The Batman is a cartoon character created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger of DC Comics, a year after Superman (duality Christ-Antichrist, good vs bad), to become an icon in pop culture. It announces Antichrist figures William and Harry (Battenberg). Christopher Nolan revived the Batman franchise with a trilogy of movies Batman Begins 2005, The Dark Knight 2009 and The Dark Knight Rises 2012, with the James Holmes Olympic Phoenix ritual as climax. The bat as a nocturnal animal represents the dark night side of the Tree of Life, the qlippoth (associated with sin, term batty boy for sodomite). |
History of the Batman character
In Sumer the winged demon Pazuzu was
depicted in right hand up left hand down pose (Hermetic pose As Above So Below).
The Egyptians pictured the personality of a soul as the Ba, a bird with human head. The Egyptian cult of cow goddess Bat merged with the cult of Hathor and Isis. Bat in Hebrew means daughter.
In Tarot the Fool represents Mercury, the wildcard, the two-faced jester (shamanism, mask process of death-rebirth) or hekoya, trickster agent of chaos, who upsets the establishment (Loki) breaks rules of moral convention.
The Knights Templar worshiped Baphomet with black wings through sodomy rituals. They
built the Notre Dame with gargoyles at the towers.
Francis Bacon used William Shakespeare as a hidden identity to stay 'invisible'. The Italian commedia dell' arte used the symbol of Janus to express the dual nature of actor.
Friedrich Nietzsche described
the duality in man of yin and yang, the light and dark, male and feminine, order and chaos as Apollonian and
Carl Jung used the distinction for
left brain-right brain, introvert (order, subjective)- extravert (chaotic, objective).
1869 jesuit trained mason Victor Hugo (The Hunchback of
Notre Dame) writes The Man Who Laughs during his Jersey
Exile. The work tells of a secret association in Spain,
of nomads named the Comprachicos, who existed in the 14th and 15th
Centuries. They would kidnap children, or buy children from people
forced into a life of poverty. They would take these children and,
through body manipulation and/or psychological torture, turn them into
circus oddities, for the benefit of the Nobility. Like Jean Cocteau,
Hugo based part of this story on Beauty and the Beast (in the 20th
Century disinfo agent Pierre Plantard named Hugo and Cocteau as members
of the Priory of SION).
1904 Aleister Crowley calls the dark night of the soul the Night of Pan.
1928 4/11 (curse cain) Ethel Kennedy. 11/4 The Man Who Laughs, Conrad
Veidt, who also played Satan in 'Not of the Woman Born' and
Lucifer in Satanas and the Head of Janus (=two face), as Gwynplaine.
1938 first appearance solar hero Superman in Action Comics.
1939 first appearance Batman in
Detective comics nr 27, created by Bob Kane (jewish,
worked for jew Max Fleischer) and Bill Finger, based on
Douglas Fairbanks as Zorro (son Douglas Fairbanks Jr was member of the Order of St John). Batman= Ba-phomet-man, baptised by fire (atman:
breath, soul).
Bruce Wayne refers to Scottish House of Bruce (like Irish Kennedies, Scottish Rite freemasons luciferians working for royal families) and the waning cycle of the moon, used in magic for destruction (dischord w23) and to create a Moonchild. Bruce Wayne represents the personality, Batman the individuality. The Batman persona (Shadow, dark side) is known through projection (sphere Yesod, imagination, moon).
Robyn is diminutive of Robert (Scottish Robert the Bruce
Templar bloodline).
The qlippoth of Mars (Geburah) is Khamael, protector of the weak, an avenging angel that works
on the consciousness of the wrongdoer.
DC Comics is located 666 fifth av like Jared
Kushner. DC editor Julius Schwartz also represented HP
1940 first appearance of
The Joker. Joker
-Batman as Apollo-Dyonisus tragedy.
1943 first serial Lewis Wilson (d august 9).
1946 Edmund Hamilton (Batman/Superman) and his wife Leigh Brackett are members of the Manana Literary Society of Robert Heinlein who invites science fiction writers and occultists in his home in Laurel Canyon: Jack Parsons, Anthony Boucher, Ron Hubbard,..
1947 Black Dahlia
murders, Elizabeth Short mutilated with a Glasgow smile. death of Aleister
Crowley (Liber AL aleph lamed).
1951 introduction of Red Hood character (alchemical reddening stage). The concept of Jung's persona, a mask of personality, is used in trauma based mind control,
visible on Adjustment card (Libra, ruled by Venus, exaltation of Saturn).
1956 Stanley Kubrick
The Killing robbery with joker mask.
1957 The Joker is Wild Frank
Sinatra comedian at mob nightclub with facial scar.
1959 Steve Borden as Sting (of
scorpio Apophis) the joker, filmed at Knebworth house gothic Manor House
(Gotham) of Edward
Bulwer-Lytton (also used in Danger Man with Patrick
McGoohan and the Avengers, batman 1989) and interiors Hatfield at
Hertfordshire, house of Robert Cecil, also in
Sherlock Holmes 2009.
1960s live action series, the exteriors are shot in Pasadena,
California (home of Jack Parsons),
close to the Rose Bowl stadium. The Bat Cave exterior is filmed in
Bronson Canyon, in Griffith Park, Los Angeles.
1966 Cesar Romero as the joker. Eartha
Kitt as Catwoman (kitten
programming). Edy Williams (Playboy, wife of Russ Meyer).
