledge, know the ledge, Daath). She falls through a window (broken glass symbolism=shattered mind), giving her a bruised head (sign of initiation). Smith crashes a truck into a phone cell. He mentions Neo as the next target.
The camera zooms into the phone, turns into pixels of search engine (matrix concept of search engines like Google of Eric Schmitt), the call of Sophia, the call to adventure in the Fool's Journey.
picture is shown of Morpheus (as an Arab terrorist/liberator, Osama
as the ultimate artist beyond good and bad). Neo's apartment is nr 101 (Daath 11th sepira, room
101 in George Orwell's 1984 is a room where Big Brother locked
people to
confront them with their darkest fear, Morpheus is his dark
subconscious, 101 Dalmatians). Thomas Anderson represents the twin in gnosticism
(Gospel of Thomas), the son of man, the Lower Self, disbeliever lives in
doubt doesn't have gnosis (knowledge, illuminated third eye).
Keanu Charles Reeves
born 2 sept 1964 Virgo the Hermit, year 16 the tower mars, in Beirut Lebanon
33d parallel, close to Mount Hermon
where Lucifer landed, 21y after surrender japan on ship Missouri, named after Missouri new Zion of Joseph Smith. (black pope Kolvenbach would
die in Beirut). Asc: Virgo (the Hermit), mc: Gemini (knight of swords).
Keanue =Kain, child of Lucifer.
In gnostic texts Jesus said, make
the male and the female be one and the same, the two must become one
(twin towers of 911 became one WTC), salvation is the integration of a divided self (interpreted literal in transgender agenda). Anderson= Son
of Man, Manson murder took place in 1969 (also Saturn in taurus).
Like Christopher Reeves he
represents the Uebermensch- Superman Christ/world saviour figure. William and Catherine were engaged in Kenya, original Zion, on the equator. Like
Barry Soetoro, in Hawaii (heart chakra of earth with volcanic activity
comparable to venus, like Carie-Anne Moss in Sydney Australia, he was born near 33d parallel
(Keanu Kenya equator mount sion). He played in band Dogstar (Sirius) and The Devil's Advocate.
He sleeps with a headphone of Panasonic and screen panasync (greek god Pan the all, Saturn rules the ears). mercury: computers, dealing. The computer tells him to wake up and follow the white rabbit (predicting the next event in his life, digital syncronicity, personalized mind control, alternate reality games like Qanon, blurring reality and virtual), predicting a knock on the door (next stage in ritual).
He is visited by Choi (french for choice, fate). Later his boss complains he is too late and has to make a choice between complying and finding another job (the Lovers card represents the choice of the fool, between the virgin or the whore, day or night, creative or destructive love, the gnostic antichrist chooses the whore).
He is 2 hours late, symbolic of the gnostic antichrist being 2000 years late. Choi gives him 2 grand (year 2000 start of his reign, end of Christianity, start of new age religion/old paganism gnosticism with the antichrist fooling humanity into believing he is christ, the one) and calls him his saviour, his own personal Jesus Christ. He mentions mescaline (initiation of Carlos Castaneda by Don Juan, Fishburne played in A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 written by Castaneda's friend Bruce Wagner).
He stores his money and illegal software in the book 'Simulacra and simulation' of cultural marxist Jean Baudrillard.
Ada Nicodemou (born 14 May 1977, taurus ruled by venus) as Dujour (day, night Nuit) wearing latex rubber red lamp Hadit, out of their union the child
harpocrates. 14 may like Mark
Zuckerberg, Rita Hayworth (The Shawshank Redemption), white rabbit Alice in Wonderland
programming go into rabbit hole (spirit world,
stargate at taurus, synchronicity, like Warner Bros logo with Roger Rabbit).
In a nightclub with dancers in cages, he talks to Trinity (dark anima, answer is out there, like phrase of The X-Files 'the truth is out there', searching for external answers).
