Psychoanalysis is a branch of psychology, a pseudoscience used in the Mental Health Industry, developed by Sigmund Freud, based on the jewish tradition of incest, practiced for thousand of years by elite families of the Saturn cult, obsessed with pedophilia. The secret tradition was passed on through the kings of Sumeria, pharao's of Egypt, rosicrucianism (rose as metaphor for the anus), freemasonry, Sabbatean judaism, Frankism of Jacob Frank, Illuminati (illumination through sodomy), Marquis de Sade, Frankists of Jacobin Club and Theosophist research on hypnosis and dissociation. |
It played a role in mind control research of secret services (splitting the mind through anal sex) like MI6 and Tavistock, mass media psyops, advertising, the fake Feminist movement and the fake Sexual Revolution, the gay-transgender agenda,..
History of psychoanalysis
1892 founding of the American Psychological Association.
1895 founding of sex magic cult Ordo Templi Orientis. Freud is trained by JM Charcot in Paris. He works on catharsis therapy with his mentor Josef Breuer and publishes Studies on Hysteria, promoted by Eugen Bleuler (Burgölzli clinic).
1899 Sigmund Freud The Interpretation of Dreams (dreams as fulfillment of a wish, introduces the concept of Oedipus complex).
1905 Sigmund Freud Three Essays on Sexuality (describes sadism and masochism).
1907 the idea's of Freud are promoted by the Fabian Society in The New Age magazine with Theosophist Alfred Orage (friend of Aleister Crowley and George Gurdjieff) as editor and with writings of Ezra Pound, Arnold Bennett (HOGD), Florence Farr (HOGD), PD Ouspensky, Katherine Mansfield, GB Shaw, HG Wells, Dimitrije Mitrinovic (mentor of Alan Watts), Theosophist Beatrice Hastings,..
1908 Vienna Psychoanalytical Society in Austria of Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Otto Gross, neurologist Ernest Jones, Alfred Adler, Wilhelm Reich, Sandor Ferenczi, Otto Rank, Victor Tausk, Carl Jung, Sabina Spielrein (relationship with Jung), Hanns Sachs, Tatiana Rosenthal, .. Otto Rank works with Anais Nin. Ferenczi works with Melanie Klein. Alfred Adler works with Leon Trotsky, editor of Pravda.
Eugen Bleuler introduces the term 'schizophrenia', replacing Emil Kraepelin's term dementia praecox.
1909 Freud and Jung are invited to the Clark University Conference in Massachusetts by Stanley G Hall of the American Psychological Association, with William James (Society of Psychical Research) and Jason Putnam of Harvard.
Freud visits the OTO center
Monte Verità community (Otto Gross) near Ascona Switzerland, aimed at reviving the Greek pedophilia religion with the Wandervogel group of Hans Blüher.
1910 International Psychoanalytical Association at Nuremberg (Bavaria where Illuminati was founded), with Carl Jung as president and Otto Rank as secretary.
1913 Ernest Jones founds the British Psychoanalytical Society with William Mackenzie, Lionel Penrose (Quakers, professor of eugenics at University College London), John Bowlby, Donald Winicott, Melanie Klein, John Rickman, James Strachey, Edward Glover, Cyril Burt, Charles Rycroft (Maudsley), Rosine Perelberg (Maudsley), Joan Riviere (uncle worked for SPR), Thomas Walker Mitchell,.. Isidor Sadger coins the term 'sadomasochism'.
British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology of Ernest Jones, Havelock Ellis, Margaret Sanger, Magnus Hirschfeld (World League for Sexual Reform with Bertrand Russell), Stella Browne (Abortion Law Reform Association), catholic priest Montague Summers (friend of MI6 agents Aleister Crowley and Dennis Wheatley, books on witchcraft), Edward Carpenter (Socialist League), George Cecil Ives (friend of Oscar Wilde), Laurence Hausman (Humanists UK) and Fabian GB Shaw.
Edward Bernays works for Woodrow Wilson's propaganda office.
1919 Erich Fromm's Frankfurt Psychoanalytic Institute with lectures of Anna Freud, Hanns Sachs,..
1920 Karl Abraham and Max Eitington found the Berlin Psychoanalytical Society with Karen Horney (relationship with Fromm, trained by Karl Abraham), Ernst Simmel, Wilhelm Reich, Melanie Klein.
1922 Thomas Walker Mitchell as president of the SPR. Freud's Secret Committee with Hanns Sachs, Max Eitington, Otto Rank (later replaced by Anna Freud), Sandor Ferenczi, Karl Abraham and Ernest Jones.
1923 Sigmund Freud the Ego and the Id.
1924 surrealism with André Breton and Georges Bataille. work of sociologist Edvard Westermarck. Jacques Lacan treats Jenny Aubrey, the sister of Louise Weiss-Javal.
Frankfurt School (Frankist jews like Erich Fromm) at Goethe University.
1925 Rudolph von Loewenstein, student of Eugen Bleuler (Burgölzli) joins the German Psychoanalytical Society and trains Jacques Lacan.
