Adam Weishaupt

Adam Weishaupt was a German jesuit trained philosopher and freemason who founded the Bavarian Illuminati in 1776 based on Enlightenment ideals. His godfather was Johann Adam von Ickstatt, professor at University of Ingolstadt of the jesuits. He was educated by the jesuits from age 7. He became professor at their university in 1773 when the jesuit order was suppressed expect in Prussia of Frederick the Great and Russia of Catherine the Great. He was influenced by Christoph Meiner's scientific racism. His nickname was Spartacus (leader of a slave revolt against the Roman Empire). 

The members of the Illuminati were Adolf Knigge, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Philippe Egalité (French Revolution), Ernst Saxe-Coburg, Joseph von Liebenfels, Ferdinand of Brunswick-Luneburg, Karl van Eckartshausen, Franz Xaver von Zwackh, baron Thomas de Bassus, Friedrich Nicolai (friend of Moses Mendelssohn), JC Bode (friend of Nicolas Bonneville, who would storm the Bastille during the French Revolution and Moses Mendelssohn), Johann Herder (Sturm und Drang movement), Carl of Hesse-Kassel (mother Brunswick-Luneburg, later Mountbatten, the Asiatic Brothers, friend of St Germain), Gottlob Neefe (teacher of Beethoven), ...

He was a friend of Wolfgang Mozart. He was promoted by Thomas Jefferson (Sons of Liberty).

His documents used the owl symbol (Athena, Minerva).

The son of Frederick of Hesse was also a member and had Mayer Rothschild as banker. He gained a fortune through the Seven Years' War.

The Illuminati were outlawed by Karl Theodor Wittelsbach.

He was used by the jesuits (Augustin Barruel) as evidence for a masonic conspiracy. John Robison used the book of Barruel as inspiration for Proof of a Conspiracy.

The jesuits orchestrated a fake revolution in Haiti with Toussaint Louverture as Black Spartacus.

Mason Giuseppe Mazzini was accused of reviving the Illuminati (letter of Mazzini to Albert Pike hoax).

Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht founded the Spartacus League.

The movie Frankenstein was set in Ingolstadt.

Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis played in Spartacus of Stanley Kubrick (one eye pyramid symbolism in Eyes Wide Shut).

In the internet age, Weishaupt's Illuminati became a trope in the Conspiracy Church (Alex Jones, Mark Dice, David Icke, Fritz Springmeier, Illuminatiwatcher Isaac Weishaupt) and a cliché in pop culture.

born 2/6/1748, date Eva Braun, Axl Rose, Ronald Reagan, Bob Marley, d Humpfrey Osmond, d George Schultz.

died 11/18/1830, date Alan Moore, d Henry Wallace (one eye pyramid on dollar bill), d Jim Jones, d Joseph Kennedy, Owen Wilson, in Gotha (Saxe-Coburg und Gotha).


the Illuminati hoax
