The Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS) is an American globalist think tank of Georgetown University of the Jesuits, founded in 1962 (year of Cuban Missile Crisis) in Washington DC. It worked with UN General Ban Ki Moon, jesuit Chuck Hagel and Bob Schieffer (CFR) of CBS. |
- Arnaud de Borchgrave (Committee
for the Free World, CIA front Diligence,
'War on Terror')
- Brendan Bechtel (Bechtel Group, Alfalfa Club, CFR,
son of Stephen Bechtel of the Bohemian
- Brent Snowcroft (Atlantic Council,
CFR, Mormon
Church, friend of the Bush
- Carla Anderson Hills (CFR,
TC, AOL Time Warner, Gerald
- Christine Wormuth (RAND,
Secretary of Army under Joe Biden)
- Clare Booth Luce (Order of Malta,
Time Magazine, CFR,
US ambassador to Italy, patron of Frida
- David Abshire (TC,
Iran Contra's)
- Edward Luttwak (LSE,
'terrorism expert', ties to Israel and
Mossad, associate of jesuit William Casey CIA)
- Edwin Feulner (The
Heritage Foundation)
- Erskine Bowles (Morgan Stanley, Clinton
and Obama administration, Facebook)
- Evan Greenberg (CFR,
Business Council, Coca Cola)
- Fred C Icklé (Under Secretary of Defense in Reagan
- Frederick Seitz (Bohemian Club, Rockefeller University)
- Harold Brown (CFR,
TC, Le
Cercle, president of Caltech, Secretary of Defense under Jimmy
- Helene Gayle (Spelman College, Coca Cola, CFR, Rockefeller Foundation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- Henrietta Fore (CFR,
- Henry Kissinger (Atlantic
Council, Atlantik-Brücke, Le Cercle)
- Ilona Teleki (Victims of
- James Theberge (US ambassador to
Chile and Nicaragua, Atlantic Council,
Narcotics Control Commission under Reagan)
- James Woolsey (CIA, Atlantic
- John Connally (JFK ritual)
- John Hammergren (pharmaceutical company McKesson Corporation 231
billion revenue)
- John Hamre (Defense Policy, CFR,
Mitre Corporation, TC)
- John McCain (WACL)
- John Warner (Atlantic Council,
Order of the British Empire, Secretary of Navy, married to Catherine Mellon and Hollywood
actress Elizabeth Taylor)
- Josef Nye (National Intelligence Council, Ditchley, Hoover
Institution, TC)
- Juan Zarate (CFR,
war Iraq)
- Karin von Hippel (LSE,
UN, European
Union, Royal United Service Institute, WEF)
- Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (AB,
Minister of Defence Germany)
- Kathleen Hicks (CFR,
Under Secretary of Defense under Joe Biden)
- Kevin Rudd (pm Australia, Asia Society,
Atlantic Council, Berggruen
Institute, Chatham House)
- Laurence Meyer (Federal Reserve)
- Leon Panetta (jesuit, CIA)
- Lester Crown (General Dynamics, profited from war of Afghanistan,
early supporter of Barack Obama)
- Maurice Greenberg (CFR,
Federal Reserve NY, insurence AIG)
- Nicolas Eberstadt (grandson of Ferdinand Eberstadt co-founder of CIA,
Philips Exeter, LSE,
American Enterprise
Institute, WEF)
- Paul Craig Roberts (Hoover
Institution, Human Events with Sean Hannity of Fox
News and Jack Posobiec)
- Ray Cline (CIA during Cuban Missile Crisis, WACL, Committee
for the Free World)
- Ray Hunt (supporter and advisor of George
W Bush, son of oil tycoon Howard Hunt)
- Richard Armitage (Le Cercle,
Iran Contra's)
- Richard Burt (CFR,
AB, Diligence)
- Robert Conquest (Information Research Department, Victims
of Communism)
- Robert Day (Superior Oil, Brookings, CFR,
fundraisers for the Bush family)
- Sam Nunn (CFR, Atlantic Council, Hoover
- Thomas Pickering (CIA, Atlantic
Council, Ditchley, CFR)
- Thomas Pritzker (Pritzker Organisation,
Hyatt Hotels Organisation, CFR)
- Wesley Clark (Atlantic Council,
- William Cohen (Secretary of Defense, CFR,
Brookings, TC)
- William Colby (Order of Malta, Le Cercle)
- William Hyland (National Security Advisor of Gerald
- William Reilly (BP oil spill)
- Zalmay Khalilzad (CFR,
RAND, Atlantic
Council, National Endowment for Democracy,
US Ambassador to Afghanistan)