
Psychology is the study of the mind and imagination (subconscious) and behavior, a branch of the Science Church, closely linked to the Mental Health Industry (psychiatry, pharmaceutical industry) and the history of mind control. Psychology is a term coined by James Braid, based on psyche, the Greek word for soul or butterfly with letter psi (trident symbol of Neptune) as first letter. The psychoanalytical method of Sigmund Freud became the image of a psychologist in the public consciousness.  

Schools of thought:

- biological model neurological brain research.

- structuralism of Wilhelm Wundt.

- behavioural psychology (BF Skinner, John B Watson, Ivan Pavlov) research on conditioning through stimulus-reaction pairings for more advanced propaganda.

- cognitive studying mental process of learning, also used in creating artificial intelligence. Gestalt theory (holism instead of fragments) developed by Max Wertheimer (The New School, student of Carl Stumpf and teacher of Kurt Lewin, Solomon Asch and Rudolf Arnheim), Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Köhler, reliving and resolving trauma. Fritz and Laura Perls developed Gestalt therapy.

- social psychology, study of group dynamics Gustav Lebon The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (1896) start of group psychology, used in nazism and fascism. Groups create their own judgement, their own cultural super-ego excluding black sheep non conformists (nullification of self into collective self, collective willpower).

- psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud and his followers (Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, Erich Fromm).

History of psychology

The Egyptians and Greeks had religious rituals of reaching ecstacy and giving initiates a peak of the spirit world. Aristotle wrote De Anima. Hippocrates described 4 humours, blood, phlegm, black and yellow bile and sanguine.

In Hinduism the concept of eternal soul and the mundane self is taught and the importance of reaching higher awareness is taught through yoga (union).

In Judaism the mystical tradition of kabbalism was developed. Personality types are based on how one balances the 4 elements (duality of darkness and light, yin and yang, the receptive, female component and active, male component, fall and rise, winter and summer, north and south, disorder and order, water and fire, expansion and contraction).

The Chinese yin yang symbol shows a balance between two opposites, the shady and sunny side, with a portion of the opposite element in each section (in the mind conscious and unconscious, in the body acid alkaloid, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, in the I Ching yin solid lines, yang broken lines, combined in trigrams).

The alchemists experimented with chemical substances to manipulate and conquer the mind and wrote on psychological transformation (symbolism of the Tarot). HC Agrippa wrote 3 books on occult philosophy (magic=self hypnosis, control of the mind) and influenced Paracelsus.

Early influences on psychology: René Descartes, Thomas Willis (investigates the nervous system), John Locke (student of Willis, in contact with alchemist Robert Boyle of Royal Society), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

1700s  jesuit David Hume, John Stuart Mill (East India Company, APS, godfather to Bertrand Russell). Franz Mesmer (trained by jesuits at University of Ingolstadt) develops Mesmerism. He is a friend of masons Gluck, Joseph Hayden, Wolfgang Mozart.

1784 Louis XIV Bourbon appoints a Royal Academy of Sciences commission to investigate animal magnetism with Antoine Lavoisier, jesuit Sylvain Bailly, jesuit Joseph-Ignace Guillotin and Benjamin Franklin.

1844 founding of the American Psychiatric Association in Philadelphia.

1850s Occult Revival (séances to evoke spirits with rosicrucians Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Eliphas Levi).

1865 Wilhelm Hübbe-Schleiden founds the German Theosophical Society. Paul Broca (American Philosophical Society) identifies the part of the brain associated with language.

1879 psychology becomes an independent science with Wilhelm Wundt (Leipzig Heidelberg University, thesis-antithesis-synthesis copied by Gilman S&B) who teaches Hugo Munsterberg, G. Stanley Hall, Franz Boas, Emile Durkheim,.. Cultural psychology influenced by Johann Herder. William James.

1882 British Intelligence creates Society for Psychical Research. The British Empire agents of the Theosophical Society do research on dissociation techniques through yoga and meditation.

1885 Sigmund Freud visits La Salpêtrière hospital in Paris to be trained by physician JM Charcot, an expert in hypnosis and neurosis, who also educated Joseph Babinsky, Charles Richet, Pierre Janet (concept of 'subconscious' and 'dissociation'), Adolf Meyer, Alfred Binet and Gilles de la Tourette. Freud founds the Vienna Psychoanalytical Society in Austria with Alfred Adler, Otto Rank, Tatiana Rosenthal, Sabina Spielrein.

Bernhard von Gudden (physician of Ludwig II of Bavaria), teaches Emil Kraepelin and Auguste-Henri Forel at University of Munich.

1886 Richard von Krafft-Ebing Psychopathia Sexualis.

1887 John Dewey New Psychology.

1889 International Congress of Physiological Psychology with Max Dessoir, Albert von Schrenck-Notzing, William James, Charles Richet (term ectoplasm), Pierre Janet, Auguste Forel, Hugo von Münsterberg, Eleanor Balfour (sister of Arthur Balfour), Francis Galton, Cesare Lombroso, Henry Sidgwick,...

