Roswell incident

The Roswell incident was a media psyop in july 1947 in Lincoln County New Mexico, to spread disinfo about Greys and other extraterrestrials in pop culture in the form of a UFO religion (CIA front Coast to Coast AM). 1947 was the year of the Black Dahlia media ritual, Kenneth Arnold's claims of UFO contact, George Van Tassel moving to Mojave desert, OSS rebranding as CIA and death of MI6 agent Aleister Crowley, 1 year after Jack Parsons' Babalon Workings.

Roswell (on the 33d parallel) is close to the White Sands nuclear test site and the Very Large Array of the NSF, built by Raytheon. The saucer represents the Cup of Babalon (rosicrucian symbolism of rose and cross, phallus and anus, crashes=orgasm symbolism).

The UFO stories of Kenneth Arnold (BSA) was publicized in 1947 by Raymond Palmer (Amazing Stories, science fiction scene of Robert Bloch and HP Lovecraft) who announced the Roswell ritual with the Shaver Mystery.

Jesse Marcel (atom bomb tests of Operation Crossroads) and Stanton Friedman revived the hoax in the 70's. Friedman was a classmate of Carl Sagan at University of Chicago and appeared on CNN and Coast to Coast AM of jesuit George Noorey.

Karl Pflock spread the hoax with the San Francisco Examiner of Hearst (inventors of the tabloid press) and worked for the American Enterprise Institute. He worked with James Moseley (guest on The Amazing James Randi Show) and Budd Hopkins.

Kevin Randle was interviewed by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (associated with Carl Sagan). Philip J Klass (Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences) and Dave Thomas played the role of skeptic antagonist.

William Moore (MUFON) wrote The Roswell Incident with Charles Berlitz (Yale, also wrote on the Bermuda Triangle, Atlantis and the Philadelphia Experiment). Moore and Friedman spread documents to prove the existence of Majestic12 of Harry Truman (Nathan Twining, Roscoe Hillenkoeter, Vannevar Bush, Robert Montague). Vannevar Bush was the founder of Raytheon and on the board of directors of AT&T and Merck & Co.

In the 80's Paul Bennewetz spread stories about a Dulce Base in New Mexico.

Colonel Philip Corso (Coast to Coast) wrote The Day After Roswell in 1997 with William Birnes (NYU, Coast to Coast, UFO Hunters of History Channel). He worked under Douglas MacArthur during the Korean War. He attributed silicon technology of Silicon Valley to E.T. interference. He named Motorola as one of the companies who reverse engineered the UFO technology. Bob Galvin of Motorola was awarded the Vannevar Bush Award.

Thomas Carey (US Army, Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, Fox News) and Donald Schmitt (friend of J  Allen Hynek, Coast to Coast) wrote Roswell The Ultimate Cold Case.

Edgar Mitchell (NASA, BSA, Coast to Coast) also spread disinfo about Roswell and created the Institute of Noetic Sciences with Paul Temple, who funded The Family (ties to Raytheon, hq in Arlington VA close to Washington DC).

Don Philips of Lockheed Skunk Works (Area 51) participated in the Disclosure Project psyop, claiming Lockheed worked on anti-gravity research and the military had acquired craft through the Roswell incident.

Nick Redfern (Coast to Coast) wrote The Roswell Conspiracy and Body Snatchers in the Desert: the Horrible Truth at the Heart of the Roswell Story.

Joseph P Farrell (Coast to Coast) wrote Roswell and the Reich the Nazi Connection.

Thomas Carey, Donald Schmitt, Edgar Mitchell, Stanton Friedman, Philip Coppens, Nick Redfern, Kevin Randle, Marie D Jones, Frank Joseph, Jim Marrs, Mike Bara, Richard Dolan, Erich von Daniken, Peter Levenda, Harold Puthoff, James Van Praagh, Joscelyn Godwin, JJ Hurtak, Jean Houston, Barbara Marx Hubbard  are all published by Red Wheel Weiser (New Page Books, Disinformation Books, in alliance with MUFON) which also publish the books of Blavatsky, Crowley, AE Waite, Frater Achad, Lon Milo DuQuette (OTO).

Dave Grohl (Washington DC Punk Rock scene) founded Roswell Records and Roswell Films.

It was used as a theme in Fox tv show The X-Files, Star Trek Deep Space Nine and Taken (Sci-Fi Channel, produced by Steven Spielberg) with Dakota Fanning, Project Blue Book of History.

In 2019 The CW produced Roswell New Mexico with Jamie Clayton (transgender agenda, Sense8 of the Wachowskis).


Coast to Coast AM
