Coast to Coast AM

Coast to Coast AM (CC=33) is a radio show of Premiere Networks, created in 1987, used to play the role of controlled opposition, and to spread disinfo about extraterrestrials. It was hosted by Art Bell, Jimmy Church and jesuit George Noory.  Premiere Networks works with Glenn Beck (Mormon Church), Sean Hannity (Fox News) and Jesse Jackson. It is owned by IHeart Media (Bain Capitol of Mitt Romney of Mormon Church).

Noory worked for the US Naval Reserve and also appeared on Ancient Aliens of History Channel (Hearst) and Gaia (David Wilcock, Disney slave Demi Lovato). He is connected to Richard Metziger of the Disinformation Company, which publishes Alex Jones.

Ian Punnett is a deacon of the Episcopal Church. His wife worked for CNN and the Oprah Winfrey Show. Art Bell hosted Art Bell's Dark Matter on Sirius XM from 2013.

Coast to Coast promoted The Montauk Chronicles about Project Montauk.


- Aaron Russo (911)
- Alex Collier
- Alex Jones
- Alfred Webre
- Andrew Basiago
- Annie Jacobsen
- Barbara Marciniak
- Bill M. (Church of Satan)
- Bill Ryan
- Billy Carson
- Bob Lazar (Area 51 theories)
- Boyd Rice
- Budd Hopkins (friend of Hans Adam Lichtenstein)
- Catherine Austin Fitts (Gaia, Thrive, also used as controlled opposition in the Covid19-ritual)
- Charles Tart (IONS)
- Chris Carter (jesuit, Fox tv show The X-Files)
- Clifford Pickover
- Daniel Sheehan (jesuit, Disclosure Project, Thrive)
- Darryl Anka (Bashar)
- Dave Gibbons (Watchmen)
- David Icke
- David Sereda
- David Weiss (Flat Earth psyop, Anarchopulco)
- David Wilcock
- Dean Radin (Bell Labs, IONS, What the Bleep Do We Know)
- Del Bigtree (the Covid19-ritual
- Dennis McKenna (brother of Terence McKenna)
- Dick Morris (advisor of jesuit Bill Clinton, supporter of jesuit Donald Trump)
- Donald Michael Kraig (sex magic)
- Don Savage (NASA)
- Doreen Virtue (indigo children)
- Douglas Rushkoff
- Duncan Trussell
- Eben Alexander
- Ed Dames (Stargate Project)
- Edgar Mitchell (moon landing)
- Elena Freeland
- Eric Burdon (Laurel Canyon)
- Erich von Däniken
- Eugene Mallove (Cold Fusion theories, Disclosure Project)
- Frank Gaffney (jesuit)
- Fred Alan Wolf
- George Carlin (comedy scene, movies with Keanu Reeves)
- George Knapp (International UFO Congress, Area 51 hoax of Bob Lazar)
- Gerald Celente (guest on show of jesuit Glenn Beck of Mormon Church)
- Graham Hancock
- Grant Cameron
- Gregg Braden
- Giorgio Tsoukalos (Ancient Aliens of Hearst)
- Harold Puthoff (Stargate Project)
- Helané Wahbe (IONS)
- Howard Bloom (publicist of Prince)
- Ingo Swann
- Isaac Weishaupt (IlluminatiWatcher)
- Jacques Vallée (Close Encounters of the Third kind)
- Jack Osbourne (son of satanist Ozzy Osbourne)
- Jack Sarfatti (Fundamental Fysiks Group)
- JJ Hurtak (Keys of Enoch)
- James Fetzer (theories about the JFK ritual and Sandy Hook)
- James Van Praagh
- Jane Asher (girlfriend of Paul McCartney)
- Jeff Rense
- Jeff Willes (antigravity)
- Jerome Corsi (collaborated with Alex Jones and Phyllis Schlafli)
- Jesse Ventura
- Jim Marrs ('Crossfire' about the JFK ritual, Project Camelot)
- Joe Rogan
- Joel Rothschild
- John DeSouza (FBI)
- John Loftus (jesuit, The Belarus Secret: The Nazi Connection in America and Unholy Trinity: the Vatican, the Nazis and Soviet Union)
- John Mack (funded by Laurence Rockefeller)
- John Perkins
- John Rhodes (reptilians)
- Jon Rappaport
- Joseph P Farrell (Die Glocke)
- JZ Knight
- Ken Parsons 
- Kevin Randle 
- Kimberly Foster (Thrive)
- Leonard Nimoy (jesuit, Star Trek)
- Leslie Kean
- Linda Moulton Howe (crop circles, MUFON, Fox show Sighting, Ancient Aliens)
- Lloyd Pye 
- Loren Coleman (Loch Ness monster, Bigfoot)
- Lucy Pringle
- Luis Elizondo (The Pentagon, To the Stars with Tom DeLonge)
- Malachi Martin (jesuit)
- Marc Seifer (Wizard: the Life and Times of Nikola Tesla)
- Marianne Williamson (books of William Thetford)
- Mark Lindsay (Paul Revere and the Raiders)
- Matt Lindemann (chemtrails)
- Michael Cremo
- Michael Salla
- Michael Shermer (CfI)
- Michael Tellinger
- Michael Tsarion
- Michio Kaku (Ancient Aliens)
- Mike Bara (Boeing, book with Richard Hoagland about NASA, Ancient Aliens)
- Nassim Haramein
- Nick Begich Jr
- Nick Cook (Die Glocke
- Nick Pope
- Nick Redfern
- Oliver Stone
- Paul Helleyer
- Peter Coyote (Haight-Ashbury)
- Philip Corso (book on Roswell crash)
- Randy Cramer
- Richard Dolan
- Richard Hoagland (face on Mars hoax, Project Camelot, mentor of David Wilcock)
- Rick Strassman (DMT)
- Robert Bigelow (Bigelow Airspace)
- Robert F Kennedy Jr
- Robert Schoch (Boston University, Ancient Aliens, focus on pyramids)
- Ron Alan (disinfo on MK Ultra)
- Rosemary Ellen Gully (History Channel of Hearst)
- Rupert Sheldrake
- Russell Targ
- Sarah Adams
- Seth Shostak (SETI Institute of Steven Greer)
- Stan Romanek (condemned for child pornography)
- Stanton Friedman (books on Roswell crash)
- Steve Quayle (giants)
- Steve Wozniak
- Steven Greer
- Stewart Swerdlow (Project Montauk hoax)
- Stormy Daniels (media ritual with Trump)
- Sylvia Browne (New Age Church)
- Terence McKenna
- Tim Ventura (anti-gravity)
- Tom DeLonge
- Tracy Twyman
- Travis Walton
- Uri Geller (Stargate Project)
- Whithley Strieber (book Communion, Gurdjieff Foundation in NY)
- Zecharia Sitchin (LSE, disinfo about the Anunnaki)

Art Bell was given a Snuffed Candle award by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, for spreading pseudoscience. The committee gave a In Praise of Reason award to Martin Gardner, Sidney Hook, Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins. Bell played in NBC series Dark Skies with Robert Carradine.

Controlled opposition

Donald Trump
