St John Philby

Harry St John Philby (Jack Philby) was a British MI6 agent, used to play a role in the oil industry and the history of Saudi Arabia and Israel. He was educated at Trinity College Cambridge. He was a classmate of Jawaharlal Nehru, student of Fabian Harold Laski, pm of India). He was head of Secret Service of Palestine, met with TE Lawrence, Knight of Malta Allen Dulles, Winston Churchill, prince Edward, Walter Rothschild and Chaim Weizmann.

He was a member of the Atheneum Club like Charles Darwin, Arthur Wellesly, Michael Faraday, Robert Forbes, Thomas Huxley, Rudyard Kipling, Benjamin Disraeli, James Maxwell, Benjamin Disraeli, Robert Peel, John Ruskin, John Russell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton and later Jimmy Savile.

As advisor of Ibn Saud family (Wahhabi islam, conquered Saoudi Arabia from the Ottomans), he worked with Standard Oil Company. He converted to Islam.

He was a member of the British Union of Fascists of Fabian Oswald Mosley, with JC Fuller of Crowley's A.A., jesuit William Joyce, Fabian CEM Joad, Edward and Hastings Russell (=S&B), Robert Blakeney (friend of Edith Starr Miller, married to ex-husband of Pauline Payne Whitney=S&B), supported by Alfred Harmsworth (Wellington House, Daily Mail).

He promoted Adolf Hitler. According to jesuit John Loftus, Philby met with Adolf Eichman.

He designd the Philby Plan, as a continuation of the Balfour Declaration of Arthur Balfour.

He was a member of the British People's Party, an offshoot of the British Union of Fascists with John Beckett (Labour Party, friend of Fabian Clement Attlee).

At the end of his life he lived in Ryadh.

His son Kim Philby worked for MI6 under Valentine Vivian (Order of St Michael and St George). He was recruited by marxist Maurice Dobbs (LSE). He was a member of the pro nazi Anglo-German Friendship with pedophile Guy Burgess who visited the Hitler Youth camps on sex trips to Germany.

He worked as a war correspondent for The Times of Alfred Harmsworth (Wellington House, promoted the British Union of Fascists) during the Spanish Civil War and double agent of the Soviet Union. He was one of the Cambridge Five with Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt, related to Oswald Mosley. He also worked in the Middle East for The Economist (Rothschild) and The Observer.


born 4/3/1885.

died 9/30/1960.

Bertrand Russell

Fabian Society