In Star Wars the conflict between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker represents the dark side Saturn restriction
and repression, the masked mystery man vs the light, Christ the fool, joyful optimism, liberator, Horus growing up in the
world of Set, rebelling against him. In Batman these roles are inverted
as Christ, the fool, the resurrected sun god becomes a demonic figure
and Satan the dark knight, the Darth Vader, the bad man becomes the
1979 birth Heath Ledger
1980 3/13 John Wayce Gacy (joker alter) convicted for
33 murders. Batman 'the Scottish
connection', Scot Alan Grant, fight between 2 Scottish clans, reference to Rosslyn
Chapel. The Shining joker Jack
Nicholson at Overlook (Ambassador/Dakota) Hotel, transforming
from light to dark side.
1986 the Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller.
1987 Full Metal Jacket Matthew
Modine as private Joker, born to kill. birth James Holmes, death
John Holmes.
1988 The Killing Joke Alan Moore John Higgins. Joker and Batman as mirror images of each other, both victims of one tragic
event, modern Greek tragedy Apollo- Dionysus duality
order- chaos, Batman seeking meaning and retribution order, the Joker
accepting the absurdity and insanity of the cosmic joke. 2 months before death Parsons' friend Robert
Heinlein (Stranger in a Strange Land).
1989 Tim
Burton's Batman takes place in 1947, year of Black
Dahlia murder with Glasgow smile like the joker. Jack Nicholson as Jack Napier (Pan) Michael
Keaton Douglas (born 20 days before Mark Hamill) Jerry Hall (Mick
Jagger) name of priest wedding Catherine and William, filmed at Knebworth
House of Rosicrucian Edward
3 sequels:
1992 6/16 Batman Returns Michelle
Pfeiffer Danny DeVito as the Pinguin (umbrella programming) Christopher Walken (born 3/31)
1993 death Brandon Lee
(Joker archetype in The Crow) on 3/31, River Phoenix (played
young RFK) in Johnny Depp's Viper Room.
Knightfall introduces character Bane. dec 25 Batman Mask of the Phantasm Mark Hamill (=alhim Holmes)
as the joker. Dana Delany (3/13 mirror date of 3/31) as Andrea Beaumont.
1995 6/16 Batman Forever Val
Kilmer (played Jim Morrison) Tommy Lee Jones (played Howard
Hughes, 9/13 like Harry), exterior shots of Webb institute Glen Cove (Glen Cove is location of masked ball in Eyes Wide Shut).
1997 6/12 Batman and Robin
George Clooney (56 days before Diana) Uma Thurman Alicia Silverstone Vivica Fox Arnold
Schwarzenegger as Mr Freeze, character Bane as nemesis.
(2000 Christian Bale
American Psycho axe cutting up Jared Leto who
would later play the joker.
brothers William and Harry as Set and Horus, Christ and Satan.
2005 Batman Begins
Christopher Nolan (christ no man's land, Christ risen out of the
night, born like William Westcott, founder of Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn) Nathan Crowley descendant of Aleister
Crowley. Batman played by
Christian Charles Philip Bale (Christ - Baal).
Jonathan Nolan born 6/6/76 day of release The Omen about antichrist child Damian Thorne, son of Katherine.
Katie Holmes as Rachel, names of Kate Middleton and Meghan
Rachel Markle (year of Brokeback Mountain with Heath Ledger) Nathan Crowley as production designer.
2006 The Prestige (Disney)
Christopher Nolan Christian
Bale as the Hanged Man.
2007 9/3 Im Not There joker and batman
the twins of gemini, Heath Ledger and
Christian Bale portray dual aspects
of musician Bob Dylan (Nuit=infinite
possibilities) as Apollo and Dyonisus both were gods of music
and poetry. Cate Blanchett (wife
of Howard Hughes in The Aviator).
2008 Heath Ledger
dies 1/22 (alpha and omega, date of Francis Bacon) at Five Points NY (pentagram like The Da Vinci Code, mars geburah
laughter) year of comet Holmes, associated with Endtimes.
The Dark Knight (Night of Pan in Thelema) Ledger resurrected on
movie screen, scenes like Brandon Lee
posthumous movie the Crow. year of rise of Barack
2009 The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus Heath
Ledger as the Hanged Man, played by Johnny
Depp, Jude Law and Colin
Farrell. Johnny Depp as John
Dillinger in Public Enemies, shot by Christan
Bale as Melvin Purvis at movie theatre.
2010 Batman: Under the Red Hood Bruce Greenwood Neil Patrick Harris Jason Isaacs.
2012 (20
aeon) The Dark Knight Rises James Holmes as
the joker Aurora shooting Colorado before London
Olympics with phoenix symbolism Anne Hathaway (name wife William Shakespeare) Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The Man Who Laughs Gerard
Dépardieu Emmanuelle Seigner.
2015 Christian Bale
in Knight of Cups, terror attacks of Isis.
2016 Superman vs Batman Dawn of
Justice Ben Affleck as Batman Henry
Cavill as Superman Gal Gadot as Wonder
Batman Killing Joke Ray Wise as James Gordon, red veil of Taurus (Lynch movies like Mulholland Drive) Mark Hamill as Joker.
Suicide Squad Jared Leto as the Joker (use of electroshocks) Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn Will Smith Scott Eastwood Viola Davis Common Cara Delevigne Adam Beach as Slipknot (like band Slipknot) Warner Bros Belle Reve reference to Bellevue.
2019 Joker Joaquin
2022 The Batman Robert Pattinson (related to King
Charles, relationship with FKA Twigs) Zoe Kravitz Paul Dano Peter Sarsgaard Colin
Farrell Andy Serkis.
David Kennedy the 9th Marquis of Ailsa is an authority over the American Kennedy family and over the Grand Lodge of Scotland.