
Silicon is a chemical element with symbol Si and atomic number 14 (between Aluminum 13 and Phosphorus 15). It is a tetravalent metalloid semi-conductor. It was isolated in 1832 by Swedish chemist Jacob Berzilius (Uppsala University, Karolinska Institute), who also discovered cerium and selenium and isolated thorium. He was in contact with the House of Bernadotte and Humpfry Davy, president of the Royal Society.

He was also in contact with Friedrich Wöhler who isolated beryllium and yttrium and synthetically created organic compound urea (found in urine).

Sand is made of silicon. Silicon works similar to the silica (silicon dioxide) sand on the moon (Sin in Babylon) and to the pineal gland, which works like a vibrating sand crystal. It is the 2nd most abundant element in the earth's crust.

It is used in computers the Transhumanist Church of Silicon Valley (Facebook, Apple, Twitter, HP, Google, Stanford University, Santa Clara University of the jesuits) near San Francisco. Geomancy, divination though sand was one of the dark arts. William Shockley (HHS) invented the first transistor and experimented with semiconductors.

Berzelius is a secret society at Yale University (Skull and Bones, Scroll and Key). Clifford Beers of Berzelius founded the mental hygiene movement.

Silicone is used in plastic surgery to manipulate lips, buttocks and breasts (attack on Divine Feminine).

Apple invented the I-phone in worship of the one eye (phoney eye). The Carnegie Mellon University (CIA family) created a branch at Silicon Valley, focused on AI.

the Transhumanist Church

Silicon Valley
