Heinrich Himmler

Heinrich Himmler was a Roman Catholic political puppet of Adolf Hitler's Nazi party (a Saturnian death cult), trained to play a role in the WW1 and WW2 ritual. He was Reichsfuhrer of the Schutzstaffel (SS, based on the military Order of the Jesuits with sodomy lightning symbolism of Ancient Greece). Like Hitler, he played an Antichrist figure. The nazi party and ideology became the blueprint for the Right Wing Church.

His godfather was Heinrich of Bavaria (Wittelsbach). Heinrich I (Ottonoan dynasty) was the founder of Germany.

He was educated at the Technical University of Munich. He joined the Nazi Party as a member of the Sturmabteilung of Ernst Röhm and participated in the Beer Hall Putsch with Röhm, Adolf Hitler, Ludwig von Scheubner-Richter, Rudolf Hess, Erich Ludendorff, Robert Wagner and Hermann Göring

He was a member of the Artaman League (Tree of Life symbol) with Richard Walter Darré, supporter of eugenics.

He was a member of Rudolf von Sebottendorff's Freikorps Oberland with Arthur Rodl (later commandant of Gross-Rosen concentration camp), Hilmar Wäckerle (later commandant of Dachau), Arnold Ruge (Young Hegelians with David Strauss and Karl Marx, worked with Giuseppe Mazzini), Karl Astel (eugenics program) and Beppo Römer (later Communist Party), Bodo Uhse (also communist). It was a military organisation with S&B symbol, that fought the communists.

He worked for Gregor Strasser, a member of the Freikorps of Franz Epp (Order of St John).

His wife Margarete Boden worked for the Red Cross, led by Charles Edward Saxe-Coburg Gotha.

In 1923 he became a member of the Schutzstaffel. The SS was the successor of the Sturmabteilung (SA or Brownshirts) and had Saturnian black uniforms and indoctrination of total obedience like the jesuits (nicknamed the men in black). Members of the SS wore oak leaves (symbol of Lucifer) on their collar. His deputy was Reinhard Heydrich. The Sieg Heil salute was the sign of Zelator, the 1st grade in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

He was a member of Die Herrenklub with Franz von Papen, Hjalmar Schacht, Paul von Hindenburg, Fritz Thyssen, Max Warburg and Ernst Röhm. He was a friend of Julius Evola.

In 1931 Bernhard of Lippe joined the SS.

In 1933 (most important nr in Scottish Rite masonry) he supervised the first concentration camp in Dachau. He used cruelty and terror as a political weapon.

Alfred Rosenberg controlled the Nordische Gesellschaft (Nordic Society) with Himmler on the board. Rosenberg was inducted in the SS and designed rings with Skull and Bones emblem.

In 1934 he founded the Ahnenerbe Institute. He was interested in the Oera Linda Book, called the Nordic bible by Hermann Wirth.

Ernst Röhm and Gregor Strasser was murdered during the Night of the Long Knives.

Theodor Eicke led the Panzer Division Totenkopf. They committed the Le Paradis massacre in 1940.

He build a base at Wewelsburg Castle with Black Sun emblem of the jesuits. It had historical importance in the Thirty Years' War (owned by Dietrich von Furstenberg, jesuits vs protestants) and the Battle of the Birch.

Otto Rahn of the SS wrote The Court of Lucifer.

His daughter Gudrun (born 8/8=HH) married Wulf Dieter Burwitz of the neo nazi party National Democratic Party of Germany, founded by SS member Waldemar Schütz and MI6 agent Adolf van Thadden.

He had 2 children with his secretary Hedwig Potthast.

In 1945 he met with World Jewish Congress. The same year he committed suicide age 44.

His wife was interrogated in the fake Nuremberg trial.

Knight of Malta Roger Pearson (World Anti-Communist League) revived the Northern League in 1958.

Michael Aquino of the Temple of Set performed rituals at the castle of Wewelsburg.

Donald Pleasence played Himmler in The Eagle Has Landed with Michael Caine and Robert Duvall (one eye patch, plan to kidnap Winston Churchill). Pleasance was put on an album cover of The Beatles like Aleister Crowley.

Astrological chart

born 10/7/1900, date Henry Wallace, Jeckyl Island, Thom Yorke, Vladimir Putin, Simon Cowell, Ulrike Meinhof.

Asc: Aquarius, mc: Sagittarius. Dom: Sagittarius (Art), Leo, Aquarius - Jupiter, Uranus, Mars.

Houses 10, 8, 6. 10: Jupiter and Uranus in Sagittarius, 8: Mercury in Scorpio, Sun and Lilith in Libra, 6: Mars in Leo. 1: Moon in Aries, 4: Pluto in Gemini, 5: Neptune in Gemini, 7: Venus in Leo, 11: Saturn in Capricorn.

died 5/23/1945, date Joan Collins, Sterling Hayden, Kenneth Grant, Scatman Crothers, d John Nash.


the WW1 and WW2 ritual
