American Civil War

The American Civil War was a masonic sacrifice ritual of the Saturn cult (the war industry), a series of of conflicts between the United States (the Union, the North, blue) and the Confederacy (the South, red) from 4/12/1861 to 5/26/1865, with 1,6 million casualties. According to fake history of the education system it was fought over the issue over slavery.

Like the religious wars (Thirty Years' War, also a battle between north and south) in Europe between Catholics and Protestants it represented the 2 masonic pillars Mercy and Severity, the end-times battle between Light and Dark, Lucifer and Christ.

The Union consisted of states California, Oregon, Kansas, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, NY, Ohio, Pennsylvania and the Confederacy of Texas, Arkansas, Mississipi, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama,  Atlanta, Georgia, North Carolina.

The symbolism of duality of blue-red (water-fire, Jupiter-Mars) is still used in the American political puppet show of Republicans and Democrats. 

Main actors

- Abraham Lincoln - William Barksdale (born in Smyrna of Book of Revelation prophecy) - Daniel Tyler (Norwich and Worcester Railroad) - Elisha Hunt (mason) - Frank Haskell (Dartmouth) - George McLellan (mason) - Hannibal Day (Georgetown) - Jefferson Davis (S&B member Burton Harrison as secretary) - John Buchanon Floyd (mason) - John Wharton - Joseph Bailey - Joseph Reid Anderson (mason) - Joshua Chamberlain (PBK) - Martin McMahon (Fordham jesuit) - Robert Anderson (mason) - Robert Lee (mason) - Robert Shaw (Fordham jesuit) - Stephen Douglas (mason) - Stephen Russell Mallory (jesuit) - Ulysses Grant - William Rosecrans (mason) - William Sherman (mason)

Timeline of the American Civil War

Arms dealer Eli Whitney (Yale University, Skull and Bones, elite family intermarried with Payne and Vanderbilt) had invented the cotton gin, which prolonged slavery in the South. The British Empire and jesuits had lost interest in black slavery,  focused on more profitable opium trade in China and India and used a hypocritical image of anti-slavery to fight their rivals. After the American Revolution Benjamin Franklin let the northern states abolish slavery.

Illuminati member Philippe Egalité was the patron of abolitionist Joseph Bologne (Chevalier de Saint-Georges) who worked with Thomas Clarkson and had a legion with black soldiers (like the father of Alexandre Dumas).

Provocateur agents of the Society of Friends of the Blacks played a role in the French Revolution. Its logo was designed by Josiah Wedgwood (Lunar Society).

Through the Louisiana purchase Thomas Jefferson had doubled the territory of the US and prohibited the import of new slaves.

1804 the Haiti massacre instigated by the jesuits (Toussaint Louverture) is used to scare white slave owners in the South. Railroads are a priority in the industrialized economy of the north while the agrarian sector in the South only uses the railroads (Orange and Alexandria Railroad Co) to transport cotton and tobacco. John Barbour was chairman of the Democratic National Convention. His son was president of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad co. They were related to US Secretary of War and slave owner James Barbour.

1833 Slavery Abolition Act in Britain, Nathan Rothschild and brother-in-law Moses Montefiore provide a 15m loan to compensate slave owners.

1836 end of the Second Bank of the US.

1837 Panic of 1837. August Belmont, trained by Rothschilds, restores the US Rothschild interests.

1840 Thomas Clarkson speaks at the Anti Slavery Convention at Freemasons' Hall in London.

1845 Edwin de Leon founds the Young America movement, similar to Young Hegelians (jesuit Karl Marx) in Europe, pro-capitalism and railroads, financed by August Belmont.

1846 Mexican-American War (mason Albert Pike). President James Polk creates a Treasury system of public funds in private banks to fund the war.

1850 the number of 500.000 black slaves had grown to 4 million. Compromise of Missouri, division between free states and slave states, tension between abolitionists (Christian John Brown, supported by Victor Hugo) under disguise of Enlightenment ideals and supporters of slavery under president Millard Fillmore. Abolitionists founded the Republican Party (Left Wing - Right Wing political puppet show). Stephen Douglas (friend of Joseph Smith of Mormon Church) proposes Nebraska-Kansas act. John Brown organizes a slave rebellion, is trialed and hanged.

Members of the James Buchanan administration are members of the Knights of the Golden Circle. George Sanders acquires Democratic Review. Hungarian provocateur agent Lajos Kossuth (Hungarian Revolution to end the rule of Roman Emperors Habsburg) is welcomed by Millard Fillmore in the US and accompanied by banker Adriano Lemmi (Grandmaster of Grand Orient Italy, friend of Giuseppe Mazzini) supports the Young America movement.

1853 Mason Franklin Pierce becomes US president and uses Young America agents like mason Caleb Cushing in his administration.

1857 Dred Scott decision to increase tension.

1859 start of Darwinism trend, transformation of modern religion.

1860 After the Democratic National Convention (Belmont as chairman) in Charleston, Abraham Lincoln becomes president. He was married to Mary Todd (Colonna bloodline). His bodyguard was British spy and mason Allan Pinkerton (famous picture with masonic sign of 2nd veil) as head of the Union Intelligence Service.
His vice-president was Hannibal Hamlin, named after the enemy of Fabius Maximus (Massimo) and the Roman Empire.

Cornelius Vanderbilt (elite family Vanderbilt), James Fisk Jr and Jay Gould (helped by NY senator, mason and Oddfellow William Tweed) fight over control of the Erie Railroad company. Belmont's son married the former wife of William Vanderbilt.