1890 Hübbe-Schleiden founds the German SPR with von Schrenck-Notzing and Max Dessoir.

1891 Ivan Pavlov works at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, founded by Alexander Oldenburg, researching conditioning through observation in salivation of dogs at a given stimulus (whistles, electroshocks,..).

1892 founding of American Psychological Association (APA) at Clark University with G. Stanley Hall (American Society for Psychical Research). Hugo Munsterberg (German propaganda) behaviorist starts working at Harvard.

influence of Darwinism, evolutionary thinking, scientific racism.

Sigmund Freud  psychoanalysis studies hypnotism under Hyppolite Bernheim with Wilhelm Hübbe-Schleiden.

1896 Carl Jung develops concept of collective unconscious (archetypes of the Tarot, aspects of the self), free association, improvisation. After Darwin reduced man to monkey with nothing but instincts, man becomes a patient that needs to be cured. Edward Titchener (student of Wilhelm Wundt, Cornell University, structuralism) Outline of Psychology.

1900 Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of dreams. Freud considered dreams as a way of making representations of fulfilled desires to preserve sleep. developmental phases of the oral (10-18 months), anal (potty training, testing limits of authority), phallic (age 3- 6, distinction between love of parents and sexuality), latent (6-9 dormant sexual feelings) and genital phase. If anything goes wrong during these phases, one might not be able to give or surrender, too much fear or repression, twisted concept of love (in mind control the handler reverses pleasure-pain, like sadomasochism, loyalty to parents/handlers, regardless of their immoral behavior). Love in long lasting relationships is restriction of the superego.

Polish Kabbalist and Theosophist Max Théon (Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor) creates the Cosmic Movement with Albert von Schrenck-Notzing.

Max Wertheimer (Frankfurt School, The New School, APA) develops Gestalt psychology.

1904 Morton Prince (SPR). Jesuit Alfred Binet (student of JM Charcot) develops intelligence testing (eugenics).

1905 Mary Whiton Calkins as president of APA.

1906 Camillo Golgi and Ramon y Cajal awarded the Nobel Prize for mapping the nervous system.

1909 Freud, Jung, William James and Carl Ferenczi meet at Clark University.

1912 Edward Thorndike as president of the APA.

1914 pluto (dark secrets, psychology) in cancer. WW1 ritual, research on trauma based mind control. IQ testing of eugenicist Lewis Terman of US soldiers. Joseph Babinski trains André Breton.

1915 neptune (trident symbol) in leo

OTO center Monte Verità with Otto Gross.

1920 Sigmund Freud Beyond the Pleasure Principle.

1922 Kurt Koffka introduces the Gestalt theory. improvisation techniques in jazz.

1923 Freud's theory of the Ego and the Id, ego choice to listen to little angel superego or little devil id. making the unconscious conscious, through conversation, hypnosis, free association. ego as a system of perception and unconscious set of ideas with the Ego and Id (Eros love making as primal motivation) like rider and horse.  morals in super-ego, metaphor of an iceberg (Titanic, King Kong). conflict between life drive or libido and death drive, Eros and Thanatos. The mind has a tendency to reduce tension to zero so creates neuroses (neurons firing constant distress, troublesome adaptation/repression of ego to satisfy moral super-ego, from the 80s the word is no longer used).

1924 William Alanson White (St Elizabeths Hospital, mentor of Ron Hubbard) as president of the APA.

André Breton's Surrealist Manifesto, introduces the idea's of Freud (free association, improvisation), Georges Bataille, Jacques Lacan, in the art scene with Juan Miro, Man Ray and Salvador Dali.

1927 Carl Jung introduces the distinction of introvert-extravert. Gordon Allport Concepts of Traits and Personality traits like openness, extraversion, agreeableness, measured on a spectrum scale to predict average behavior. extra factor social conditions that affect our traits. Allport teaches Stanley Milgram, Jerome Bruner (Psi Chi). Bluma Zeigarnik (Berlin school of experimental psychology, circle of Lev Vygotsky) publishes on the Zeigarnik effect, better recollection of unfinished tasks.

1930 Sigmund Freud Civilization and its Discontents: discusses continuous tension between individual and society. Society imposes dictate of expectations (superego), like monogamy and constant repression of desires, so is neurotic by nature, leads to conflict between work-reality and pleasure-pleasure. religion as coping mechanism for the longing for the union with Binah earth mother, oceanic feeling of oneness, where there was no distinction between ego, id or superego, no distinction between desire and fulfillment.

The ego is a tool to protect ourselves from unhappiness but also largest source of unhappiness. coping mechanisms like repression, regression to infantile stage, using intellect- rationalization, denial, projection, displacement (shifting sexual or aggressive impulses to object or person less threatening, yelling at partner because of pent up rage after getting yelled at by boss) creating unique personality traits. Other coping and defense mechanisms: Denial, displacement (fi transferring anger to other person or object), intellectualization, fantasy, compensation, projection, rationalization, reaction formation, regression, repression, and sublimation, undoing, suppression (fi OCD), dissociation, idealization, identification, introjection (imitating traits), inversion, somatization (psychological problems masking as illness), splitting, and substitution.

