Humpfrey Davy
Humpfrey Davy was a British chemist -alchemist, used as agent of the Royal Institution (the Science Church), who through electrolysis with a voltaic pile, isolated potassium, sodium, strontium, calcium, magnesium, barium, boron. In 1807 he co-founded the Geological Society of London with James Parkinson (Parkinson's Disease, physician of the Oddfellows) at Freemasons Tavern. His mentor was Quaker Robert Dunkin. He was a friend of James Watt (Lunar Society, Industrial Revolution) and Samuel Coleridge (program Romanticism) and a member of American Philosophical Society and the Athenaeum Club with Michael Faraday, Edward Bulwer-Lyton (L'Aurore Naissante =Golden Dawn), Henry John Temple, Charles Darwin, AC Doyle (HOGD), Charles Dickens, Louis Lucien Bonaparte, Richard Burton, Thomas Huxley, William Wilberforce, Rudyard Kipling, James Maxwell, Robert Peel, John Ruskin, John Russell, Robert Luis Stephenson, Herbert Spencer, John Stuart Mill, Lewis Carroll, Benjamin Disraeli and Thomas Carlyle.... Athena= Aten -Hathor.. |
Davy= king David, associated with the Ark of the Covenant.
His wife Jane Davy visited the salons of Germaine de Staël with Louis Bonaparte (Grand Orient), Lord Byron, Friedrich Schlegel, Dorothea Mendelssohn (daughter of Moses Mendelssohn), George Child Villiers..
From 1820 he was the 23d president of the Royal Society, a Stuart-Hanoverian controlled continuation of Boyle's rosicrucian Invisible College.
He invented the Davy lamp, used in coal mines. His assistant was Michael Faraday who invented the Faraday cage.
In Paris he was awarded by Napoleon, met with André-Marie Ampère (electromagnetism) and proved diamonds are flammable.
Barium and strontium is spread through chemtrails.
born 12/17/1778.
died 5/29/1829.