Royal Society

The Royal Society is an academy and bastion of the Science Church in the UK, founded on 11/28/1660, supported by mason Charles II (Stuart, central bloodline of Akhenaten in the Scottish Rite). It was a continuation of the Invisible College of Robert Boyle, Gresham College of Thomas Gresham (City of London, Royal Exchange), the circle of Samuel Hartlib and Oxford Philosophical Club of John Wilkins. It served as intermediary between the Rosicrucianism of John Dee and modern freemasonry and gave rise to the first Scientific Revolution (ideals of the Enlightenment).

Robert Moray (spy of Cardinal Richelieu) became the first president of the Royal Society. It served the goal of the monarchy and the City of London bankers of maintaining a monopoly on science.

Charles II Stuart was the son of Henrietta Maria, daughter of Henry VI of France and Marie de Medici, of the Italian Medici family who introduced Hermeticism, the cult of Hermes/Mercury. The gathering of scientific knowledge represented the symbolic rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon in masonry. The Stuarts worked with Dutch rabbi Jacob Judah Leon Templo of the Sabbatean movement. Henry Oldenburg was in contact with Sabbatean Petrus Serrarius.

Rupert of the Rine (Stuart) conquered the northern US to found the New Atlantis, as announced by Francis Bacon.

Louis XIV created the French Académie des Sciences in 1666. James Smithson helped founding the Smithsonian Institute.

Early Members

- Albert Saxe-Coburg
- Alexander Bruce (Scottish House of Bruce, ties to the Knights Templar)
- André Ampère (research on electricity)
- Ben Jonson
- Charles Babbage (father of the computer)
- Charles Darwin
- Charles Theodore Wittelsbach (Duke of Bavaria, banned the Illuminati)
- Charles Wilkins (The Asiatic Society with Alexander Hamilton)
- Christiaan Huygens (studied Saturn, teacher of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, son of Constantijn Huygens who tutored Frederick V)
- Christopher Wren (rebuilt the City of London)
- Edmond Halley
- Edward Charles Howard (mercury fulminate)
- Edward Jenner (smallpox vaccines, physician of George IV)
- Elias Ashmole (influenced by George Wharton)
- George II of England
- George Lewis Scott (tutor of George III)
- George Villiers 2nd Duke of Buckingham
- Guillaume Raynal (Enlightenment, jesuit who announced the slave revolt in Haiti, friend of atheist Baron d'Holbach)
- Henry Oldenburg (mason, first Secretary, friend of John Milton who wrote Paradise Lost)
- Herbrand Russell (Order of St John)
- Ignaz von Born (Illuminati lodge with Joseph von Sonnenfels)
- Isaac Newton (Principia, theory of gravity)
- Isambard Kingdom Brunel (Industral Revolution)
- JJ Thomson
- James Smithson (Smithsonian)
- John Theophilus Desaguliers (Grand Lodge of London)
- John Wilkes (Oddfellows, Hellfire Club)
- John Wilkins (Gresham College, Oxford, Cambridge, cult of Mercury/Hermes)
- Jonathan Goddard (Gresham College, Oxford Club of John Wilkins)
- Josiah Wedgwood (anti-slavery movement, Lunar Society, grandfather of Darwin)
- Martin Heinrich Klaproth (discovery of superconductor titanium and uranium)
- Michael Faraday (research on electricity, Athenaeum Club)
- Richard Price (friend of Thomas Jefferson)
- Robert Boyle
- Robert Moray
- Rudjer Boskovic (jesuit)
- Stephen Joseph Perry (jesuit)
- Thomas Young
- Walter Scott (mason)
- Wilhelm Leibniz
- William Ball (studied Saturn)
- William Bateson (popularized the idea's of Gregor Mendel, father of Gregory Bateson)
- William Brouncker
- William Cavendish (Cecil bloc)
- William Gell (friend of Edward Bulwer-Lytton)
- William Grenville (pm, slavery abolition act)
- William Petty (great-grandfather of William Petty, pm of the UK)
- William Stukely (mason, druid)


Christopher Wren, Charles Montagu, Isaac Newton, William Wolaston (palladium, rhodium), Humphry Davy (Geological Society of London, Athenaeum Club), Joseph Dalton Hooker, Thomas Henry Huxley, George Stokes, Lord Kelvin, William Higgins, Lord Rayleigh (Nobel Prize in Physics), William Crookes, JJ Thomson, Ernest Rutherford (nuclear physics), Andrew Huxley, Paul Nurse (president Rockefeller University, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine), Michael Atiyah (IAS), Aaron Klug (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Human Genome Project), Robert May (British Science Association, WWF), Martin Rees (Gresham College), Adrian Smith (Alan Turing Institute).

Later members

- Alan Turing
- Albert Einstein
- Albert Michelson
- prince Andrew
- Arthur Balfour (SPR, Cecil bloc)
- Arthur Stoll (LSD research Albert Hoffman, Kaiser Wilhelm Institute)
- Bertrand Russell
- Brian Cox
- Clement Attlee (LSE, Fabian Society)
- David Attenborough
- Elon Musk
- Enrico Fermi
- Erwin Schrödinger
- Filnders Petrie
- Francis Collins
- Francis Crick (DNA helix)
- Frederick William IV Hohenzollern
- Gabriel Lippmann
- Geoffrey Hinton
- Hermann Weyl
- Karl Popper
- Lionel Penrose
- Niels Bohr
- Richard Feynman
- Robert Oppenheimer
- Roger Penrose
- Satyendra Nath Bose
- Sigmund Freud
- Stephen Hawking
- Steven Weinberg
- Winston Churchill
- Wolfgang Pauli

It funded Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead to write Principia Mathematica.

In 2015 president Martin Rees launched Breakthrough Initiatives at the Royal Society-with Stephen Hawking, Yuri Milner and Ann Druyan, wife of Carl Sagan (novel Contact). It uses the Robert Byrd Green Bank Telescope in Virginia supposedly to listen for 'alien' communication. It was named after Oddfellow and senator Robert Byrd, one of the main characters in Cathy O'Brien's narrative. The telescope, funded by NSF, was used in the Oumaouma media ritual in 2017 with Avi Loeb.

John Dee

History of Freemasonry
