Stanley Ann Dunham

Stanley Ann Dunham was an anthropologist selected to marry Kenyan Barack Obama Sr (alchemical marriage with the black king) and give birth to Barack Obama in 1961 as Mother of Abominations, a month after birth Diana Spencer. Barack Obama was trained to become US president from 2009 to 2017 in a false hope narrative of the Black Church, and the Climate Church, as the new Martin Luther King Jr, promoted by MLK's children, Maya Angelou, in the cultural marxist program Hip Hop by actors Jay-z, Kanye West, Alicia Keys and P Diddy and Hearst controlled Oprah Winfrey. Her mother Madelyn Lee Dunham was related to George Washington through Leona Payne and Warner, Peaks and Bunch family. Her uncle Charles Payne (S&B family) 'liberated' the prisoners of Buchenwald. She was educated at University of Washington and University of Hawaii by Alice Dewey (father adopted by John Dewey).

The year 1961 was chosen because in some manuscripts the nr of the Beast is 616.

She played the mirror image of Paul McCartney of The Beatles (Liverpool 53°, Kansas 55°).

She supposedly was named after the Stanley character played by Bette Davis in John Huston's This Is Our Life.

The Stanley family controls the Oddfellows lodge (mother of Diana), Obama represented Akhenaten (Stranger in a Strange Land).

Alex Jones, Joel Gilbert (Dreams from My Real Father) and Peter Boyles spread erotic pictures of a woman in Bizarre Life magazine (archetype of Whore of Babylon), claiming it was Stanley Ann Dunham. Gilbert also wrote Paul McCartney Really Is Dead.

In 1965 she married Lolo Soetoro (Sator=Saturn). His half sister Maya Soetoro was named after Maya Angelou and married Konrad Ng who worked for the Smithsonian.

Barack Obama married Michelle Obama.

Obama played the role of False Prophet that would give power to the First Beast (visited Antichrist William V, Diana born month before Obama) and Second Beast (jesuit pope Francis).

She worked for the Ford Foundation and World Bank.

She died in 1995, the year Marjorie Cameron, wife of Antichrist Jack Parsons, died on 6/24 day of John the Baptist, day of final World Cup rugby cup in South Africa (cup heart chakra, cup of Babalon ritual), with Nelson Mandela (Robbeneiland 33d parallel, predictive programming of Barack Obama) as the Green Man of spring (green Springbok shirt).

Stanley Kubrick directed 2001 ASO (Moonchild, Paul Stanley of Kiss called himself the Starchild). Lena Dunham played a member of the Manson Family.

Donald Trump played a role in the 'birtherism conspiracy theory'.

Astrological chart

born 29/11/1942 (42 nr of rainbow) in Wichita Kansas (Wizard of Oz), date Jacques Chirac, The Game, Anna Faris, Chadwick Boseman, Andrew McCarthy.

Dom: Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo - Sun, Mercury, Venus.

died 11/7/1995, date Lucille Laverne (Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland), 173 days after Elisha Cook (Rosemarys Baby) 2 days before death Paul McCartney (Paul is dead rumors). same day Diana visited Liverpool, hometown of The Beatles, in orange suit=33).

Ann Dunham in pop culture

2015 Barry Ashley Judd (Judy) as Dunham Anya Taylor-Joy Ellar Coltrane (non-binary agenda) Jenna Elfman (Scientology) Linus Roache (Batman Begins) Vikram Gandhi Netflix

Barack Obama

Michelle Obama
