Marie Curie

Marie Salomea Sklodowska-Curie  was a Polish-French chemist and physicist, used in the Science Church as archetype of Babalon (virgin Mary, MC like Marjorie Cameron), the consort of Albert Einstein. She was educated at the University of Paris by jewish Gabriel Lippmann (like Walter Lippmann, Royal Society, Legion of Honour) and taught at the Ecole Normale Supérieure. Salomé decapitated John the Baptist, Marjorie Cameron died on John the Baptist Day. She married Pierre Curie of the Swiss Bernouilli family, who did research on magnetism and the piezoelectric effect.

 Her cousin Jozef Boguski worked for Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev.

She had an affair with Paul Langevin (archetype of Whore of Babylon).

In 1903 she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics with Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel for the theory of radioactivity and in 1911 the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering polonium and radium (Ra, nr 88, nr of Mer-cur-ia).

She participated in the Solvay conferences (friends of the Saxe-Coburgs) with Albert Einstein and Hendrik Lorentz.

In the US she met Charlotte Kellogg.

She was awarded the Franklin Medal by the American Philosophical Society.

She helped establishing the League of Nations/UN world state of the Cecils through the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation with Henri Bergson (sister married to Samuel Mathers of Crowley's HOGD, alchemical cult of Mercury) and jesuit Chandra Bose (student of Francis Darwin, teacher of Satyendra Nath Bose).

In 1935 her daughter Irène was awarded the Nobel Prize.

In 1943 Greer Garson played her in MGM propaganda Madame Curie, 2 years before the atom bomb.

Curium (nr 96) was named after her. Her daughter Eve made propaganda for NATO and UN and was member of the Legion of Honour (the Bonaparte's have a Polish branch).

In 2005 Barbara Goldsmith (worked for Hearst, married to Frank Perry, brother of Katy Perry) wrote Obsessive Genius: the Inner World of Marie Curie.

In 2019 Rosamund Pike played Curie in Radioactive with Anya Taylor-Joy as her daughter.

Astrological chart

born 11/7/1867.

Dom: Scorpio (Death), Capricorn, Cancer - Saturn, Sun, Uranus.

died 7/4/1934.


Nobel Prize
