Air on earth consists of chemical elements nitrogen, oxygen and argon. Air is one of the 5 classical elements with aether, fire, water, earth, corresponding to the gaseous state of matter, mobility, the intellect (mind), Beriah, letter Hei, the swords in the Minor Arcana. The air signs are Gemini (ruled by mercury), Libra (ruled by Venus) and Aquarius (ruled by Saturn/Uranus). Oxygen=the ox= the Osiris bull. blow=bowl, bull. Matter can exist in solid (ice), liquid, gas and plasma form. The atmosphere of earth (=sphere of Atum) has different layers like the ionosphere, stratosphere, toposphere. Air contains AI. Mind control groups under control of AI, try to conquer the human mind. The Darco-Orion group became the Aryans. Air=ray, the rays of sun (Ra) are propagated with air as medium. |
Oxygen is one of the most abundant elements in the universe and the human body.
Air and breath is spiritual energy. Humans receive breath after birth (bird) on earth (air pressure)=> breath of fresh air, new wind (window of opportunity, letter Hei: window), pair, fair (y), care (the generative principle), dare, software, everywhere, heir to the throne.
Humans breathe in air in their body (consisting of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen) through the mouth so oxygen can go to the 2 lungs, corresponding to air sign Gemini (breathing out to release carbon dioxide) and connected through the toroid field of the heart. Gas is released through the anus (Uranus= first anus, Anu, Ar Ra Nous, being of air and light). During old age, after child hood and adult hood, humans can produce less air pressure (cycle/circle of life and death).
Beriah is the world of Creation (creating something out of thin air), the Throne.
Sound vibration propagates through the air as medium in waves, behaves like water (hydrogen and oxygen) but air is dry, rising energy (concept of balloons), makes things lighter (atoms with less density, closer to light).
The sword of the intellect can be used to cut through lies with mental sharpness but also to hurt people and to divide. Too much of the element air leads to over intellectual arrogance. Too little of the element air leads to a dumbed down mind state or watered down version of spirituality. The Aquarian mindset is the intellectual approach, connected through technology but detached from the real world (social engineering of the Corona-ritual).
The air symbol is a pyramid (symbol of fire) with a line near the top.
When air is cooled to dew point and saturated with water vapor, it forms clouds. The noble gases are helium, neon, argon, krypton, ..
In spiritual teachings breath control is taught through meditation and yoga, Holy Breath process (fasting and prayer during Ramadan).
Mountains (high in the air, Newgrange, Ben Ben stone, Mount Parnassus, Mount Olympus, Die Bröcken, equilibrium point between earth and air) were always used as dimensional portals.
Birds descended from reptilian dinosaurs. The eagle was used a symbol of the elite (eagle headed Anunaki, Roman Empire).
Heat can convert (melt) energy from solid matter to liquid, gaseous form and its quintessence (aether=heater) by making the structure of its atoms less dense (upward ascending movement).
Food is stored in cold air.
The act of fellatio is called a blowjob (pipe).
In Aurignician culture bones were used as flute.
The Sumerians worshiped the Anunaki (children of sky god Anu) as creator gods. The sky gods (blue) presented themselves superior to earth (red), like the duality of water (feminine) and fire (masculine).
Egyptian self created god Atum created god Shu (god of air) and Tefnut. Shu was the god of air who upheld the sky.
The Ark of the Covenant was a device to make things lighter. The Levites practiced the art levitation, lifting things in the air through acoustic waves.
Sky god Enlil became YHVH and Zeus and God, ruling from the clouds.
In Greece breath was synonymous to Psyche (studied in psychology) and Pneuma (breath or spirit). Aristotle wrote Meteorologica.
The Holy Spirit in Hebrew is Ruach. The art of using life force (Chi) is taught in Tai Chi.
Binah and the Holy Spirit (dove as symbol) is the first marriage. Mary (airy) and her Immaculate Conception through the Holy Spirit represents Binah in Beriah (world of idea's and concepts). The illuminating dove symbol in baptism of John the Baptist represents the descent of the soul through the elements fire, air, water to earth.
Air can be used to make music by blowing air in pipes, didjeridoo, pipe organs (natural organic vibration that affect the organs). Copper and brass wind instruments are used in classical music and jazz (Miles Davis, John Coltrane), using breath control.
Angel Michael blows a trumpet with red cross on the Judgement card (letter shin).
The alchemists used mercury poisoning to stimulate but eventually to overstimulate, conquer and destroy the mental faculties. Mercury is the ruler of air sign Gemini (Cain and Abel). Paracelsus called the elementals of air sylphs.
In the Enochian system each element has its tablet.
The intellectualism of the Science Church replaced the doctrine of a sky god, anticipating the new age of air sign Aquarius, ruled by Saturn and Uranus (technology).
In Chicago the first skyscrapers were built as phallic obelisks (program Modernism).
The science of radiation was used to make radio and tv propaganda (on the air).
Alchemists pollute the air with heavy metals through chemtrails.
The war industry (eagle symbol) tries to control the waters and air of earth through US Navy and US Air Force and Royal Air Force (Naval Air Facility in Japan used in Project Bluebird), dropping bombs from the sky and blowing up buildings.
Air companies
Airports are energy centers (air travel is associated with mercury). Flight= flying higher, towards the light. Heathrow, Denver International Airport, JFK Airport, LAX,...Richard Branson founded Virgin airlines (air sign Virgo).
- Airbus: Tom Enders (German CFR, Atlantik-Brücke,
Atlantic Council, HSBC,
Lufthansa), jesuit John Leahy, jesuit Paul Eremenko (Google)
- Boeing: Business Roundtable, Vanguard
- General Electric (Business
Roundtable, started by JP Morgan and Thomas Edison, aviation, electrical
distribution, energy, healthcare, software, wind turbines): jesuit John Flannery, Fred Borch (Lamda Chi Alpha)
- Lufthansa (Austrian, Brussels and Swiss International Airlines): state owned after the Covid-scam
- Ryanair: jesuit Michael O'Leary
Nike (the sport industry) created Air Jordan promoted by Michael Jordan. Will Smith played The Fresh Prince of Bel Air (air sign Aquarius=Prince of Swords).
Silicon Valley introduced the concept of the (digital) Cloud. Silicon information technology of Silicon Valley (under control of AI) is Mercurian, it stimulates the mind but only to overstimulate and to conquer it.