He works at Metacortex (neo-cortex, spine of Osiris, spine with 33 vertebrae) software company as an office slave
(like Lester in American Beauty and Truman in The Truman Show, looking for
escape, Elliott in Mr Robot). His boss (mr Rineheart) complains he is late and has to make a
choice (hei window). The office cubicle is the cube, box of Saturn.
He receives a FedEx package (also in Cast Away) with a Nokia mobile phone and is called by Morpheus to warn him, the call to adventure, call to be initiated (hypnotic triggers mind control might wake up in middle of night holding a phone, unaware of what happened before). the Fool on the ledge. He has to escape through window on the left, the downward left hand path.
He is interrogated by agent Smith in an empty room (Daath symbolism, also in the Day the Earth Stood Still) about his hacking activities, filmed by a camera (multiple screens/alters symbolism). His passport is shown to expire at 9/11. His mouth morphs (Daath=throat chakra) and a bug is implanted in his navel, until he wakes
Morpheus calls him, tells him he is the one and they meet at Adam street (the Lovers represents Adam and Eve, leaving the Garden) under a bridge (Royal Arch, water sign Cancer the Chariot, 1999 was year VII the Chariot, soft rain of Tefnut).
Trinity extracts a bug from his belly with red eye similar to the red pill.
Lightning strikes (the Tower).
The spiral staircase is symbol of 2nd degree fellow craft (initiatory blue degrees).
like Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut
Trinity shows the door ('this is it', secret of Isis the High Priestess who veils the subconscious).
Neo=Aeon, in gnosticism is the invisible spirit -forethought -the self originated Christ.
Logos (word) is a gnostic concept, the call of
Sophia. Souls who had experienced everything received call of the universe
(logos) to experience the apocalypse, period of revealing on earth. The cult of Saturn are also the most experienced souls, but so
cut off from their essence, became egotistic. Human beings are their own
saviour. The third
son of Adam and Eve was Seth, the universal spiritual seed.
Laurence Fishburne
Leo (Lust, path between blue and red, 5 days before Obama, beast 616). Morpheus, like Neptune, is the god of dreams (burning the man
of pisces, born from a fish Vesica Pisces).
Fishburne was born in august in Georgia 33d parallel, 29 days after Diana, 5 days before Barack Obama, knight of wands, year 61 (616 nr antichrist). He played a role in Event Horizon (black hole
terminology) with Sam Neil (Damien in The Omen). He played in A Nightmare On Elm Street 3. The dream of Nebuchadnezzar is a parable in the bible,
in which he refuses to repent, becomes a wolf like creature (media ritual of imprisoned Saddam with long hair).
Morpheus and Thomas Anderson represent the Magician and the Fool, meaning Son of Man, tom, the twin in the tomb asleep.
Morpheus is the main character in Sandman (DC Comics, Netflix) with Gwendoline Christie as Lucifer, David Thewlis as John Dee and Ferdinand Kingsley (son of Ben Kingsley), Claire Higgins (Hellraiser), Stephen Fry (Wachowskis movie V for Vendetta).
Down the rabbit hole (Alice in Wonderland programming)
Thomas is given the choice between blue and red pill (heaven or hell- also in movie Formula 51 with Samuel Jackson and Robert Carlyle 2001). In freemasonry the blue degrees are designed to mislead.
They sit in front of a chimney (wormhole, secret closet like Rosemary's Baby).
He touches a liquid mirror (Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass, superconductor mercury, enter world of Yetzirah). The red pill allows them to pinpoint location, exact like Google control system.
He wakes up with direct neural interface in an incubator
pod (virgin birth of Jesus, conception without biology). He sees humans live in a cave (Platonism), a matrix where everything is a shadow. Persephone taken to
underworld after eating pit of pomegranate, Eve is expelled from Eden after
eating red apple.
