TED is an organization founded in 1984 by Harry Marks and Richard Wurman to hold conferences with political puppets and agents of the Science Church to promote the religion of transhumanism of Silicon Valley (technology as God, under influence of Fallen Angels, AI). The red dot of TED represents Thelemic god Hadit (point consciousness). 

Harry Marks worked with Douglas Trumbull of 2001 A Space Odyssey about red eye supercomputer HAL.
Tet: serpent (sign Leo, Lust card).

Harry Battenberg was born in 1984. George Orwell announced totalitarian society through technology in '1984'.

The TED scene has its origin in the CIA controlled human potential movement (Esalen, based on the Eranos conferences of the Theosophists).

Chris Anderson works in the video game industry and is married to Jacqueline Novogratz (CFR, World Bank, Rockefeller Foundation, Unicef, Chase Manhattan Bank, Aspen Institute).


- Al Gore (the Climate Church)
- Alain de Botton
- America Ferrera (Disney
- Andrew McAfee (MIT)
- Andrew Solomon (National Gay and Lesbian Task Force)
- Anne-Marie Slaughter
- Anthony Atala (growing new organs)
- Benoit Mandelbrot
- Bill Clinton
- Bill Gates
- Bono
- Brian Cox (CERN, Royal Society)
- Brian Greene (string theory)
- Charles Leadbeater (advisor of Tony Blair)
- Chris Milk (Virtual Reality)
- Craig Venter (Human Genome Project)
- Daniel Dennett
- Daniel Pink (Crowd Control)
- David Byrne
- David Cameron
- David Eagleman
- David Hanson (Hanson Robotics)
- Dean Kamen (KEMA)
- Elizabeth Loftus (lawyer of Ghuislaine Maxwell, False Memory Syndrome Foundation)
- Francis Collins (Human Genome Project)
- Frank Gehry
- Freeman Dyson
- Gary Wolf (Wired)
- Gavin Schmidt (NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies)
- Geoffrey West (Santa Fe Institute)
- Glenn Greenwald
- Gordon Brown
- Harvey Fineberg (Macy Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, APS)
- Imogen Heap
- James Cameron
- James Fallon (neuroscience)
- James Flynn (IQ research)
- Jamie Oliver
- Jane Goodall (Disney)
- Jared Diamond
- Jeff Skoll (eBay, Berggruen Institute, An Inconvenient Truth)
- Jill Tarter (SETI Research)
- Jimmy Carter
- Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia)
- JJ Abrams (the Mystery box)
- Joan Halifax (LSD research with Stanislav Grof, Omega Institute for Holistic Studies)
- Joe Belfiore (Microsoft)
- Joi Ito (MIT Media Lab)
- Jon Levy
- Jon Ronson
- Julian Assange
- Julia Sweeney
- Kevin Rudd (pm of Australia)
- Larry Page
- Laura Schulz (Early Childhood Cognition Lab of MIT)
- Laurie Santos (Yale's Comparative Cognition Lab)
- Louise Fresco (Unilever)
- Madeleine Albright
- Marc Kushner (nephew of Jared Kushner)
- Marina Abramovic
- Martin Rees (Royal Society)
- Martine Rothblatt
- Marvin Minsky
- Mellody Hobson
- Michael Shermer (CFI)
- Monica Levinsky
- Morgan Spurlock
- Murray Gell-Man
- Naomi Klein 
- Nassim Haramein
- Nicholas Negroponte (MIT Media Lab
- Nicholas Stern (climate change LSE)
- Nick Bostrom (Superintelligence)
- Oliver Sacks
- Paul Sereno (University of Chicago, National Geographic)
- Peter Diamandis
- Peter Gabriel
- Peter Norvig (Stanford Human Centered AI)
- Philip Zimbardo (Stanford)
- Rana el Kaliouby (expression recognition)
- Ray Kurzweil
- Regina Dugan (DARPA)
- Richard Branson
- Richard Dawkins
- Reggie Watts
- Robert Ballard (discovery of the Titanic)
- Robert Thurman (father of Uma Thurman)
- Roger Ebert
- Russell Foster (science of sleep, Royal Society)
- Sam Harris
- Sarah Silverman
- Sebastian Thrun (Udacity)
- Sergey Brin
- Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook, Lesbians Who Tech)
- Steve Silberman ('neurodiversity', podcast with David Crosby, classmate of Allen Ginsberg)
- Sue Kiebold (mother of Columbine High School shooter Dylan Kiebold)
- Sylvia Earle (NOAA)
- Stephen Hawking
- Steven Pinker
- Stewart Brand
- Sting
- Susan Blackmore (memes)
- Thandie Newton (Westworld)
- Tim Berners-Lee (internet, CERN)
- Tim Ferriss
- Tony Robbins
- Trevor Aaronson (FBI war against terrorism)
- Vint Cerf (internet)
- Wes Moore
- Will Wright (Electronic Arts)
- William Ford (Ford Motor Company)
- Yuval Harari

Graham Hancock, Rupert Sheldrake and Russel Targ gave TED talks which were later 'cancelled' to make them appear controversial and subversive.

Ray Kurzweil

the Transhumanist Church
