
Sin is the Babylonian god of the the moon, based on Sumerian god Nanna. He was the son of Enlil. To Babylonian astrologers (science of reading the signs) the moon was the Queen of Night. Sin was worshiped in a trinity with Smash (sun) and Ishtar (Venus). The moon was placed in the orbit of earth as part of a 3 step takeover to distort and chain the feminine energy of earth, caused the flood, influences the feminine menstrual cycle (born into 'sin'), rhythmic ebb and flow of the sea's (the sine-wave of rising and sinking, syn-chronous, synergy, sin-tide=synthetic, earth consists of 80% water like human body). 

The moon (Yesod, imagination, intuition, subconscious) is the ruler of Cancer when the sun at its highest peak, during summer solstice.

The moon is the consort of Saturn (the God matrix, ruling people by tuning their pineal gland, 7 rings controlling the 7 chakras) through the 7 Deadly Sins. It has a cycle of 29 days, similar tot cycle/sickle of Saturn of 28 years. The division in Saturn's A and B ring is called the Cas-sin-ni division. The S is the serpent.

From the moment the moon was brought into orbit, the moon was the brightest object in the night sky next to Sirius and Venus and the female menstruation cycle was timed to the barren moon instead of the life giving sun and the moon became a symbol of the cycle of life and death (maiden-full moon-crone phase). People were 'born into sin' (fall of consciousness, descent into lower dimensions).

The moon is the mediator between the inner and outer world, symbol of the inner child, inner mother (synchronous with female egg cycle).

It has the exact size to be able to eclipse the sun (400 x bigger than the moon) seen from earth.

It has a perfectly circular orbit, in contrast with most moons with ecliptic orbits. It always faces earth with the same side and forms a double-planetary system, not rotating around earth, but synchronous with the earth around the sun.

It is hollow (word holo-gram) and reverberates and rings like a bell (=Baal). The moon is covered with silica sand, causing the diffraction of sun light (pictured on The Dark Side of the Moon, the eyes under control of Sin, a satellite that reflects the light of Saturn-El).

Its 'fake' light influences the tides of the oceans and human beings, consisting mostly out of water, influencing their emotions (hormones of the 7 endocrine centers) keeping them in the Saturn-moon matrix of polarization (duality, division).

The Saturn cult created moon cults like witchcraft and monotheistic religions like Islam (lunar calendar) as the corrupt dark feminine: Isis, Inanna, Ishtar, Selena, Helena, Cybil, Hecate, Lilith, Diana, Cyn-thia.

The Sumerians built the Ziggurat of Ur (one eye pyramid symbolism) to Nanna/Sin. The worship of Nanna was a cult of bulls and cows (Sin rode on a winged bull, the bull horns and crescent moon shape are often syn-onymous). The banana is named after the crescent moon of Nanna.

The Cynics were a school of philosophy in Greece.

Sin became Hebrew letter shin (fire, 3 pronged fork, one of the 3 mother letters) with gematric value 300. Sin in Spanish means without. Suen became sangria (blood) and sangreal (holy blood, Holy Grail).

The jews in Babylon learned astrology (reading the signs) and adapted the Sumerian mythology about the Anunnaki (Enki and Enlil) creating a flood (the flood caused by the moon as punishment for sin, the genetic experiments of Atlantis) into the tales of the Bible.

In the Book of Genesis (gene of Isis) Adam and Eve eat from the Tree of Knowledge (Binah), tempted by the serpent. Yesod presents the lost paradise. Because the Nephilim were white, they were linked to the moon. The Q of Quain and the Queen is the symbol of the moon, so Quaïn is seen as a moonchild, a mon-ster.

Enlil became the angry, jeoulous god YHVH who dictates the 10 commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai (mountain of the moon). Sins (breaking the rules of God) are repented at the Day of Atonement during a period of fasting until the morning star reappears like a virgin, washed from sins, pure and white.

Sin=> saints, sinister, those who have sinned. Jesus Christ represents sacrifice for the sin of mankind. Mary Magdalene represents Malkuth, the sinner. In the Book of Revelation the Whore of Babylon rides the 7 headed Beast (7 Deadly Sins).

The Catholic Church used the concept of Original Sin to suppress the serpent cult and to further suppress the feminine energy of earth through veiling and patriarchy.

The ecliptic is a sinewave. The Fool represents the Wandering Singer. The Mayans timed their rituals of sacrifice synchronous to cycles of eclipse (mythical black sun).

The financial system (Inanna, El) of mo(o)ney is based on the lunar monthly cycle. Coins were made of silver, associated with the moon.

Hieronymous Bosch Table of the Mortal Sins.

The Sinclairs built Rosslyn Chapel.

1589 theologian Peter Binsfeld publishes a list of demons associated with the Seven Deadly Sins (7 chakra's out of balance), Lucifer (pride), Mammon (greed), Asmodeus (lust), Leviathan (envy), Belzebub (gluttony), Satan (wrath) and Belphegor (sloth). The jesuits rule through their confessors (ritual of confessing sins).