Tau qliphotic tunnel Thantifaxath, enter matrix of Lilith, from material
plane to dark astral worlds, deepening the Fall. T=Greek Omega, turning
point life death. In the ritual of baptism as way to reach gnosis,
the old self is stripped away when one's clothing is removed, and a new
self emerges from the baptismal waters.
The waking up is the rebirth of the Judgement card (but in Thelema card of Aeon of Horus) in a life pod (i-pod, Baudrillard dies
2007 before i-phone, phoney eye), sees huge towers struck by lightning (the Tower)
and how humans are bred like cattle serve as batteries of
bio-electricity, grown to eventually be harvested (program Ascension, second
coming apocalypse).
He falls down a dirty tunnel (like The Shawshank Redemption, qlippoth) and is picked out of water
as the Hanged Man (ego death sacrifice, babe in the abyss). Morpheus and his men wear rags and live underground like early Christians in the catacombs of Rome (Otto Rahn saw Hitler's nazi's as the Cathars fighting Rome).
His ship is called Nebuchadnezzar like Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II (in Book of Daniel destroyer of Jerusalem/zion, antichrist). Saddam Hussein saw himself as the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar.
Zion is an artificial program used by NSA,
Scientology, Silicon Valley, opposition Pirate party, Wikileaks,
Anonymous (announced by V for Vendetta of the Wachowskis),..
operator Tank Marcus Chong
raised by Tommy Chong (Lou Adler as
manager, Rae Dawn Chong educated at Hollywood High School) who played in That 70's
Show with Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis, Scientologists Danny Masterson and Laura Prepon, Color Out of
Space (based on HP Lovecraft story)
and Disney film Zootopia.
Joe (Joseph Peter) Pantoliano as Cypher.
Another Brain-computer Interface is 'jacked' in the back of his head (caduceus of DNA) and they enter an artificial void (emptiness equated with the Ain Soph =nothingness), a holographic reality (atoms responding to consciousness).
Baphomet pose of the Magician As Above So Below.
The green man Osiris judge of underworld. number 9, nr of illusion, fall of man -both void and singularity.
He makes the female water sign (world of Briah).
'Welcome to the desert of the real' shows the twin towers 911 wasteland (the Tower dethroning of false ego). 911 represented crossing the Abyss, everything becomes a representation-simulation.
Morpheus shows how the human slaves are nothing more than batteries of +/- energy for the controllers.
Zion is the last human city on earth (underground center of the earth =hell).
He teaches Thomas to erase doubt, tap into knowing (free your mind, walk through the door).
He explains most people in the matrix system act like an agent, not ready to be unplugged, will fight to protect
Thomas (Lower Self) is distracted by a lady in red, the Scarlett Woman of the Hierophant (red shoes Wizard of Oz programming). Jennifer Tilly played the Lady in Red in Bound, Debbie Harry (Blondie) in Videodrome.
played by Fiona Johnson (like Fiona Barnett) born 7/26 like Baudrillard. The fountain is the Ace of Cups. The lady in red is revealed as a distraction of agent to threaten him with a gun (Scorpio: Death, ruled by red planet Mars).
The Hierophant has knowledge/gnosis on how to conquer the mind, the elephant or bull, teaches Neo to control his energy through Kung Fu and fighting with swords (Yetzirah world of intellect), becomes the Magician.
They are attacked by a squid with red eye (sewers=qlippoth).
They practice a jump program, the leap of faith, the jump off the ledge of the fool, to let go of fear (=mars, the fall on the Tower card, people falling from the Twin Towers).
Neo has a conversation with Cypher (=cryptography), Mr Reagan, who wants to be an actor (like Ronald Reagan).
Cypher makes a deal with Smith to betray Neo (like Judas at last supper, seven of cups), wants to remember
nothing (amnesia of Christopher Nolan's Memento).
Neo meets Mouse, designer of Lady in Red (Scorpio: betrayal). Minnie Castevet in Rosemary's Baby uses a chocolate mous(s)e to drug Rosemary.
the Oracle
They go and meet the Oracle (name of CIA club in San Francisco, Oracle Corporation of Larry Ellison, building complex called Emerald City), see a blind man like Tiresias, blind prophet of Apollo and take an elevator (symbol of navigating between alters).
