Hypnosis is the study of suggestion, manipulation of senses and imagination (the subconscious). Hypnotic suggestion is closely linked to theta brain waves of magic, sleeping and dreaming, sensory deprivation, yoga, meditation, creativity, NLP, channeling,.. Hypnosis results in staring, a decrease in blinking (involuntary eye movements) and hyperfocus. | ![]() |
It enables recollection of details of a past event that someone consciously has forgotten but also to suppress pain or memories of pain in trauma based mind control.
Studies show how hypnosis reroutes brain signals. Hypnotized patients used the motor cortex to route signals to the precuneus used for mental imagery and memory of one's self.
History of hypnosis
Hypnotic trance was used for surgery in India and China. The power of hypnosis is comparable to the power of shamans, yogi and casting spells in witchcraft.
Paracelsus developed a theory about the stars and space filled with a magnetic fluid affected human behavior, which influenced Van Helmont's teaching of animal magnetism.
German physician Franz Mezmer, trained by jesuits in Bavaria and a friend of masons Gluck, Joseph Hayden, Wolfgang Mozart, developed a theory of animal magnetism about a universal life force, called Mesmerism. He collaborated with jesuit astronomer Maximillian Hell (use of magnetic lodestones to lessen reumatism), Jean Sylvain Bailly, Antoine Lavoisier and Benjamin Franklin.
Etienne Félix d'Henin de Cuvillers coined the term hypnotism. Charles Lafontaine studied the work of Joseph-Philippe-François Deleuze (American Philosophical Society) and toured Europe with a show of demonstrations, witnessed by James Braid who popularized the term hypnotism.
In 1794 hypnotic trance was used to operate Jacob Grimm (kabbalistic jewish brothers Grimm). After introduction of anesthesia, hypnotism was researched in the field of psychology.
JM Charcot (Legion of Honour of the Bonaparte's) did research on hypnotism in La Salpetrière and trained Pierre Janet, Gilles de la Tourette, William James and Sigmund Freud.
Josef Breurer and his pupil Sigmund Freud experimented in Vienna with catharsis therapy, creating triggers to relive and release trauma. Pierre Janet, a fellow student of Carl Jung, coined the terms 'dissociate' and 'subconscious'.
British Intelligence agents (Theosophical Society and Society for Psychical Research, George Gurdjieff) did research on hypnosis and dissociation during the Spiritualism trend.
Theosophist Frank Baum wrote The Wizard of Oz. In the Wizard of Oz Dorothy falls asleep in a poppy field. Hypnosis was used in advertising (consumerist culture of capitalism). The hypnotist became a trope in Hollywood propaganda.
Hugh Crichton-Miller (work on hypnosis, based on work of Carl Jung, later chairman of the British Psychological Society with Jung and Sigmund Freud as honorary member) and 90 other volunteers conduct catharsis and shell shock experiments on traumatized soldiers of the WW1 ritual.
In 1922 Thomas Walker Mitchell (expert on hypnosis and somnambulism, British Psychoanalytical Society with Wilfred Bion of Tavistock, Melanie Klein, Anna Freud) became president of the SPR.
Rudolf Hess and his astrologer Schulte Strathaus supported doctor Albert von Schrenck-Notzing, who like the SPR, studied hypnotism and spiritualist mediums and was associated with the Cosmic Movement of Theosophist Max Theon of Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor (cult of mercury).
In 1950 during Project Bluebird at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Bethesda Maryland, the CIA did research on dissociation in traumatized soldiers of the Korean War and hypnotic triggers like color association.
It worked with Milton Erickson, George Estabrooks, Margaret Singer, Russell Nelson (president of the Mormon Church) and hypnotist William Joseph Bryan (related to Lehman family, related to Oddfellow William Jennings Bryan). Ron Hubbard developed Dianetics. George Estabrooks in his 1957 book 'Hypnotism', states creation of Multiple Personality Disorder in soldiers is possible and ethical. He was in contact with Aldous Huxley and Julian Huxley.
Bryan was involved in programming of RFK's assassin Sirrhan Sirrhan and Albert DeSalvo (Boston Strangler, Cambridge folk scene of Joan Baez, close to MIT). He wrote The Chosen Ones, the Psychology of Jury Selection.
CIA agents of the Esalen Institute developed Neuro-Linguistic-Programming.
Hypnotic triggers for light and dark alters can be colors (pink programming, purple for dissociation), words, phrases, hand signs, staring at a watch, golden ratio curl in a spinning spiral (clocks are used in Alice in Wonderland programming), patterns (fi masonic checkers pattern in black-white programming). Leopard prints can be used to trigger a sexual alter in kitten programming. Monarch butterflies can be used to trigger dissociation.
In 1959 Ernest Hilgard developed the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptability Scales with André Muller (friend of Milton Erickson).
In the 70's CIA and Stanford University worked on Stargate Project with Uri Geller, who under hypnosis claimed to channel an entity called Spectra. Ingo Swann and Hal Puthoff were connected to Hubbard's Scientology.
Martin Orme wrote Hypnosis in 1975 and played a role in the fake Patty Hearst trial.
Hypnosis was used in stage shows of stage magicians like Rasta Rostelli. In the modern UFO religion hypnotic regression is used to recollect memories of ET abduction.
Victoria Price (used in gay-lesbian agenda), the daughter of actor Vincent Price who worked with MK Ultra linked Roger Corman, published Hypnosis, Mind Control, Self Hypnosis and NLP.
In the 90's hypnotist Corydon Hammond published the Greenbaum Speech, based on hypnotherapy sessions with patients, to spread disinfo about a mythical Jewish master mind who worked in nazi Germany and later for the CIA (similar to Operation Paperclip).
Hypnotic regression therapist Dolores Cannon (US Navy) wrote The Custodians as agent of the New Age Church.
Also during the 90's Cathy O'Brien published claims of sexual abuse linked to MK Ultra and claimed to have recovered memories through hypnosis. Fritz Springmeier described the use of hypnosis in the Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave.