One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 1975

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a Hollywood movie by Milos Forman with Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito, Christopher Lloyd, Scatman Crothers and Louise Fletcher, released by United Artists on 11/19/1975, date of death Charles Manson. 1975 was year 5 the Hierophant search for illumination, the year Uranus (rebellion, unconventional ideas) was in Scorpio (era of cultural marxist program 'Punk Rock'). The screenplay is based on a book of Ken Kesey, involved in government mind control project MK Ultra of Gregory Bateson at Menlo Park, California, research on the effect of mescaline and LSD (History of Mind Control). He was a student of Malcolm Cowley (=Crowley), the Left Wing Church of Greenwich Village.

It announces the mental health agenda of the totalitarian world state (United Nations - WHO).

Milos Forman (jewish, Roman, Columbia University), born 2/18/1932 (date John Travolta, Dr Dre, Yoko Ono, discovery Pluto) – died 4/13/2018, year wedding Harry and Meghan Markle.
Dominants: Aquarius (Uranus rebellion, mental disease), Cancer, Aries- Moon (in Cancer), Uranus (in Aries), Saturn. Neptune in Virgo, Jupiter in Leo, Venus Uranus in Aries, Moon and Pluto in Cancer, Sun Mars Mercury in Aquarius, Saturn in Capricorn.
1971 Taking off (the Fool)
1979 Hair (the Star letter hei)
1984 Amadeus (black moon the Lovers, Apollo reason vs Dionysus chaos) Tom Dulce as Wolfgang Mozart F Murray Abraham masque ball like Truman Capote ball, 7 days before birth Harry
1989 Valmont
1996 People vs Larry Flynt (Uranus in Aquarius) Woody Harrelson (Harry's son=Harrison) as Antichrist Larry Flynt, Courtney Love (Kurt Cobain) Edward Norton.
1999 Man On the Moon Jim Carrey as Andy Kaufman Moonchild joker like Charles Manson Paul Giamatti Danny DeVito Courtney Love
2006 Goya's Ghosts Natalie Portman (Nicholson's daughter in Mars Attacks) Javier Bardem as Francisco Goya Stellan Skarsgard

Forman was a classmate of political puppet Vaclav Havel and resident of Chelsea Hotel.

The movie was produced by Saul Zaentz (jewish, also born in New Jersey, produced a film version of Lord of the Rings) and Michael Douglas (jewish), distributed by United Artists. The president of Saul Zaentz Productions was Michael Rosenberg (Imagine Entertainment with Ron Howard and Bryan Grazer, mind control movie A Beautiful Mind, 8 Mile with Eminem). UA was backed by Transamerica Corporation of Knight of Malta AP Giannini (Bank of America), made the movies of The Beatles and James Bond. UA president Eric Pleskow founded Orion Pictures, UA was bought in 1981 by MGM.

The script was based on the book of
Kenneth Elton Kesey (kk 11-11, Elton like Elton John) born 9/17/1935 (Batman day, death Sabatai Zvi, year 11) – 11/10/2001, date Roland Emmerich (Stargate, based on SRI Stargate Project), Mackenzie Foy (Murphy in Interstellar), year of the 911 ritual, uniting the twins.

Kesey was trained at Stanford and participated in MK Ultra experiments with LSD and DMT at Veterans Affairs Hospital (Gregory Bateson) in Menlo Park (later the home of Facebook and Google). He was a member of the Merry Pranksters who distributed LSD at concerts of CIA band The Grateful Dead (Neptune drug addiction, escapism in Scorpio Death). Robert Hunter of the Grateful Dead was mind controlled with Scientology, also connected to Stanford Research Institute.

Kesey wrote for Rolling Stone (who put Charles Manson on their cover), The Realist of Paul Krassner and Whole Earth Catalog of Stewart Brand. His fellow SRI student and Merry Prankster founded the Hogfarm Collective with Wavy Gravy (archetypal hippie Joker the Fool) and Dianne Lake (Manson Family). He worked for CIA front the Esalen Institute.

The book was published on 2/1/1962, day 32 path the universe, date death Mary Shelly (Frankenstein), Linus William Roache (Robert Kennedy, Thomas Wayne) father of batman, Brandon Lee, date Roman Polanski fleed us in 1978, date Dookie Green Day (recreation in Basket Case).
The novel was adapted into a 1963 play, year of the Harvey Lee- JFK ritual, starring Kirk Douglas (who purchased the rights to produce it for the stage and motion pictures) as McMurphy and Gene Wilder (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) as Billy Bibbit.
music by Jack Nitzsche, McMurphy represents the Nietzschean uebermensch beyond good and bad, the messiah in Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Stranger Land (set in Bethesda Hospital of mind control project Project Bluebird), Jack Parsons, William V.

