Chemistry is the study of the chemical elements (El/All that exists), the structure and properties of matter, that originated in metallurgy/alchemy which studied substances in conjunction with the study of astrology (worship of planetary energies of the God matrix) in order to conquer the human soul. 88 of the 116 elements are found in nature, the others are created in a laboratory. Compounds are identified by the different elements and their number of atoms fi water as H²0 (model developed by John Dalton). When the mass of the atoms is not fixed, it is called a mixture. |
In the mainstream model (Standard Model), atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons (masculine, androgynous, feminine= heat, equilibrium, cold).
The most abundant elements in the universe are hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon, neon, iron, nitrogen, silicon, magnesium, sulfur,...
The human body consists of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen (c.o.h.n.),..
Acid and alkoloid represent + and - energy and flow. Metals (lowest vibration) are the most reactive and conductive. From highly reactive to low (left to right): Lithium (nr 3, synthesis of the two), Potassium, Barium, Calcium, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum (all extracted through electrolysis=electron of Isis by Humpfrey Davis of Royal Society), Zinc, Iron, Nickel, Tin, Lead, Copper, Mercury, Silver, Gold, Platinum.
Minerals magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphor, can be used as food.
History of chemistry
The Ancients taught the Law of One (unified field, the all/El) through the 4 elements fire, water, air and earth, corresponding to hot (male active), dry (female passive), moist (masculine passive) and cold (female active), 4 Kabbalistic worlds, 4 letters of YHVH, with aether (spirit) as 5th element, the One. The 5 elements correspond to 5 Platonic solids, the tetrahedron, octahedron, cube, icosahedron and dodecahedron.
After the flood and collapse of civilization, the ancients still knew carbon, sulfur, iron, copper, silver, gold, tin, lead and mercury (mostly metals, 7 metals associated with 7 planets) and the use of quartz crystal. Copper was alloyed with tin to create bronze.
The Sumerians worshiped superconductive Mercury as Enki, the Egyptians (Khem, the Black Land) as Thoth.
The Egyptians used silica (silicon dioxyde) and mined emerald made of berylium at Mount Smaragdus. Their religion was based on the production of monoatomic gold powder mfktz, consumed in cone shaped bread cakes. Aristotle divided the world into 4 elements water (liquid), earth (solid), fire (heat) and air (gas).
Arab alchemists experimented with chemical substances at the House of Wisdom in Baghdad. Jabir ibn Hayyan (pseudonym of Shi'ite alchemists) made the first systematic classification of chemical elements and spread texts like Emerald Tablet of Thoth.
In the 12th century the Arabic and Greek texts on alchemy (first use of cryptographic cyphers) were translated in Latin. From 1250 arsenic, antimony, zinc and bismuth were discovered. In occultism the 4 elements are evoked as 4 archangels, 4 cardinal signs and virtues corresponding to the 4 kabbalistic worlds.
To rosicrucian alchemists like Paracelsus, salt, sulfur and mercury represented the 3 principles of masculine, feminine and androgynous. Sulphur meant anything combustible.
The cult of Mercury became the Royal Society of the House of Hanover with alchemist Robert Boyle. In the Skeptical Chymist (1661) he introduced the more modern concept of a chemical element. In mainstream history (Darwinism) ancient cultures are seen as primitive and non-scientific (literal belief that nature only consisted of 4 elements).
Isaac Newton wrote on alchemy and the Temple of Solomon. His mechanical model of 'scientism' was an attempt to boycott man's spiritual evolution. The discovery and use of electricity by Humphrey Davy of Royal Society lead to the discovery of new elements like potassium, sodium, strontium, calcium, barium and to the Industrial Revolution. The Royal Society used knowledge of chemistry for chemical warfare. In 1735 cobalt was discovered, named after kobolds, a sort of gnome. Nickel was derived from Old Nick's copper (Old Nick: the Devil).
The families of the Roman Empire like Colonna-Dupont worked with Antoine Lavoisier, who discovered the law of conservation of mass and isolated oxygen with Joseph Priestley (friend of Benjamin Franklin). He named the element hydrogen, discovered by Henry Cavendish (Cecil bloc). The sun mostly consists of hydrogen.
From 1750 the Royal Society started studying platinum. In 1803 the Royal Society discovered palladium, osmium and iridium, derived from platinum. Berzilius discovered silicon and developed the system of chemical notation (fi Fe fir Iron). Carl Scheele (Swedish Academy of Sciences) discovered oxygen, hydrogen fluoride and sulfide, chlorine, barium, molybdenum, manganese and tungsten.
Heinrich Klaproth (Royal Society) discovered uranium and named a metal Titanium (superconductor) after the Titans. Charles Hatchett (Royal Society) discovered Niobium.
William Ramsay (Order of the Bath) isolated helium, neon, krypton and xenon. Helium was discovered by Edward Frankland (X-Club of the Huxley's, related to Royal Society) and William Crookes (discovery of thallium, HOGD). Hans Orsted discovered aluminium. John Newland stated the elements work like octaves.
Dimitri Mendelev categorized the chemical elements by atomic number (number of protons in its nucleus) in the Periodic Table of Mendeliev (tab of El/All, table like Emerald Tablet, mental Eve), used in biology, physics, chemical engineering. The horizontal rows represent periods of reoccurring properties. They are further categorized according to their number of neutrons (isotopes).
They are also categorized in subdivisions Hydrogen (1), alkali metals (3, 11, 19, 37, 55, 87), alkaline earth metals (4, 12, 20, 38, 56, 88), transition metals, post-transition metals, Lanthanides (57-70), Actinides (89-107), semiconductors, other non-metals, halogens (9, 17, 35, 53, 85, 117) and noble gases (2, 10, 18, 36, 54, 86, 118).
