
Economics is the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It is based on the concept of a household of one national family, governed by a external father, responsible for all its children.
The capitalist financial system is a global scam of the Saturn cult to enslave people with tricks invented by the sorcerers in Babylon (banks who have a monopoly on creating money out of thin air and have the right to raise interests).

The study of economics is the study of human psychology, mood swings of the human mind, cycles of optimism and depression (manipulated with media propaganda, fake news, movies and commercials).
Famous economists: Karl Marx, John Keynes, Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, Paul Samuelson, Alfred Marshall, Leon Walras, ..

- History of Economics
- Economic concepts
- Biggest economies
- Global economy

History of Economics

The economy of agriculture was dependent on weather/chance (in Judaism and Christianity dependent of God).  

The elite has an obsession with gold because it contains soul energy, associated with the sun and its life force but has no inherent value to human beings. The Fallen Angels taught the art of metallurgy to make weapons and to kill.
In Egypt the banks of the river Nile were a source of life through leaving green fertile land (bank=ankh key to life). Silo's conserved the food supply. The life giving force of the sun was worshiped as the Osiris bull that needed to sacrificed every year. In Judaism the priest class taught bloodshed was necessary for the redemption of sin.
In the New Testament, it is not just Jesus dying on the cross but more specifically his shedding of blood as spiritual currency, to redeem sin that is his gift to humanity.

The Chinese Song dynasty introduced paper money, printed more and more money to finance costly wars, which caused inflation.
Chaldean Magi in Babylon, experimented with forms of black magic, the art of manipulating energy according to will, for self interest, by putting people in  a state of constant shortage, chasing material gain. Money is worship of Saturn (planet of materialism) and its female consort the moon, money at the end of the monthly moon cycle, new moon new life new money (witchcraft). worship of the element earth, the material world, lower desires over the 5th element spirit, worship of the ego energy of the God matrix, worship of money= m one eye.
Acquiring gold= the alchemical proces of reaching enlightenment, opening the one eye. Green is the color of the heart chakra, life force, nature, the color of  Venus, rules Taurus (luxury).

Gradually money was used as trading system.
The Roman Empire kept its treasury at the Temple of Saturn. The Church of Rome sold indulgences to people to redeem their sins (Capitol =>capitalism).
The Knights Templar created a banking system in Switzerland.

1600 Dutch VOC first multinational, Dutch guilder as reserve currency linked to Bank of Amsterdam. Protestant doctrine of Calvinism to give rise to modern capitalism.

industrial revolution (5 stages, from manual labor to service jobs information technology) designed by members of the Lunar Society (Erasmus Darwin, Benjamin Franklin) leading to the capitalist system, where machines, the tools for production in hands of elite that profit from surplus value, and lower classes could only offer their labor (alienation). Adam Smith (Enlightenment trend) introduces the concept of self interest as foundation of society, as better than pursuing well being of all =satanism, belief in the invisible hand of the market, economy as pseudoscience to justify slavery.
Elite families own the factories and materials to produce goods, own workers and their labour.

Products are sold with sigils, representing a unique brand (oxes were branded), associated with wealth and fame (not selling product but fantasies).

Money is used to create a Saturnian religion of greed and selfishness, in which slaves were led to believe they were indebted to their slavemasters. A system of tax (stealing from people) is enforced with violence. Banks serve as temples of fertility gods. Work places are designed like ancient temples to harvest maximum energy of obedience and servitude. Through interest, the ruling class always extracts wealth through stealing money in every transaction.
The bank/casino always wins, never has to take responsibility for losing money. Small businesses who have no knowledge of planned crisises and the rigged economy tricks, lose by default.

1700s creation of Wall Street market in NY.

1756 During the Seven Years' War Frederick II and his court jew Daniel Itzig debase the Saxonian currency.

1765 American Revolution, funded by Haim Solomon (the York Rite) and Robert Morris (American Philosophical Society), who design the American financial system. Solomon is in contact with Chevalier de Luzerne (American Philosophical Society, Order of Malta).

1795 Joseph Mendelssohn (related to Moses Mendelssohn) founds Mendelssohn & Co in Berlin.

1798 Moses Marcus Warburg founds M.M. (=33) Warburg & Co. Like the Rothschilds, they have ties to the Italian banking family Torlonia. Siegmund Warburg marries Théophilie Rosenberg (Bohemian rosicrucians).

1800 Johann Gottlieb Fichte On the Closed Commercial State (against free market).

1815 june Battlle of Waterloo, Bank of England with Rothschilds as Vatican bankers, jesuit freemasons. social security, socialism principle of solidarity important to unite against factory owners.

