Rupert Murdoch
Keith Rupert Murdoch is an Australian media actor who produces propaganda in the media industry, owner of News Corporation (Fox, The Times, New York Post, National Geographic) and 20th Century Fox, untill it was sold to Disney in 2018. He is a member of the papal Order of St Gregory and the Atlantic Council. He is the son of Keith Murdoch, trained at LSE of Fabian Society and Elizabeth Greene (Order of the British Empire). |
Keith Murdoch was a friend of Alfred Harmsworth (The Times, propaganda office Wellington House with HG Wells and AC Doyle), married to Mary Milner (Order of St John). He was Director-General of Information (Minister of Propaganda) in Australia. He attended Camberwell Grammar School like Barry Humphries (transgender agenda).
Rupert's 2nd wife Anna Mann worked for the Daily Mirror and The Daily Telegraph.
Their daughter Elizabeth Murdoch was trained by the Dominicans. She worked for the Shine Group which merged with Endemol, Apollo Global Management (jesuit Tony Ressler) and Core Media. She married Matthew Freud, the great-grandson of Sigmund Freud. He is related to Caroline Blackwood Guiness. He had a relationship with the mother of Playboy model Marina Baker/Pepper. He was mentioned in Adam Curtis' Century of the Self. His first wife Caroline Hutton married the brother of Diana Spencer.
Lachlan Murdoch's wife Sara O'Hare posed for Harper's Bazaar.
His 3d wife Wendi Deng created platform Artsy, with Peter Thiel and Eric Schmidt (Google) as investors. She is on the board of Asia Society and Match Group (Tinder). According to the Daily Telegraph she had an affair with Fabian Tony Blair.
His 4th wife is model Jerry Hall, the ex-wife of Mick Jagger (LSE). She lived in Paris with Grace Jones and Jessica Lange. She posed for Vogue and Cosmopolitan of Hearst. She played in Urban Cowboy (1980) with John Travolta, Debra Winger and Bonnie Riatt. She was a friend of Lucian Freud and Andy Warhol. She appeared in scripted reality show Kept on VH1 and with Rupert Murdoch in Fox tv show American Idol. Jerry Hall's daughter is model Georgia May Jagger, who is signed to Creative Artists Agency and played a role in the James Holmes Phoenix ritual (London Olympics of 2012).
From 1984 Barry Diller (married to Diane von Fürstenberg) was CEO of Hollywood studio 20th Century Fox (Knight of Malta Spyros Skouros, Marilyn Monroe).
In 1986 20th Century Fox was sold to News Corp.
In 1996 Murdoch founded Fox News, with Roger Ailes (advisor of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush and later Donald Trump) as CEO.
Jesuit Viet Dinh of News Corp wrote the Patriot Act after the 911 ritual.
National Geographic helped reviving the Illuminati hoax.
Lachlan Murdoch was trained at Philips Academy and is a member of the Business Roundtable.
James Murdoch is CEO of Sky Group Ltd. He was educated Harvard and backed Hip Hop label Rawkus Records (Mos Def, Eminem). He served on the board of Tesla of Elon Musk. His wife works for the Clinton Climate Initiative of jesuit Bill Clinton.
He helped spreading the Transcendental Meditation trend.
He is a friend of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump. In the Right Wing Church, Fox News was used as a Saviour in the Qanon psyop to promote jesuit Donald Trump.
Astrological chart
born 3/11/1931, date Jimmy Iovine, Thora Birch, Johnny Knoxville, Terence Howard, d John McCloy, attack Madrid, earthquake Japan, in Australia.
Asc: Capricorn, mc: Virgo. Dom: Capricorn (the Devil), Pisces, Cancer - Saturn (materialism, old man), Jupiter, Mercury.
Houses 4, 7, 12. 4: Sun and Mercury in Pisces, 7: Pluto and Jupiter in Cancer, 12: Moon in Sagittarius.