11/19 (=Revelation 911) date of founding Knights Templar (heresy of denouncing Christ and worshiping sodomite John the Baptist), date birth Anton LaVey's daughter Zeena LaVey, Jodie Foster (Silence of the Lambs 5 Oscars like One Flew), death Antichrist Charles Manson.
Poster with Jack Nicholson looking up Christ pose, lock with keyhole, symbol of Daath (in Scientology, memories of engrams are called 'locks').

Opening scene

John Joseph Nicholson born 4/22/1937
like Danny DeVito, born in Neptune, New Jersey (New Jerusalem).

The movie was filmed at Oregon State Hospital (44th parallel). The term coccyx is derived from the ancient Greek word kokkyx 'cuckoo, tailbone anus=cuckoo's nest, cc=33 Eye of Horus, bird of Jupiter.
He plays 'Randall McMurphy' (mm=33) like the founder of the Esalen Institute Michael Murphy and like Grady McMurtry, head of the OTO 10/18 like Lee Harvey Oswald, shot by Jack Ruby.

Ken Kesey's fellow student at Stanford was Larry McMurtry. McMurtry wrote the screenplay of Terms of Endearment with Jack Nicholson and Shirley McLaine as Aurora (=James Holmes Batman ritual at Aurora theatre) and the screenplay of sodomy movie Brokeback Mountain with Joker Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway and Michelle Williams (colaboration with Diana Ossana). McMurtry married Ken Kesey's widow on 4/29/2011, day of wedding William and Catherine.

He checks in like Jack Torrence in the Overlook Hotel in Kubrick's The Shining, undergoes a transformation of Apollo (reason, order) to Dionysus (extacy, chaos, insanity). He represents the Charles Manson, Roman Polanski, Jim Morrison Dionysus-Christ figure (McMurphy mm=33) the Fool the Joker, Lucifer rebelling against 'God'. Venus vs Mars= Amor vs Roman empire.

McMurphy is locked up for raping 15 y old, Roman Polanski raped a 13y old girl in Jack Nicholson's house on Mulholland Drive.

In the 60's the CIA used mind controlled actors and singers, programmed with Alice in Wonderland (Cheshire Cat 'everybody here is insane'), to create the 'counterculture' of the fake hippie movement (Jim Morrison 'all the children are insane'). In the 70's the media industry popularized psychology and labels of mental illness became more common. Tavistock psychiatrist RD Laing popularized the notion that 'everybody is a little crazy' (documentary Mad to Be Normal), with modern civilization as repressive.

Louise Fletcher nurse Mildred Ratched (3d sphere Binah) born 7/22/1934, date Mary Magdalene, nr pi, date Rose Kennedy, death John Dillinger, death William Mulholland, founding Special Operations Executive, death Janet Lee Bouvier, remake of the Manchurian Candidate, date prince George 2013 (Louis name Catherine's 2nd child), Leo ruled by the sun, strength controlling the solar lion.
Dominants: Cancer (queen of cups), Sagittarius, Gemini - Moon (Diana, illusion, lunacy, subconscious), Pluto, Venus. The 3d child of Mia Farrow (mother Antichrist in Rosemary's Baby) with André Previn was named Fletcher. Charles Brackett, screenwriter of The Lost Weekend (shot at Bellevue Hospital) was married to Elizabeth Fletcher.

They have group gatherings in a circle (Wheel of Fortune). T-groups were used by Kurt Lewin at Tavistock and NTL in Bethel Maine in 1947 (Stephen King The Shining).
William Will Sampson (=William V, Samson) born 9/27/1933 Virgo (month after Roman Polanski, date Lil Wayne) – died 6/3/1987, date wedding Wallis Simpson, William's head wound, death David Carradine, Tony Curtis (with Kirk Douglas in Spartacus), Gemini, both ruled by Mercury. He plays the role of indian shaman (mythology of Jim Morisson, Dakota of Rosemary's Baby, Marlon Brando married a Native American woman), the true will, Harpocrates voice of silence. 'Chief' (secret chiefs of Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, chief of the tabernacle 23d degree).

