Kurt Lewin

Kurt Lewin was a German jewish psychologist specialized in group dynamics and group therapy, affiliated with the Frankfurt School and the Tavistock Institute. His theories were used in the Multiculti agenda (cultural relativism of the Left Wing Church) and fake sexual revolution of the 60's. He was born 9/9/1890 in Poland. At the University of Berlin he was a student of Carl Stumpf, who also tutored modernist writer Robert Musil.

One of his fellow students was Max Wertheimer who co-founded the Gestalt school of psychology and later worked at The New School. Lewin was affiliated with the Frankfurt School. He visited Stanford University in 1930 and in 1933 he met Eric Trist of Tavistock and moved to the US to work at Cornell and the University of Iowa. He founded center research for group dynamics at MIT and published in Tavistock journal Human Relations.

In 1936 he published Principles of Topological Psychology. He attended the Macy conferences on cybernetics of the Macy foundation in 1939 with Gregory Bateson, Margaret Mead, Norbert Wiener (student of Betrand Russell), Harold Abramson (LSD experiments MK Ultra), John von Neumann (RAND).

In 1941 he was the president of the Society for Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) with Gordon Allport (teacher of Stanley Milgram), Kenneth Clark (City College of NY, Civil Rights Movement), Gardner Murphy (CCNY, APA, SPR), Georgene Hoffman Seward (feminist), Morton Deutsch (CCNY), Rensis Likert, Hadley Cantril (Princeton research with Orson Welles), Otto Klineberg (Unesco).

His theories of force field analysis influenced the Gestalt school of psychology. In 1946 he developed sensitivity training at MIT to work on racial prejudices, which led to National Training Laboratories at Bethel Maine in 1947.

He died 2/12/1947. His books published by Harper and American Psychological Association.

He mentored Dorwin Cartwright, Leon Festinger (cognitive dissonance, infiltrated a doomsday cult, The New School, Macy conferences), Roger Barker, Bluma Zeigarnik (research on memory), Morton Deutsch (CCNY, conflict resolution, American Jewish Congress, Columbia).

He influenced Abraham Maslow (CCNY) and Friz Perls (expressionism, dadaism) of the Esalen Institute.

Lewin = Ira Levin who wrote the novel Rosemary's Baby for Polish director Roman Polanski.


1935 A dynamic theory of personality
1936 Principles of topological psychology
1938 The conceptual representation and measurement of psychological forces
1948 Resolving social conflicts: selected papers on group dynamics (posthumous, with Gertrude Lewin)
1951 Field theory in social science (with Dorwin Cartwright)


Mind control