1666 Sabbatai Zvi Redemption through sin doctrine.

1700s Johann Gottlieb Fichte introduced the concept of thesis-antithesis-synthesis (dialectics) in freemasonry.

1800s The Symbolists explored the subconscious.

1900s start of the Aeon of Horus (no more sins). Aleister Crowley wrote novel Moonchild. The Whore of Babylon is depicted on the Lust card.

Sin emulation=>cinema, people becoming cinephiles with sympathy for simulators with symmetric faces. The witchcraft of the Hollywood (a tree sacred to the druids) silver screen industry is the power of projection by the reflective moon, associated with silver.

1914 sinking Titanic ritual (the Abyss). Carl Jung introduces the concept of syn-chronicity.

1927 The Jazz Singer (first movie with sound). singers release singles. founding of Las Vegas and casino's (house of sin) of the gambling industry.

1937 Ever Since Eve (poster with serpent). Isaac Singer found Singer (sinew). Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

1943 The Isle of Forgotten Sins John Carradine (OTO).

The moon is covered with silica sand =>silicon of Silicon Valley (Cup of Babalon), used to push the Transhumanist agenda.

Project Diana of US army (radar signals to the moon to receive reflected signals) of John DeWitt Jr of Bell Laboratories coincided with the Babalon Working of Jack Parsons and Ron Hubbard, founder of Dianetics and Scientology.

1950 Project Bluebird with Margaret Singer. Cinderella (Sin-El) Disney. Gilligan's Island (7 Deadly Sins).

1956 Blonde Sinner Diana Dors.

1961 Syncom satellite project of NASA.

1966 Moonlight Sinatra Frank Sinatra (released Fly Me to the Moon and married Mia Farrow). Synarchist movement.

1968 Stanley Kubrick made 2001 A Space Odyssey, based on a novel of Arthur C Clarke. Nancy Sinatra in Speedway. permissive society (no more 'sins') in the Left Wing Church.

Michael Aquino married Lilith Sinclair. BNL built the Syn-chotron. Monsanto.

1969 (69=Cancer, ruled by the moon) Apollo moon landing ritual (rumors of being staged/simulated). NASA originated in Jack Parsons' JPL

1971 opening of Cinderella castle at Magic Kingdom (Malkuth, MK Ultra) of programming center Disneyland.

1980 The First Deadly Sin Bruce Willis.

video games (simulations, the screen of Sin).

1986 Ozzy Osbourne The Ultimate Sin. Allen Ginsberg performed at Sin-é.

1987 Pet Shop Boys It's a Sin.

1991 Frank Miller comic Sin City (Babylon) Dark Horse Comics. Zeena LaVey These Boots (Nancy Sinatra cover). Justin Timberlake as a singer of nSync. Kane & Abel The 7 Sins (feat Master P).

The Sim-psons (announcing staged events). The Sims.

1995 Casino (house of sin) Robert De Niro Sharon Stone as the new Sharon Tate. Sinbad in The Lion King. Sinead O'Conner. The Smiths Singles (picture of Diana Dors). Seven (Deadly Sins) Morgan Freeman. Deadly Sins Alyssa Milano.

1997 Diana Spencer ritual in Paris. Titanic movie of sinking Titanic (into the Abyss) Celine Dion (Diana).

1998 Sin City Spectacular Anna Nicole Smith.

2001 Original Sin Antonio Banderas Angelina Jolie. Chocolate (Sinfully Delicious) Johnny Depp. X-men Bryan Singer (gay agendaà

2003 The Order Heath Ledger as the Sin Eater. Sin Gary Oldman Ving Rhames.

2005 Sin City Robert Rodriguez Bruce Willis Benicio Del Toro Brittany Murphy Rosario Dawson Jessica Alba Mackenzie Vega Elijah Wood.

2007 The Last Sin Eater Louise Fletcher. Sin City Diaries Amber Smith.

2008 Synecdoche NY Charlie Kaufman Philip Seymour Hoffman.

2009 (29 nr of moon and Saturn) Sins of My Father about Pablo Escobar.

The monolithic I-phone with simulation screen represents biting the apple of sin. 9th sphere Yesod is pictured as a warehouse of images.  Kendrick Lamar Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe ('I am a sinner'). Rihanna as Nanna. J Cole Born Sinner. Hopsin. Temptation Island franchise (recreating original sin).

The Masked Singer. Ray Kurzweil as prophet of the Sin-gularity (The Singularity Is Near).

2014 Sin City A Dame to Kill For Christopher Lloyd Joseph Gordon-Levitt Mickey Rourke Lady Gaga. holographic simulation theory in the Flat Earth psyop (Santos Bonacci, synchromysticism).

2017 The Sinner.

Gay pride religion (rainbow of 7 Deadly Sins)


