
Auschwitz was a complex of concentration camps in Poland, that played a role in the Holocaust ('burning of the whole'), a Saturnian sacrifice ritual in during the WW1 and WW2 ritual by Heinrich Himmler's Schutstaffel (SS, based on the structure of the Order of the Jesuits).

1925 Bayer merges with Hoechst, BASF, Casella, Kalle and Agfa to form IG Farben. Adolf von Bayer was a member of the jewish Itzig family. IG Farben was the biggest company of Europe and one of the biggest companies of the world after Ford Motor Company and Standard Oil. Walter Teagle of Standard Oil was a member of Quill and Dagger (Cornell University branch of Skull and Bones) and Alpha Delta Phi (like Franklin Roosevelt) and collaborated with IG Farben. John McCloy also collaborated with IG Farben.

1933 Adolf Hitler as antichrist figure declares a national boycott against jewish businesses (33 is the most important nr in the Scottish Rite).

The first concentration camp is opened in Oranienburg (orange=33=death-sodomy).

The Nuremberg Laws abolish all human rights of jews.

1938 While British propaganda praised Hitler before 1938, after the Kristalnacht on november 9 British Propaganda changes its narrative.

1939 After the invasion of Poland the Nuremberg laws force the jews into seperate ghetto's like the Krakow Ghetto and Ghetto of Warshaw. Prime ministers of Poland Kazimierz Bartel, Walery Slawek, Marian Zyndram-Koscialkowski and Felician Skladkowski are freemasons. Skladkowski helps creating a climate of antisemitism. Auschwitz I is transformed into a camp of prisoners of war.

The Holocaust ritual

Like the Russians in the Soviet Union built Gulag camps, the German nazi's build labor camps for slave labour. Reinhard Heydrich leads the Sicherheitsdienst. The Death Heads Unit use the skull symbol, also used by the Black Brunswickers, the Freikorps and Skull and Bones.

1940 Rudolf Höss as commandant of Auschwitz. The sacrifice ritual takes place in Polish death camps Sobibor, Chelmno, Belzec, Treblinka, Auschwitz-Birkenau (built in the shape of a pentagram) and Majdanek.

Birkenau (in the birches) refers to the mythical Battle of the Birch and the Thirty Years' War between jesuits and protestants. Prisoners of Auschwitz III-Monowitz have to work for Siemens, IG Farben and SS companies.


1941 Operation Reinhard is initiated, named after Reinhard Heydrich at Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka (Franz Stangl and Kurt Franz as commandant, gas chambers with carbon monoxide). Jews from the Lodz ghetto are taken to Chelmno.

Ovens were used as fire sacrifice to Baal/Moloch (announced in Fritz Lang's Metropolis).

Thomas Watson and IBM collaborated with the nazi's to provide technology for tracing jews and administration.



1944 the Soviets reach Majdanek in july.

The 33 page document of Rudolf Vrba Rosenberg and the Working Group, promoted by Franklin Roosevelt becomes the official story of the Holocaust gas chambers. The use of cyanide based Zyklon B with skull and bones symbol originated in the research of Fritz Haber.
1945 Soviet forces reach Auschwitz on 1/27. Dwight Eisenhower visits Buchenwald and becomes military governor of the occupied zone Germany, with the IG Farben building as headquarter.

Survivors are located by the World Jewish Congress. Instead of returing home, the prisoners are assisted by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (founded in 1919 with Henry Morgenthau Sr and funded by Jacob Schiff and Felix Warburg), United Nations and Zionist organizations to move to Israel.

Jesuit James Donavan (OSS, later CIA) and Knight of Malta Spyros Skouros (20th Century Fox) order propaganda film The Nazi Plan, used in the Nuremberg trial media ritual. At Nuremberg

The Nuremberg trial and the Adolf Eichmann trial in Israel (Hannah Arendt as reporter) are staged with Hermann Schmitz and other directors of IG Farben, to present the US and British Empire as moral victors and to give the population false hope the perpetrators of the Holocaust were punished. One of the architects of the trial was Henry Stimson (S&B).