1861 American Civil War. Jay Cooke, the families Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, JP Morgan lead the railroad, oil, steel, electricity and banking industry.
1865 Karl Marx jesuit freemason publishes Das Kapital. problem-reaction-solution, criticism of capitalism=> communist planned economy (Russia one of poorest countries of Europe, illiterate peasants) with tools for production not owned by workers but still by the state, the elite.

1869 Marcus Goldman founds Goldman Sachs.

1871 JP Morgan founds JP Morgan & Co.

1890 financial panic caused by near collapse of Barings Bank in London. Alfred Marshall (Cambridge) writes Principles of Economics (neoclassical economics, influenced Leon Walras).

1893 Panic of 1893.

1914 founding of the Federal Reserve after a meeting of the Jeckyll Island Club.

1929 Great Depression.

1930 founding of the Bank of International Settlements in Basel Switzerland (Knights Templar) with Gates McGarrah (later 1st chairman of Federal Reserve NY, Metropolitan Club with JP Morgan, William Vanderbilt, James Roosevelt).

1933 nazi Walter Funk as director of BIS.

Adolf Hitler as first politician as magician who could fix the mysterious economy, providing jobs as source of life and vitality.

Unemployment rises to 25% in the United States.

1936 John Maynard Keynes (Cambridge Apostles with Bertrand Russell and Aldous Huxley) writes The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, aggregate demand total demand/spending in the economy. classic theory of demand: supply creates its own demand. idea that government should actively stimulate the economy instead of waiting until the market will correct itself.

Economists as the new wizards (magic tricks as multiplier effect), politicians as magicians who can create jobs out of thin air, playing with the prospects and expectations, economists as modern future tellers (absurdity of creating more debt to stimulate the economy, absurdity of the idea that government slave owners allowed to invent new ways of exploiting people is going to fix the problem of poverty).
Chicago School (Milton Friedman of Rockefeller's University of Chicago, glorifying of free market principle).
1938 discovery of petroleum in Saudi Arabia.
WW2 ritual, resulting in victory of capitalist Anglo-American economies, 'free' world 'free' market, world government world order, World Bank owned by jesuits.

1944 Bretton Woods conference (plans to found the IMF and World Bank) in the US with Dean Acheson, Harry Dexter White, John Maynard Keynes, Henry Morgenthau Jr (Philips Exeter, Cornell, Sachs Collegiate Institute of Goldman Sachs family, related to the Lehman brothers), René Boël, Camille Gutt.

1945 establishment of the International Monetary Fund (Camille Gutt as first Managing Director).

1946 IMF meeting John Maynard Keynes and Harry Dexter White.

The Fabian Society (Clement Attlee government) creates the Welfare State. (ruling class as the generators of wealth instead of parasites, those who don't participate in slavery as 'unemployed', state as higher morals who has to activate lazy people).

1947 Mont Pelerin Society of Friedrich Hayek (teacher of David Rockefeller) and Karl Popper.
The economic model of Keynes becomes the standard model of developed countries in post war expansion.
In the early era of social liberalism and social democracy, the living standard of lower and middle class improved and most western capitalist countries enjoyed low, stable unemployment and modest inflation, an era called the Golden Age of Capitalism.

1968 Aurelio Pecei founds the Club of Rome.

1969 first Nobel Prizes of Economy.

1970's stagnation of world economy (stag-flation, high unemployment and high inflation).
Bretton Woods, detached from gold standard, money no longer refers to a material property but becomes worthless fiat money.

1980s Reaganomics of Ronald Reagan.

1988 dissolving of the Soviet Union, leading to hyperinflation and planned collapse. end of communism in Czechia (Vaclav Klaus, member of MPS).
1997 Asian financial crisis Korea, Japan, ..
1998 financial crisis in Russia to privatise the economy with system of oligarchs. Great Depression in Argentina. Jesuit Bill Clinton presents Goldman Sachs banker Robert Rubin (CFR).

20th century American empire, illusion of eternal growth (like the concept of eternal innovation in the modern art scene)
2007 financial crisis Greek debt crisis, Goldman Sachs bankers. rise of cryptocurrencies (promoted in the fake alternative media at fake events like Anarchopulco).
21st century China, one world currency
2020 the Covid19-ritual (Great Reset distraction to evoke fear of communism).

