Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson is a Canadian psychologist, professor at Toronto University and media actor, used as a provocateur agent in the Right Wing Church and controlled opposition against the Multiculti Agenda, transgender agenda and Corona Church.

He was educated at the University of Alberta and McGill University. He worked as assistent professor of psychology at Harvard and was the teacher of jesuit Gregg Hurwitz (screenwriter of ABC series V).

His career was launched by Joe Rogan. He worked with BBC, TV Ontario, Fox News, TEDtalks, Ben Shapiro and Russell Brand and played the opponent of Stephen Fry, Bill Gates, Noam Chomsky, Slajoj Zizek, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchins.

In 2016 the Canadian government of Justin Trudeau (son of jesuit Pierre Trudeau) passed Bill C-16 to push the transgender agenda with 'genderneutral' language (mind control through language) and Peterson, supported by Rebel News, played the role of controlled opposition.

Zionist Bari Weiss of The New York Times used Peterson to introduce the term Intellectual Dark Web (oppositon against the Left Wing Church as light vs dark) with Joe Rogan, Eric Weinstein (also guest on The Joe Rogan Experience) as examples.

In 2018 Shut Him Down was broadcast on Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). In 2019 the Rise of Jordan Peterson was released and No Safe Spaces with Dennis Prager, Candace Owens (pro Trump), Ann Coultier (VDARE, Fox News).

born 6/12/1962, date Rosemary's Baby, George HW Bush, David Rockefeller, Otto Skorzeny, Samuel Arkoff.


1999 Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief Routledge (Al Gore, jesuit Marshall McLuhan, jesuit JP Sartre).
2018 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
2021 Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life

the Right Wing Church

Joe Rogan
