The Oak tree is a tree of the beech family like chestnut, a symbol of Nordic thunder and lightning gods and Lucifer (male and female) and Luciferian bloodline, like the ash and thorn tree, sacred to the druids and Spartans (Tribe of Dan bloodline, priestesses with psi abilities used as oracles like Dodona) who later became the Merovingians. |
1400s House of Della Rovere (of the oaktree), pope Julius II (Della Rovere). Lamb of God painting of brothers Van Eyck.
1881 University of Connecticut with oak logo. Walldorf (Baden-Wurttemberg, Astor family=Astaroth-Venus) with oak tree on coat of arms. coat of arms of Estonia, Derry, Wales,..
The nazi's (sodomy cults like SS) wore oak leaves on their uniforms. Dallin Oaks (BSA).
1943 Hitler's Operation Oak with Otto Skorzeny (later worked for Mossad) to 'rescue' Benito Mussolini, concentration camps like Buchenwald (beeches).
Oak Ridge Laboratory Tennessee, managed by Metallurgical Laboratory (metallurgy was taught by the Fallen Angels) of University of Chicago (Rockefellers who funded the nazi's). Mitsubishu logo (3 leaved oak). Middleton family (Catherine Middleton) with oak on coat of arms)
1953 O.R.A.C.L.E. computer in Oak Ridge, in alliance with Argonne National Laboratory
1957 The Wayward Bus Jayne Mansfield as Camilla Oakes (Camilla Parker)
1961 Mossad's staged Adolf Eichmann (oakman) trial.
CIA-Mossad front Black Panthers in Oakland (sodomy religion of San Francisco, Angela Davis educated by Herbert Marcuse).
movies of nazi Arnold Schwarzenegger, nicknamed the Oak. N.W.A. with Oakland Raiders logo.
1982 Ivanhoe Sam Neill (Damien) with oak on coat of arms
1989 Oak programming language (later Java)
1994 Pulp Fiction oak scene Harvey Keitel Quentin Tarantino. oak tree in end scene of The Shawshank Redemption. Thousand Oaks High School (alumni Kelli Garner, Kurt Russell, Seinfeld actor Michael Richards).
2004 The Aviator filming at Oakland. Professor Oak in Pokémon. oak leaves on the Euro coin of European Empire.
Max Spears and James Casbolt (Bases Project) story about Project Oaktree (tracking of Tribe of Dan bloodline).
2007 Evan Almighty Morgan Freeman building ark address Oakwood Lane.
2013 Wolf of Wall Street company Stratton Oakmont.
2014 The Nut Job (sodomy symbolism) Will Arnett Brendan Fraser Katherine Heigl Liam Neeson
2020 Mighty Oak Alexa Vega (Spy Kids) Carlos Pena Raven-Symoné
2022 supercomputer Frontier at Oak Ridge