2022 Ukrainian war ritual, leading to more recession.

Economic concepts

- micro-economics: scarce resources, understanding behavior through mathematical concepts
- macro-economics: policy of lowering taxes,..
scarcity (restriction) vs abundance free
Scarcity creates higher prices. Labour (human energy) is a limited, scarce resource.
4 factors of production: land, labour, capital, entrepreneurship.
capital (tools, machinery, equipment, and physical infrastructure to produce consumption goods) and consumption goods
The production possibility curve serves as a model for the economy of a country (phrase Ceteris Paribus -when everything else stays the same). In microeconomics, principal concepts include supply and demand, marginalism, rational choice theory, opportunity cost, budget constraints, utility, and the theory of the firm.
- Gross Domestic Product
- Inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services, inflating a bubble, no longer based on actual value. (productivity, costs of materials or labour all variables, inherently unstable) costs push inflation, and are passed on to customers (raw materials like oil getting more expensive, workers demanding higher wages). Inflation is bad for savings.
The government can lower interest rates to create more optimism.
Lowering taxes can raise income, so also raise demand.
The government can also print more money to 'stimulate' the economy, but that increases the debt.
When price level rises, purchasing power is reduced (deflation decreases the price level).
The Spanish Empire collapsed because of inflation without noticing.
John Keynes: ' a bit of inflation can grow the economy' vs monetarists who want to avoid inflation.

- PPP Purchasing Power Parity
- PPF Production Possibility Frontier -in simple example economy can only produce 2 goods.

Biggest economies (by GDP, nominal)

1 US
2 China 1,4 billion, 7 megacities (Shangai, Bejing,..) of 10 million, state atheism- 800 million people out of poverty since 1978. From 2% of world GDP in 1980 to 18% in 2018.
3 Japan (large government debt) 3/4 service sector: Banking, insurance, real estate, retailing, transportation, and telecommunications. 27% of GDP industrial sector : motor vehicles, electronics, machine tools, metals, ships, chemicals and processed foods; some major Japanese industrial companies include Toyota (worlds largest automobile company), Canon Inc., Toshiba and Nippon Steel. Consumer electronics now in decline as competition arises in countries like South Korea, the United States and China. leading in scientific research (2nd most innovative country) and robotics. homogeneous population composed of 98.5% ethnic Japanese.

4 Germany 70% service sector
5 United Kingdom
6 India
7 France
8 Italy
9 Canada
10 South Korea
11 Russia
12 Australia
13 Brazil
14 Spain
15 Mexico
16 Indonesia
17 Netherlands
18 Switzerland
19 Saudi Arabia
20 Turkey
21 Taiwan
22 Poland
23 Sweden
24 Belgium
25 Thailand
26 Iran
27 Nigeria
28 Austria
29 Ireland
30 Israel
31 Norway
32 Argentina
33 Bangladesh
34 Philippines
35 United Arab Emirates
36 Egypt
37 Denmark
38 Malaysia
39 Singapore
40 Hong Kong
41 Vietnam, from communist planned economy (2 child policy to decline birth rate) to mixed economy, foreign investments, tourist industry with luxury hotel resorts, export of oil, textile footwear, electronics.
42 South Africa
43 Chile
44 Finland
45 Colombia
46 Pakistan
47 Romania
48 Czech Republic
49 Portugal
50 New Zealand
51 Peru
52 Greece
53 Iraq
55 Qatar
56 Hungary
57 Ukraine
60 Morocco
62 Cuba
71 Argentina
80 Uruguay
82 Lebanon
90 Bolivia
96 Afghanistan
119 Jamaica
134 Syria
139 Armenia

Global economy

Post-industrial society is the stage of society's development when the service sector generates more wealth than the manufacturing sector of the economy.
Money has its own market, has a fixed supply (vertcal axis, determined by bank) and demand, equilibrium price, quantity of money vs nominal interest rate. Interest rates are lowered by increasing the money supply. open market operations like buying bonds, reserve requirement.

4% of world population own 31% of wealth. 62 wealthiest people have wealth of one half of the human population.
Forbes magazine is used to create a disinfo about the wealthiest elite. It spread a list of Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway), Bernard Arnault, Carlos Slim, Amancio Ortega, Larry Ellison, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Bloomberg, Larry Page (50 billion) as the richest people.

Instead of the religious concept of work of God (charity, study, working on oneself..) work in capitalist society became letting the wheel turn, the machine, with no emotions, leading to alienation. Slaves invest nearly 100% of their resources: time, energy, attention to the machine, but no result except staying alive, little savings, no investment in spiritual growth. The concept of leisure (freedom, no rules or leaders, fun, joy) in contrast with work (restriction severity, repression) is a weapon of mass distraction through the entertainment and tourism industry.

The US is the world’s largest debtor nation and China is the world’s largest creditor nation, but based on the international dominance and privilege of the dollar, being the world’s largest debtor nation gives America the stronger position over China.

Cryptocurrency Ethereum, which was developed by a Russian, and most alt coins built on the Ethereum network, were most likely developed to work in unison with Bitcoin to undermine the USD and shift massive wealth from West to East. Cryptocurrencies and NFT's are used to create virtual marketplaces like Decentraland of Samsung.

the Financial System

