Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley (Santa Clara Valley) is a region near San Francisco of technology companies, who work towards the transhumanist goal of turning human beings into cyborgs, as part of a Luciferian agenda, the belief they can become godlike through technology.

Silicon was invented by Knight of Malta Berzilius. It mimics silica, the sand of the moon and is designed to manipulate the pineal gland (I-phones represent the one eye).

Hollywood High School alumni and eugenicist William Shockley invented the transistor in 1947.

Silicon Valley grew out of the Tavistock and the Stanford Research Institute research in the 60's ( Stewart Brand, Peter Schwartz CFR). Stanford was one of the first nodes of ARPANET/Internet.

Military technology was gradually rolled out from the 70's, to move towards digital slavery step by step, with PR actors in the media industry like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and young jewish students like Mark Zuckerberg as genius, innovative entrepreneurs.

- Apple (founded by Steve Jobs who had a 7% stake in mind control center Disney): jesuit Phil Schiller (gene sequencing company Illumina), jesuit Peter Oppenheimer, jesuit Ellen Hancock, Susan Wagner (BlackRock), Tim Cook (Business Roundtable, Luciferian apple gay agenda).

- Facebook (Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus VR): jesuit trained David Wehner, jesuit Robert Kimmit (CFR, TC, Secretary of Treasury under S&B member George W Bush), Jeff Hammerbacher (CFR), Sheryl Sandberg (CFR), Marc Andreesen (venture capital firm with son of David Horowitz of the Right Wing Church), Maina Kiai (UN Kenya), Elizabeth Linder (jesuit, Ditchley, Chatham House, Atlantik-Brücke),..

Through group pressure, Instagram is made mandatory for children, stealing all the data of their text messages, promoting the digital narcissism of mind controlled sex slaves like Kardashian-Jenner as role model. FB=FBI, the secret service of queen Elizabeth II and the rest of the Saturn cult. The previous Queen Elizabeth in the 16th century employed the occultist John Dee, who played for her secret service, gathered all the information from British spies. His nickname 007 is a symbol for Tubalcain (two balls and a caine, a phallus symbol). Tubalcain is a password in freemasonry, just like Cain, it stands for a descendant of Lucifer. The FB logo is therefore a copy of the Tubalcain (two balls and a cane) logo from freemasonry. Smith is another name for Tubalcain (Goo-gle also refers to that 007, led by Eric Schmidt).

- Google: Eric Schmidt (CFR, Berggruen Institute, Business Roundtable), jesuit David Drummond, jesuit Krishna Barat, jesuit Ram Shiram, jesuit Nikesh Arora, jesuit Chris Sacca, Regina Dugan (DARPA), transhumanist Ray Kurzweil (Singularity University with Peter Diamandis),..

- HP: jesuit Enrique Lores, Vanguard

- IBM (administration of Holocaust concentration camps): Gary Cohn (Goldman Sachs, advisor of Donald Trump)

- LinkedIn: Reid Hoffman (Berggruen Institute)

- Netflix

- Oracle (owned by Facebook)

- Reddit: Jennifer Nuzzo (CFR)

- Snapchat: Evan Spiegel (Berggruen Institute, married to MK Ultra slave Miranda Kerr)

- Twitter: Jack Dorsey (Berggruen Institute), Vanguard

- Uber: Robert Sugar (Northtrop Grumman, Chevron, Apple), Dara Khosrowshahi (friend of Barry Diller, BET, The NY Times), Vanguard..

- Yahoo: Jerry Yang (Berggruen Institute)

The Carnegie Mellon University (CIA family) created a branch at Silicon Valley, focused on AI.

San Francisco

the Transhumanist Church
