
The Dome is the upper half of a sphere, like the circle, a symbol of the female cup (womb). Domus: house, the zodiac with 12 houses. The Aryans built dome shaped tombs like Newgrange. The dome is used as a symbol of the male God in the sky and crown chakra (pineal gland) in religious buildings of the Catholic Church (under influence of the God program=Dominus, the Lord, dominant masculine energy). Arctic cultures built iglo's. The beehive is a dome.

Upper and lower half represent summer and winter, heaven and hell (underworld), male and female part, A-dam, a-tom, A-tum,.. Like the cave (cavity), the dome is a trap keeping people dumb (free-dom after liberation from the dome).


Domes in architecture and pop culture

Sumerians and Egyptians worshiped female sky goddess Anu and Nuit. The glyph of Sirius was a dome/cup, obelisk and star.

In the Roman Empire the Romans built the Pan-theon and domes with oculi (dome as symbol of the pineal gland, the Saturnian one eye).

Vitruvius wrote Ten Books on Architecture dedicated to his patron Caesar Augustus.

537 completion of Haga Sophia by emperor Justinian.

629 Dome of the Rock (Jupiter) in Jerusalem with golden dome (alchemical gold, Cup of Whore of Babylon) and octagon,  mosques in Saturn-moon cult Islam.

Knights Templar used kabbalistic building secrets and knowledge of sacred geometry and acoustics (art of sound and music) to build vaults and arches. Gothic architecture with domes as womb of Mary

The Dominican Order cooperated with the Knights Templar to fight rivals of the Church of Rome.

1436 The Medici's (cult of Hermes/Mercury) build the dome of the Cathedral of Florence (Filippo Brunelleschi, 'Renaissance' architecture) with octagon (Thoth led the Ogdoad) shaped interior.

1452 Leon Alberti De Re Aedificatoria.

1555 St Basil's Cathedral (onion domes) in Russia.

1566 tomb of Suleyman (Solomon) the Magnificent.

1617 Blue Mosque in Istanbul Turkey.

1626 the St Peter's Basilica is completed with obelisk inside 8 pointed star of Ishtar (Venus) in keyhole shape (sexual energy of Daath). bishopdom. Priests of the Catholic Church use the golden cup (Holy Grail symbol) for the Eucharist ritual.

1631 Kremlin in Moscow. Taj Mahal in India

1666 Great Fire of London, mason Christopher Wren designs the St Paul's cathedral in London. God as the Great Architect of The Universe (GAOTU, goat).

1800 completion of the US Capitol in Washington DC.

1858 St Isaac's Cathedral dome with mercury.

sadomasochism archetype of dominatrix (Binah).

1930s Adolf Hitler and Albert Speer design Germania with dome and obelisk.

jesuit Buckminster Fuller popularizes the geodesic dome.

1952 George Van Tassel's group meditations at the Integraton at Giant Rock (head of Lam).

1954 Marjorie Cameron (archetype of Babalon) plays goddess Kali in Kenneth Anger's Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome (Sigmund Freud wrote 'Beyond the Pleasure Principle' where he equates sex drive with death drive) with Samson de Brier, Curtis Harrington and Anaïs Nin.

1981 wedding Charles and Diana (Holy Grail bloodline) at St Paul's.

1984 The Terminator nazi Arnold Schwarzenegger scene at Griffith Observatory.

1985 Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (lightning symbol) Mel Gibson Tina Turner.

Tupac Shakur California (Kali) Love scene of Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.

1998 The Truman Show Ed Harris Jim Carrey living in simulation under dome with Sirius symbolism.

Under the Dome Stephen King, used in the Flat Earth psyop.

2007 The Simpsons (simulation) Movie.

 umbrella symbolism. Eden Project in UK.

St Peter's Basilica

Catholic Church
