
Meditation  is a technique to train the mind (generating theta brain waves) and like yoga, to activate the 7 chakra's, misused by the Saturn cult (Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism), to use the pineal gland as a tool of control. The Theosophical Society of Helena Blavatsky studied Indian yoga techniques used to dissociate and popularized it in Austria and Germany. It was promoted in the New Age Church by guru's like Maharishi Yogi, Deepak Chopra, Oprah Winfrey, the Mental Health Industry, as a transition to a Luciferian world religion (7 chakra's= 7 colors of the Luciferian rainbow).

All religions, all cults of Saturn (the God program) practice the Holy Breath process: a fasting month, fasting of all external stimuli, along with long rounds of prayer/meditation deliberate worship of this fake god-energy, sleep deprivation experienced from night time prayer/meditation in order to activate the pineal gland, that releases DMT.

In Egyptian culture Osiris (Aryan Green Man) represented the Djedd pillar, the spine as an electrical capacitor. Akhenaten's followers practiced sun gazing and meditating with healing rods.

Buddhism surfaced 600 bc in India (mentioned in Vedic texts), with Siddhartha Guatama Buddha as central figure. In Buddhism and Hinduism, Dhyana (=moon goddess Diana) means meditation. Buddhists use mantra's and the ohm vibration to meditate.

In Judaism initiates tried to develop a Merkaba (chariot of God, cube of Saturn). The Temple of Solomon represents synchronizing the brain hemispheres.

In Islam the Sufi's practiced meditation (combined with spinning to dissociate).

Christianity used prayer with rosaries and beads, linked to the worship of Jesus and Mary and the Bible as holy text. In Protestantism prayer and the bible became the way to reach union with God. Ignatius of Loyola wrote Spiritual Exercises.

In the late 19th century British agents of the Theosophical Society studied ancient meditation and dissociation techniques in India. The Yellow Brick Road in the Wizard of Oz of Theosophist Frank Baum is the golden path, the 8fold path of Buddhism.

Alan Benett of Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn helped popularizing Buddhism in the West. Aleister Crowley incorporated elements of Taoism and tantra in Thelema. A chapter is dedicated to meditation in Book 4. Alice Bailey wrote Letters on Occult Meditation.

The Beatles, The Beach Boys and Mia Farrow (Antichrist movie Rosemary's Baby) promoted Indian guru Maharishi Yogi. The Woodstock festival was opened by guru Swami Satchidananda (interfaith movement, new world religion). Baghwan Rajneesh created the Osho cult. Timothy Leary created an LSD based meditation center in Manhattan.

Christmas Humpfreys of the Theosophical Society worked with Alan Watts (The Way of Zen 1957, Esalen Institute). The Dalai Lama popularised Buddhism in the media by collaborating with atheists and world leaders.

NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell founded the Institute for Noetic Sciences, affiliated with Willis Harman (LSD research at SRI International), Dean Radin (Bell Labs, SRI International), Rupert Sheldrake.

In 1975 Soka Gakkai International was founded with members Luana Anders, Tina Turner, Orlando Bloom, Vinessa Shaw (EWS), Herbie Hancock (program Jazz), Wayne Shorter, Courtney Love, Beverly Glenn-Copeland (transgender agenda), Angelica Ross (transgender agenda), Boy George (gay agenda), Anne Louise Hassing (the Idiots), Adewale Akkinuoye-Agbaje (Lost, Oz), John Astin (Addams Family), Marcia Wallace (The Simpsons), Claire Bertshinger (Live Aid), Patrick Duffy, Suzanne Vega,..

Norman Rosenthal works for the National Institute for Mental Health (mental health industry) in Bethesda Maryland, was professor of psychiatry at jesuit university Georgetown, wrote Transcendence and Super Mind, Transcendence: Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation.

The Transcendental Meditation trend was spread by Russell Brand, Russell Simmons (Def Jam with Rick Rubin), David Lynch (book Catching the Big Fish), John Hagelin (What the Bleep Do We Know?!, school of Maharishi Yogi) as president of his David Lynch Foundation. Tony Nader of the Transcendental Meditation Movement worked with Deepak Chopra. The David Lynch Foundation used celebrities Laura Dern, Paul McCartney, Moby, Clint Eastwood, Martin Scorcese, Katy Perry, Eddie Vedder, Mike Love, Sarah Silverman, Chris Rock, Liv Tyler, Hugh Jackman, Julia Louis-Dreyfus,..


the New Age Church