Carl Jung's concept of the Shadow, the dark side of personality, only known indirectly through projection. As long as the shadow is not assimilated and controlled by the consciousness, it may appear in dreams and fantasies mingled with the anima archetype. No one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort.

1933 Wilhelm Reich orgone therapy, Function of the Orgasm, Character analysis, Mass Psychology of Fascism, The Orgasm as an Electrophysiological Discharge.

Eranos conferences of Theosophical Society with Carl Jung, Mircea Eliade,..

Erik Erikson is transferred to the US.

1934 Wilhelm Reich the Sexual Revolution. Cecil agent Cyril Burt works with the Galton family (Lunar Society, Royal Society, related to Darwin) to develop IQ testing as part of the eugenics agenda.

1935 Jung's lectures at Tavistock Clinic, attended by Samuel Beckett.

1936 Reich tries to reconcile psychoanalysis with Marxism, arguing that neurosis is rooted in sexual and socio-economic conditions, and in particular in a lack of what he called 'orgastic potency' (concept of hobby horse), builds orgone accumulators.

1938 BF Skinner Behavior of Organisms. Skinner invents the Skinner box (Saturn symbol) to experiment with stimulus conditioning on rats. Charles Douglas Jackson's OSS research on Psychological Warfare. Jerome Bruner works for Dwight Eisenhower's Psychological Warfare Division.

1939 Society for the Psychological Studies of Social Issues (multiculti agenda).

1942 Macy conferences on cybernetics (Norbert Wiener, Margaret Mead, Harold Abramson, Heinrich Klüver, Heinz Werner). Psychological Warfare Division of MI6. Wilfred Bion and John Rickman's group therapy experiments.

Committee on National Morale under Franklin Roosevelt with George Gallup (polling public opinion), Ruth Benedict, Hadley Cantril (Princeton research of Orson Welles hoax, worked with Theodor Adorno on the Radio Project), Erik Erikson (term identity crisis), Erich Fromm (Frankfurt School, Columbia The New School), Gordon Allport, Leonard Doob (propaganda), Margaret Mead, led by Arthur Upham Pope (friend of William Hearst and John Rockefeller). Sigmund Freud's cousin Edward Bernays was a member of her Society for Applied Anthropology.

1947 Tavistock Clinic becomes Tavistock Institute. Alfred Kinsey founds his Institute for Sex Research.

1949 Ernest Hilgard (Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scales) as president of the American Psychological Association.

1950 hypnosis, LSD and trauma based mind control research project Project Bluebird at Walter Reed Army Hospital. Ron Hubbard develops Dianetics.

1951 conformity experiments of Solomon Asch at Swarthmore College.

1952 American Psychiatric Association (APA) with Ewen Donald Cameron as president, published the first DSM and applied it in St Elizabeths hospital (Ezra Pound) in Washington.

1953 Gardner Murphy In the Minds of Men: The Study of Human Behavior and Tensions in India. Seminars of Jacques Lacan (language as determining factor defining self). John Gittinger develops Personality Assessment tests for MK Ultra.

1954 Jesuit Michel Foucault promotes existential psychologist Ludwig Binswanger.

1961 Alber Badura's Bobo doll experiment (doll programming) at Stanford. Stanley Milgram's torture experiment with electroshocks at Yale University. Ewen Cameron as president of the World Psychiatric Association. Michel Foucault Madness and Civilization.

1962 CIA front Esalen Institute in California (BF Skinner, Ken Kesey,..), modeled on the Eranos conferences.

1963 Association for Humanistic Psychology with Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, James Bugenthal, Gordon Allport, Rollo May, sponsored by Brandeis University. Humanistic psychology of Gardner Murphy.

1968 Abraham Maslow (Esalen) as president of APA.

1971 Philip Zimbardo's prison experiment at Stanford University. Henry Murray works with Unabomber Ted Kaczinsky. RD Laing's notion 'everybody is a bit crazy'. William Thetford (Columbia, student of CIA agent Carl Rogers at the University of Chicago) heads MK Ultra Subproject 130 Personality Theory.

1975 NLP trend (self-hypnosis) of Richard Bandler John Grinder (Quantum Leap Inc, trained with Tony Robbins).

increase of social workers, popularization of psychology tests, psychological labeling, to eventually impose mental health care, constant monitoring by central intelligence, system of total control.

1997 Steven Pinker How the Mind Works.

Rise of the Mental Health Industry: labels like bipolar disorder, ADHD,..

2013 DARPA's BRAIN Initiative.

2020 psychological warfare during the Covid19-ritual.

Sigmund Freud

Carl Jung
