H.C. Agrippa

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa was a German alchemist-kabbalist and rosicrucian who worked for the Habsburgs (Emperors of the Roman Empire) during the so-called Renaissance. He was educated at the University of Cologne (doctrine of Dominican Thomas of Aquinas) and was a student of Johannes Trithemeius in Bavaria. He was influenced by Medici agents Marsilio Ficino and Pico della Mirandela and Johann Reuchlin. He wrote 3 Books of Occult Philosophy (upward and downward pentagram symbol, used in satanism) on magic, printed in 1531 in Paris, Antwerp and Cologne. It influenced Dominican Giordano Bruno and John Dee. Trithemeius was also the teacher of Paracelsus and influenced John Dee. Renaissance magic attempted to find means for divination through astrology, geomancy (earth divination, 'science of sand' evoking planetary spirits), Tarot, Qabalah, and the i ching.

Dee played the role of Mercury the Magician in the rosicrucian wedding of Frederick V and Elizabeth Stuart, which resulted in the birth of Moonchild George I. The character Prospero in Shakespeare's The Tempest, performed at the wedding, was based upon him.

Agrippa was the teacher of Johann Weyer who wrote On the Illusions of the Demons and on Spells and Poisons.

Founder of the Mormon Church Joseph Smith was a freemason (York Rite, Nauvoo Masonic Lodge) and dark occultist who used folk magic with amulets, charms, divining rods and talismans and The Magus grimoire of Francis Barrett based on the work of Cornelius Agrippa.

born 9/14/1486.

died 2/18/1535.

John Dee