1926 nazi René Laforgue and Marie Bonaparte found the Psychoanalytical Society of Paris. Laforgue and Carl Jung work with nazi Matthias Göring, cousin of Herman Göring.
1931 René Laforgue The Defeat of Baudelaire: a psychoanalytical study of the neuroses of Charles Baudelaire.
1933 book burning publicity stunt of Joseph Goebbels with books of Freud. Max Eitington founds the Israel Psychoanalytical Society. Francis Deri (Franciska Herz) moves to Prague to work with Wilhelm Reich's wife Annie Reich.
1934 Ernst Simmel moves to the US.
1935 Antonin Artaud's play about Beatrice Cenci. He is treated at St Anne Hospital in Paris (Jacques Lacan).
1936 Anna Freud The Ego and its Mechanisms of Defense. 14th International Psychoanalytical Congress, Lacan's concept of the mirror stage (used to create mirror alters).
1938 Members of the Vienna Psychoanalytical Society Sigmund Freud and Anna Freud, Eva Rosenfeld, Erwin Stengel (student of Julius Wagner-Jauregg who experimented with electroshocks) move to London (supposedly 'fleeing' the nazi regime).
1939 Freud and Hanns Sachs found American Imago. After Sigmund Freud's death, the British Psychoanalytical Society split in 3 factions: the followers of Anna Freud, followers of Melanie Klein and an independent faction (Donald Winnicott, John Bowlby).
Otto Kernberg moves to Chile to work with the Chilean Psychoanalytical Society. Wilhelm Reich moves to NY.
1940 Topeka Psychoanalytical Center (Ernst Simmel, Otto Kernberg, Gardner Murphy, Karl and Will Menninger) in Kansas City.
1942 Erich Fromm and Erik Erikson work for propaganda office Committee on National Morale.
1943 Fromm and Erikson found the William Alanson White Institute with Frieda Reichmann, David Rioch, Harry Sullivan (St Elizabeths).
1945 Anna Freud works with jewish children from Theresienstadt ghetto like Erna Furman, transferred by Leonard Montefiore (World Jewish Relief with Neville Laski).
1946 Ernst Simmel founds the Los Angeles Psychoanalytical Institute with Francis Deri, Robert Stoller, Richard Green, Milton Wexler (Menninger Foundation, Columbia University under Theodor Reik) who worked with Hollywood actors like Jennifer Jones, Carrol Burnett, architect Frank Gehry and Marjorie Guthry. Simmel's Anti-semitism symposium with Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer.
1947 Tavistock Clinic becomes the Tavistock Institute (satue of Freud) with John Bowlby.
1949 Freudian Gardner Murphy as president of the APA and SPR.
1950 Project Bluebird. Erik Erikson' s work on identity crisis. Aaron Beck starts working at Austen Riggs Center. Psychoanalyst Immanuel Velikovsky publishes Worlds In Collision.
1952 founding of the Anna Freud Centre, in alliance with University College London, Yale Child Study Center, Institute of Psychiatry and Tavistock.
Lacan's annual seminar in Paris, lecturing at Ecole Normale Supérieure, supported by Claude Lévi-Strauss (Emergency Rescue Committee) and Louis Althusser and transcribed by Jacques-Alain Miller for The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis (Unconscious, Repetition, Transference and Drive).
Anna Freud's friend Ralph Greenson treats Frank Sinatra, Tony Curtis, Vivien Leigh and Marilyn Monroe.
1953 Institute of Psychiatry (Cyril Burt's student Hans Eysenck) participates in MK Ultra. Carl Rogers develops 'humanistic' psychology.
1955 Cultural marxist Herbert Marcuse writes Eros and Civilisation, as blueprint for the fake liberation movements of the 60's: counterculture of the hippie movement, feminism, Black Panther movement, Stonewall riots,.. Erich Fromm Psychoanalysis in Religion.
1958 David Bakan Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition.
1959 Otto Kernberg moves to the US to work at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
1960s Laurel Canyon scene (Monte Verità as blueprint), pedophilia of Roman Polanski, John Philips, Jim Morrison (incest scene in The End released by Elektra Records= Elektra complex by Jung proposed as Oedipus complex in girls).
1962 Wilfred Bion was made
president of the British Psychoanalytical Society.
John Bowlby's attachment theory.
rise of the porn industry.
1968 may 68 with French intellectuals as Michel Foucault. Monarch butterfly symbolism in movies..fake Sexual Revolution of the Left Wing Church, the Feminist Church. attack on the family, separation of men and women. Robert Stoller Sex and Gender.
1971 Richard Green (DSM IV Committee on Gender Identity Disorder, Gender Identity Clinic of Charing Cross Hospital) founds Archives of Sexual Behavior.
1995 Richard Webster Why Freud Was Wrong
1997 Richard Green as president of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health.
2011 A Dangerous Method directed by David Cronenberg (Crash about car crashes) Viggo Mortensen as Freud Michael Fassbender as Carl Jung Keira Knightley as Sabina Spielrein Vincent Cassel as Otto Gross.
2020 gay-transgender agenda, DNA and gender modification to create mutant race.