Southern states form the Confederacy with St Andrew Cross as flag and Jefferson Davies (Secretary of War under mason Franklin Pierce) as leader. He was born in Kentucky 8 months before Lincoln and was a regent of the Smithsonian Institution. He had jew Judah P Benjamin and Burton Harrison as secretary (Skull and Bones, specialized in Hegelian dialectics). The brother of his wife, Richard Taylor was also a S&B member.

1861 start of American civil war by lodge of Charleston on 33d parallel. PGT Beauregard, who would later work for the railroads, attacks Fort Sumter of mason Robert Anderson. Bankers Joseph Seligman and Jay Cooke finances the war efforts of the North. Seligman also invested in Missouri Pacific, Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, South Pacific Railroad. Marcellus Hartley provides the arms from Europe. The only organization allowed behind enemy lines is the Red Cross (Knights Templar symbol). Soldiers are treated with morphine (opium).

First Battle of Bull Run in Virginia with Daniel Tyler (Norwich and Worcester Railroad). Railroads are used to carry troops and ammunition to battle. Lincoln implements the U.S. Military Railroad’s Construction Corps (USMRR). Battle of Rich Mountain with mason William Rosecrans (descendant of Founding Father Stephen Hopkins).

Irish migrants fight in the Irish Brigade with jesuit Thomas Meagher (forced to migrate because of the Irish famine, instigated by the jesuits). Masonic controlled Harper's Weekly makes propaganda.

1862 Lincoln signs the Railways and Telegraph Act, allowing him to seize any railroad and the Pacific Railroad Act which authorized Union Pacific to build railroads with Irish labor. UP buys 3 railroads of the Mormon Church.

The Legal Tender Act issues greenbacks. Seven Days Battles with mason Joseph Anderson.

1863 the Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania (mason Scott Hancock). Battle of Chickamauga. Battle of Pea Ridge with Albert Pike. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation declares all slaves in rebelling states to be free. Union Pacific is led by John Dix (Philips Exeter). Both sides invest in steam powered iron clad war ships (USS Monitor in Battle of Hampton Roads).

The National Banking Act creates a national currency as a step to a federal banking system.

1864 Fall of Atlanta. Richmond-Petersburg campaign in Virginia. William Sherman uses the scorched earth tactic of general Fabius Maximus (jesuit family Massimo) against Hannibal, general Khuzov against Napoleon. Sherman's wedding was officiated by jesuit James Ryder, president of Georgetown.

1865 2nd inauguration of Abraham Lincoln. US Congress abolishes slavery ('Reconstruction Era').

masonic murder ritual of Abraham Lincoln at Ford Theatre. Charles Augustus Leale of Bellevue Hospital Medical College is the first doctor at the scene.

Lincoln's assassin John Wilkes Booth, helped by David Herold (jesuit), John Harrison Surrat (jesuit), Lewis Powell and George Atzerodt, was a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle. Booth was also a member of the anti-Catholic Know Nothing or Native American Party like Albert Pike (Scottish Rite). He was related to John Wilkes (Hellfire Club like Franklin), who was supported by Josiah Wedgwood.

He is trialed with Thomas Ewing (related to William Sherman) as attorney. Forming of the KKK (K=11, nr 33) with Confederate generals John Morgan (friend of Bishop Wilmer, in contact with Judah P. Benjamin) and Edmund Pettus. Lincoln is replaced by mason Andrew Jackson.

The name Sons of Liberty (club with Thomas Jefferson) was also used during the Civil War.

The war results in the 2nd industrial revolution, in the interest of the railroad companies (Nouveau Riche of Mellon, Carnegie, Goldman, Rockefeller families). The US dollar becomes the main currency of the global financial system.

1869 Ulysses Grant as president. He signs an act that allows bondholders who purchased bonds during the civil war would be paid back in gold. Black Friday gold panic with Jay Gould and James Fisk Jr. Jay Cooke finances the Northern Pacific Railway.

The growth of the railroad industry leads to the Gilded Age, economic growth of the  northern part of the US and immigration from Europe. Marcus Goldman founds Goldman Sachs.

1870 Joseph Seligman founds the Continental Bank of NY with Robert Cutting (Union Club, NYSE), arms dealer Marcellus Hartley and Jacob Schiff (railroad empire with Edward Harriman).

1871 the war leads to bankruptcy of the US. John Pierpont Morgan founds JP Morgan & Co.

1873 Panic of 1873. John D Rockefeller switches from railroads to oil pipelines.

1877 President Rutherford Hayes asks Joseph Seligman and August Belmont to design a plan for war debts.

1890 rise of Left Wing Church doctrine ('Progressive Era').

1893 Panic of 1983, Union Pacific declares bankruptcy.

1897 Edward Harriman becomes president of Union Pacific. He also controls the Central of Georgia, St Joseph and Grand Island Railroad and Illinois Central. His son marries Glady Fries, executive at the Red Cross.

During the Great Depression Averell Harriman (S&B) was chairman of Union Pacific.

The masonic murder of JFK in Southern state Texas on the 33d parallel contained many references to the Lincoln assassination ritual (Harvey Lee Oswald was arrested in a movie theatre).

The Edmund Pettus bridge and Lincoln memorial were used in the fake Civil Rights movement.

Martin Sheen played Robert Lee in Gettysburg (1993).

Steven Spielberg made Hollywood propaganda Lincoln in 2012 with Daniel Day-Lewis as Lincoln (year of James Holmes ritual in movie theatre and Trayvon Martin ritual in Sanford Florida).

Robert Downey Jr (Sherlock Holmes) played in Captain America: Civil War.

the Jesuits

Abraham Lincoln
