Johann von Goethe
Johann Wolfgang
Goethe was a German propaganda writer,
philosopher, pedophile and freemason
(Amalia lodge in Weimar , Modestia cum Libertate lodge in Zurich with Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Bavarian Illuminati
from 1783), part of the Sturm und Drang movement (early
Romanticism, Enlightenment ideals)
with kabbalist Johann Herder
and Friedrich Schiller. He was educated
at Leipzig University. In 1774 he published The Suffering of the
Young Werther, which propagated the romantic ideal of the tragic
poet and caused a wave of suicides. In 1789 he published the poem
Prometheus. In 1808 he published Faust (contract with the devil
Mephistoteles, scenes on Die Brocken mountain, based on alchemist Paracelsus). |
He worked for Karl August Saxe-Weimar (House of Wettin), also a member of the Illuminati. Karl August was a friend of Frederick William III who participated in the Congress of Vienna (European Empire).
In Italy he met with Giuseppe Balsamo (Alessandro Cagliostro). He was influenced by the Lurianic kabbalah of Jakob Boehme. His poems Pandora and Geheimnisse contains rosicrucian symbolism.
He was a friend of Germaine de Staël (Coppet group of Chateaubriand, Lord Byron, Dorothea Mendelssohn) and visited the salons of Johanna Triesoner, the mother of Arthur Schopenhauer.
His publisher John Murray also published Charles Darwin and Lord Byron.
In 1800 he met Friedrich Schlegel (Jena Romanticism, relationship with Moses Mendelssohn's daughter).
Felix Mendelssohn, son of Moses Mendelssohn, taught his son piano. He was painted with Mendelssohn by Moritz Oppenheim. Johann Eckerman published Conversations with Goethe. Johann Herder introduced romantic nationalism.
Around 1830 he helped popularizing the dialectical concept of Fichte's 'thesis-antithesis-synthesis' in Germany.
The Goethe Institute was the home of the Frankfurt School.
Disney popularized his The Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Astrological chart
born 8/24/1749, date Stephen Fry, David Fincher.
Asc: Scorpio, mc: Virgo. Dom: Scorpio (Death), Virgo, Pisces - Pluto, Moon, Saturn.
Houses 9, 4, 1. 9: Mercury in Leo, Sun conj Lilith in Virgo, 4: Jupiter and Moon in Pisces, 1: Pluto in Scorpio.
died 3/22/1832, date Matthew Modine, William Shatner, Reese Witherspoon.