Psychic children are playing in the hall (other potentials, so-called indigo's, projects to find the Antichrist messiah), with movie Night op the Lepus (rabbit of Ishtar Venus, Alice in Wonderland programming).
scene with spoon bending (Stargate Project with Uri Geller)
phrase 'Know Thyself' reference to the oracle of Delphi (Apollo and Dyonisus).
the visit to Oz.
Gloria Foster born 11/15/1933 scorpio ruled by pluto–
died 9/29/2001 like Ruth Gordon (kitchen scenes in Rosemary's Baby) libra adjustment, 18 days after the
911 Twin Towers ritual. glory=Netzach sphere of Venus. Foster like Jeanne Robert Foster, Fosterite Church of New Revelation in Stranger in a Strange Land (inspiration for Process Church of Last Judgement), Jodie Foster. Psychic children are usually raised and abused as orphans by foster parents.
Foster was a member of
Delta Sigma Theta (Angela Bassett, Ruby Dee Davis, LaDonna Harris,
Roberta Flack, Malcolm X's wife Betty Shabazz).
The oracle represents intuition, the higher self, conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel that helps
him find his true will. Diana the huntress Art card, inner angel of
temperance. She tells him he is not the one, has to make a choice between Morpheus' life and his own (sacrifice to create
so-called balance, green wicked witch putrefaction Nigredo, separation of ego
and self). Gloria Foster died 19 days after 911 2001.
Neo has a déjà vu with a black cat (black magic, Wicked Witch, Bael can appear as a cat, teaches the art of invisibility, Queen of Wands card), a glitch in the matrix. Doser after looking at the woman in red, finds a wall behind a curtain (like Shell Beach in Dark City, wall separates yetzirah from briah). The operator sends a blueprint of the 8th floor. They hide in the walls.
Cypher uses the phrase 'buckle your seat belt Dorothy, Kansas is going bye bye'= Wizard of Oz programming, Kansas was the new Zion of Mormon Joseph Smith (smith Tubalcain). Louis Cypher=Lucifer Judas betraying Jesus, thorn. Tank kills him.
Morpheus is tortured (electroshocks to nerves= puppet programming) for the Zion mainframe codes, dark knight of Pan (the Devil, test of the intellect). Smith compares humans to a virus (Covid19 ritual, theme of V for Vendetta).
Neo orders guns. He dodges bullets in the famous bullet-time fight scene, filmed at roof roof of Symantec (Gen Digital, Norton, Avast, AVG antivirus software, funded by National Science Foundation).
Trinity downloads the ability to fly a helicopter (psychic powers replaced by AI technology).
They take the elevator again (kundalini rising, Osiris risen, elevator shaft in Speed). holding hands as the Hanged Man (rope of the Higher Self).
They fly by the AWA tower (33d parallel, 3/31 Eiffel tower portal) and MMI building (Roman numeral for 2001).
The helicopter crashes into a building (the Tower, Uranus the Great Awakener).
He realizes he is the One (difference between knowing and walking the path) and has the same powers as the agents (jump as the symbolic leap of faith).
Agents attack him at a subway (going though the underworld).
As Neo is running from Agent Smith in an apartment building, an elderly lady in one of the rooms, while Agent Smith transports inside her and launches a knife at Neo, is watching an episode from The Prisoner (based on experiments of SOE Scotland).
Resurrection scene
At the heart of the city hotel
room 303, he is shot (no heartbeat). Red eyed drones attack, scene with lightning, union has revived mother, not afraid anymore.