Hitler is replaced by Knight of Malta Konrad Adenauer who worked closely with Hermann Abs (Deutsche Bank, IG Farben). The building of IG Farben is taken over by the CIA (controlled by the jesuits and S&B with the same skull symbol).

1947 Klaus Barbie started working for the US Counterintelligence Corps and can flee to Bolivia because of John McCloy and Roman Catholic Krunoslav Draganovic.

The United Nations create the jewish state Israel. Publishing of the diary of Anne Frank (used to represent the child Horus in the Aeon of Horus). Like the 6 million number, the gas chambers, Anne Frank becomes one of the dogma's in the religious memorial services of the Holocaust.

1959 Dwight Eisenhower (Council on Foreign Relations) founds a committee with Yaroslav Stetsko (Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations with nazi Alfred Rosenberg) and jesuit Lev Dobriansky (Victims of Communism).

1961 staged Adolf Eichmann trial.

Because the atrocities were committed by the Catholic Church, through constant church propaganda, the memorial of the Holocaust (Auschwitz memorial with rose symbolism, like the pentagram a symbol of Venus) becomes a dogmatic religion to avoid critical thinking about how the real culprits were never punished and are still committing the same crimes (Covid19-ritual). The Holocaust was used as evidence there is no God and to push the new religion of atheism, nihilism and moral relativism.

1979 the UN makes Auschwitz a World Heritage Site. Pope John Paul II holds a mass at Auschwitz.

1984 Ivan Reitman (son of Auschwitz survivor) directs Ghostbusters.

1985 Shoah (9 hours, 11 years in the making=Revelation 911) of Claude Lanzmann with Walter Rosenberg, Mordechai Podchlebnik (Eichmann trial), Jan Karski (professor at Georgetown University of the jesuits), Richard Glazar (Theresienstadt, Treblinka trial with Franz Stangl) and Raoul Hilberg, distributed by New Yorker Films (Agnieszka Holland, Errol Morris) and promoted by president of France François Mitterand (Catholic Action), Simone de Beauvoir and Mikhail Gurbachev.

Ernst Zündel trial with David Irving, Hilberg and Rosenberg.

1988 Ivan Reitman Twins Arnold Schwarzenegger (nazi mind controlling, twin alters).

2000 Wladyslaw Bartoszewski as pm of Poland.

2005 BBC propaganda Auschwitz The Nazis and the Final Solution with Dario Gabbai (The Glory Brigade with Victor Mature, Steven Spielberg's The Last Days), written by Doris Bergen (US Holocaust Memorial Museum, University of Toronto, used as Wikipedia source).

2009 Wladyslax Bartoszewski (papal Order of St Gregory the Great, Legion of Honour, Eli Wiesel Award) founds the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation with jesuit Sara Bloomfield (US Holocaust Memorial Museum), Serge Klarsfeld (Legion of Honour), Jürgen Rüttgers (Legion of Honour, Order of Orange-Nassau), Kalman Sultanik (World Jewish Congress, World Zionist Organization), jesuit Lukasz Rozdeiczer, funded by Benjamin Netanyahu.


- Arthur Liebehenschel
- Carl Clauberg
- Horst Schuman
- Josef Mengele
- Karl Fritzsch (proposed the use of Zylon B)
- Richard Baer
- Rudolf Höss


Famous Auschwitz prisoners

- Anne Frank
- Charles Coward (British soldier, testified at the Nuremberg trials, played by Dirk Bogarde in MGM movie Courage is the Password)
- Dario Gabbai
- Dina Gottlieb
- Eli Wiesel (Monowitz)
- Hermann Langbein (Spanish Civil War)
- Kazimierz Smolen
- Maximilan Kolbe (Franciscan priest, canonized by pope John Paul II)
- Norbert Wollheim
- Primo Levi (If This Is a Man)
- Tadeusz Borowski
- Wladyslaw Bartoszewski
- Wilhelm Brasse

Dina Gottlieb (like Sidney Gottlieb) made portraits for Mengele, later married Disney Legend Art Babbit (Hollywood High School alumni Marge Champion Rosenberg as 1st wife).

the WW1 and WW2 ritual

Josef Mengele