Chemist Carl Kellner worked with Franz Hartmann (German Theosophical Society), Adolf von Bayer and the Belgian Solvay family and founded the OTO. The Solvay family organized the Solvay conferences conferences with Albert Einstein and Marie Curie (introduced the element radium).
From 1901 the first Nobel Prizes in Chemistry were awarded to William Ramsay, Adolf von Baeyer (indigo), Henri Moissan (fluorine), Ernest Rutherford, Marie Curie, Fritz Haber (ammonia), Carl Bosch (IG Farben), Leopold Ruzicka (sex hormones), Otto Hahn (nuclear fission),.. .
During the WW1 and WW2 ritual the US Chemical Corps was founded. Fritz Haber and Victor Grignard (Legion of Honour) worked for the war industry, introducing chemical warfare (use of chlorine gas).
In the the first half of the 20th century the biggest chemical company was IG Farben. Lord Raleigh (Cambridge, president of Royal Society) discovered argon. Harold Uray discovered deuterium. Niels Bohr postulated a theory of nuclear fission and claimed uranium could be used to make a bomb. His institute discovered hafnium.
In 1945 Knight of Malta Joseph Peter Grace became CEO of WR Grace, used for water pollution.
Glenn Seaborg and Leo Szilard played a role in the isolation of plutonium (Metallurgic Laboratory of University of Chicago) and the Manhattan Project and introduced the concept of actinide elements.
The US Chemical Corps performed experiments on humans at Edgewood Arsenal (EA) Aberdeen Maryland (drugs LSD, PCP, cannabis, alcohol, mustard gas, organophosphorus, testing of vaccines, nerve gases developed by the nazi's like tabun, soman and sarin).
Dow Chemical, Monsanto and Hercules Inc provided weapons for chemical warfare during the Vietnam War (Operation Ranch Hand, Agent Orange). Lithium ion batteries are used in laptops and cell phones.
Chemical elements of the Table of Mendelev
1 Hydrogen 2 Helium 3 Lithium 4 Beryllium 5 Boron 6 Carbon 7 Nitrogen 8 Oxygen 9 Fluorene 10 Neon 11 Sodium 12 Magnesium 13 Aluminum 14 Silicon 15 Phosphorus 16 Sulfur 17 Chlorine 18 Argon 19 Potassium 20 Calcium 21 Scandium 22 Titanium 23 Vanadium 24 Chromium 25 Manganese 26 Iron 27 Cobalt 28 Nickel 29 Copper 30 Zinc 31 Gallium 32 Germanium 33 Arsenic 34 Selenium 35 Bromine 36 Krypton 37 Rubidium 38 Strontium 39 Yttrium 40 Zirconium 41 Niobium 42 Molybdenum 43 Technetium 44 Ruthenium 45 Rhodium 46 Palladium 47 Silver 48 Cadmium 49 Indium 50 Tin 51 Antimony 52 Tellurium 53 Iodine 54 Xenon 55 Caesium 56 Barium
Lanthanide rare earth metals: 57 Lanthanum 58 Cerium 59 Praseodymium 60 Neodymium 61 Prometheum 62 Samarium 63 Europium 64 Gadolinium 65 Terbium 66 Dysprosium 67 Holmium 68 Erbium 69 Thulium 70 Ytterbium 71 Lutetium
72 Hafnium 73 Tantalum 74 Tungsten 75 Rhenium 76 Osmium 77 Iridium 78 Platinum 79 Gold 80 Mercury 81 Thallium 82 Lead 83 Bismuth
radioactive elements 84 Polonium 85 Astatine 86 Radon 87 Francium 88 Radium
Actinide rare earth metals: 89 Actinium 90 Thorium 91 Protactinium 92 Uranium 93 Neptunium 94 Plutonium 95 Americium 96 Curium 97 Berkelium 98 Californium 99 Einsteinium 100 Fermium 101 Mendelevium 102 Nobelium 103 Lawrencium
104 Rutherfordium 105 Dubnium 106 Seaborgium 107 Bohrium 108 Hassium 109 Meitnerium 110 Darmstadtium 111 Roentgenium 112 Copernicum 113 Nihonium 114 Flerovium 115 Moscovium 116 Livermorium 117 Tennesseen 118 Oganesson.
Astatine represents the moon, Radon mercury, Francium Venus, Radium the sun (Ra), Actinium represents Mars, Thorium Jupiter (Thor), Protactinum (Saturn the prototype), Uranium Uranus, Neptunium Neptune, Plutonium Pluto,..
Chemical elements can bond through ionic, covalent and metallic bonds. Helium (produced by the sun) has the most ionization energy and Francium (associated with Venus the Lightbringer) the least.
The 'families' (concept of father-mother-child) of elements are determined by the electrons (clouds of probabilities) in the outer shell (valence shell):
Alkali metals: 1 electron, alkali earth metals: 2, boron group (earth metals): 3, carbon group: 4, nitrogen group: 5, oxygen group: 6, halogens: 7, noble gases: 8.
The noble gases have numbers of electrons close to the Fibonacci sequence.
Oil is made from hydrogen and carbon.
Walter Russell placed the elements in a spiral wave (model promoted by Robert Oatey, Terrence Howard on The Joe Rogan Experience) and named the elements conditions instead of things.
Books on chemistry
Alexander Roob Alchemy and Mysticism
Arthur Greenberg From Alchemy to Chemistry in Picture and Story
Cathy Cobb Creations of Fire Chemistry's Lively History from Alchemy to Atomic Age
Cathy Cobb The Chemistry of Alchemy From Dragon's Blood to Donkey Dung How Chemistry Was Forged
Richard Morris The Last Sorcerers The Path from Alchemy to Periodic Table