Like Jonah (dove, the holy spirit) spent 3 days in belly of a sea monster (the abyss), Jesus (Son of Man) spent three days and three nights in the heart of the
earth (key of David to open eye of Horus, pineal illumination on top of 33 vertebrae). The sun at winter solstice
is revived by trinity, the 3. Osiris is reborn as Horus (the Aeon card), becomes Neo, child of the Aeon of Horus. ritual of baptism, receiving the holy spirit, kiss or breath
of life (like prince in Snow White). rain of fire,
(masonic) codes become visible, Dorothy sees beyond the veil, sees the man
behind the curtain. Hadit united with Nuit.
Atziluth, hand (yod: hand) as symbol of 5th element spirit.
He wears the black robe of Binah like black pope, general of the jesuit army.
At a phone cell (time machine in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure) he flies up to the sky (Ascension, first phone cell conversation at Hilton, blueprint released 911 answer the call, wake up call in
controlled conspiracy culture) with song Wake Up of Rage Against the Machine (used to promote communism, Occupy Wall Street). 'I'm going to show
them a world without you, a world without rules and controls, without
borders or boundaries, a world where anything is possible. Where we go
from there, is a choice I leave to you...' world without rules =doctrine of antichrist Sabatai Zevi, everything allowed, all sins permitted.
End scene with 'System Failure', camera zooms in between M and F, male and female, the 2 brothers are at the time at the beginning of their sex change operation to become two sisters. Ewan McGregor also 3/31 black pope in Angels and Demons.
The Matrix Reloaded 2003
Pinkett Smith (Scientology cult, cybernetics) member of
Alpha Kappa Alpha, married to Will Smith (=agent Smith), mother of Jaden Smith as Niobe (superconductor Niobium, used in quantum computers like D-Wave Systems).
Harold Perrineau as Link.
Anthony Wong as Kid.
Mopheus gives a speech in Zion, place where pagan and primitive looking people (the supposedly freed ex-slaves) undertake mass orgies while the heroes (Trinity and Neo) engage in ritual sex in the back yard (pagan shamanistic 'consciousness' festivals Burning Man, Tomorrowland, Ozora,... escape through drugs.
Lambert Wilson as The Merovingian (Tribe of Dan psychic bloodline).
Monica Bellucci as Persephone (Eleusinian Mysteries, studied by CIA agent Gordon Wasson).
library as symbol of Daath ('knowledge'), associated with Sirius and Pluto (Hades).
meets the Keymaker (key symbolism of the heart as stargate). Randall Duk Kim. fight scene at masonic stairs with twins.
Noma Gaye (daughter of Marvin Gaye,=Nemo) as Zee, role played by Aaliyah.
Collin Shou as Seraph (angel beings Seraphim). Gina Torres (married to Lawrence Fishburne, Pearson, spinoff of Suits with Meghan Markle).
23 people to repopulate Zion.
highway fight scene with the twins.
Neo meets the Architect (Great Architect of the Universe in freemasonry) Helmut Bakaitis (multiple screens symbol of alters).
Trinity is shot at the heart and revived by Neo.
Neo and Bane (Ian Bliss) lay unconscious on the Logos.
Scary Movie featured a parody of The Matrix Reloaded with Queen Latifah and George Carlin (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure).
2003 Matrix Revolutions
Neo is trapped in Mobil Ave (tunnels of the qlippoth)
Bruce Spence (Finding Nemo, accused of rape by Fiona Barnett) as the train man (=Choronzon=Chronos)
Clayton Watson (Jamie Clayton in Sense8, clay model of the handler).
They take the elevator to Club Hel to meet the Merovingian again.
Neo sacrifices himself as the Hanged Man.
2021 The Matrix Resurrections
Neil Patrick Harris (gay agenda) as psychiatrist.
Christina Ricci (The Addams Family)
Jessica Henwick as Bugs with blue hair.
Jonathan Groff (FBI agent in Mindhunter, gay agenda with Zachary Quinto).
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II (Aquaman, The Trial of the Chicago 7)
Bryan Smith (Stargate Universe)
San Francisco mayor London Breed (Lesbians Who Tech).