1975 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Chief Bromden
1976 Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson The Interpreter / William Halsey
The Outlaw Josey Wales Ten Bears (also movie Howard Hughes)
1977 The White Buffalo Crazy Horse / Worm Orca Umilak
1979 Fish Hawk Fish Hawk (Tzaddi: fish hook)
1985 Insignificance Elevator Attendant
1986 Poltergeist II: The Other Side Taylor

Bradford Claude Dourif (born March 18, 1950) as Billy Bibbit virgin Virgo. He played in the Wizard of Gore (Wizard of Oz programming) with Bijou Philips (Laurel Canyon scene like Nicholson).
William Redfield (January 26, 1927 – August 17, 1976) as Dale Harding (William) repressed homosexual (gay agenda)
Sydney Lassick (July 23, 1922 Neptunalia, planet of illusion – April 12, 2003) as Charlie - mr Fromm in Carrie. Charlie=Charles Manson, the Fool.
Daniel Michael DeVito (born November 17, 1944, scorpio Sagittarius, Scorpio, Capricorn- Venus, Jupiter, Moon) as Martini.
Christopher Allen Lloyd (born October 22, 1938. Dominants: Libra, Sagittarius, Virgo-Jupiter, Moon, Venus) as Max Taber (Emmett Brown in BTTF based on Jack Parsons and Werner von Braun).

They line up for pills (the Star Aquarius hei: window, Alice in Wonderland programming).

McMurphy plays a basketball game (Green Day song Basket Case) as William the Moonchild of Cancer (the Chariot letter Chet: fence, wall, enclosure).


McMurphy escapes with a yellow school bus (the Chariot, like Heath Ledger in the opening scene of The Dark Knight). He learns his fellow patients to have self confidence (Christ, True Will). They rent a boat and go fishing (Christ the Fisher of Men). 1975 was the year of Steven Spielberg 'Jaws' (Nicholson Pluto Shadow in water sign Cancer), filmed at Martha's Vineyard, associated with the Kennedies.
Hebrew letter Tzaddik: fish hook, path of the Star turn the lower self into reflection of the higher self, hope guiding light.

McMurphy rebels against the authority of nurse Ratched, is given electroshocks (used in MK Ultra to cause amnesia, also in Requiem For A Dream and Suicide Squad with Joker Jared Leto, based on Jack Parsons).

The night McMurphy and Chief decide to attempt to escape, they have a Christmas party before leaving the hospital (lunar night side of Dionysus, extacy alcohol, winter solstice Saturn). Night guard Turkle played by
Benjamin 'Scatman' Sherman Crothers

Louisa Moritz born September 25, 1936 – January 4, 2019. Rose
Mews Small March 20, 1942. Candy

The party is the alchemical marriage, uniting opposites (the virgin and the whore, lunar and solar, the twin pillars.

McMurphy falls asleep When nurse Ratched discovers the chaos and damage of McMurphy's party, she threatens Billy to tell her parents and he commits suicide (Scorpio- Death).

After more electroshocks, McMurphy's spirit is broken, Chief kills McMurphy, frees himself by smashing the prison window (Osiris reborn as Horus, Samson bringing the house down). He is the Native American hero, the Noble Savage escaping and abandoning modern culture, returning to the primitive, becoming a Deadhead (the Archaic revival of Terence McKenna, Esalen Institiute was named after Native American tribe Essalen).

The movie won five Oscars (Osiris).

References to OFOTCN

Green Day (lead singer also named Billy) 'Basket Case' with music video based on 'One Flew'.

2000 Eminem The Real Slim Shady =the twin, the real one, Jungian Shadow side, alter ego with hair dyed blonde like Marilyn Monroe, the Joker archetype like Jack Nicholson (Kathy Griffith -animal of Apollo, as nurse Ratched). Eminem's manager is Paul Rosenberg.

2018 Phil Anselmo (Crowley follower) of Pantera Choosing Mental Illness.

2020 Ratched (prequel) Netflix Sarah Paulson as Nurse Ratched  Charlie Carver Sharon Stone Fin Wittrock Cynthia Nixon (lesbian-transgender agenda) Judy Davis Vincent D'Onofrio Amanda Plummer Sophie Okonedo as Charlotte (character with Dissociative Identity Disorder) Rosanna Arquette Ryan Murphy (gay agenda) Michael Douglas (jewish) Jennifer Lynch episode 6 Got No Strings puppet programming use of sodium pentothal

Jack Nicholson

Charles Manson

History of Mind Control
