2012 Summer Olympics
The 2012 Summer Olympics was an event of the sport industry in alliance with the media industry (BBC) in London, an occult ritual with an opening ceremony of Danny Boyle and closing ceremony with phoenix symbolism (Mass of the Phoenix in OTO) in worship of Antichrist figure William. It was sponsored by P&G. | ![]() |
The event took place 6 days after the staged shooting with mind controlled actor James Holmes at the Dark Knight Rises premiere in the Aurora theater in Denver Colorado (the James Holmes ritual).
2012 was the year XX, the Judgement- Aeon card, which means rebirth, the rise of the phoenix.
The media reported that James Holmes shot people in the audience of the Aurora theatre in Denver, during the premiere of Christopher Nolan's 'The Dark Knight Rises', dressed up as the Joker (4 years after death of Joker Heath Ledger) with orange hair (orange=33=sodomy). The cinematographer of DKR was Nathan Crowley, related to Aleister Crowley.
The 2012 London Olympics ceremony with Kenneth Branagh was directed by Danny Boyle. It revolved around prince William and Catherine as Diana reborn (Diana and Dodi DD=44, nr of the Mass of the Phoenix in the Ordo Templi Orientis).
In Thelema, in the philosophy of the Aeon of Horus there is no real death and resurrection of the body like in the Aeon of Osiris (Christ etc..). The Magician fakes his own death, like the sun (orange=33=sodomy) disappears and reappears. Catherine is a descendant of the Sforza bloodline, Urbano Colonna-Sforza leads the Order of the Jesters (Jokers).
In 1993, year I, the year of the Magician, actor Brandon Lee was shot by Michael Massee (mm=33) on the set of his last movie The Crow, very similar to Heath Ledger, who died before the release of the 'Dark Knight'. Later that year River Phoenix died in Johnny Depp's nightclub the Viper Room. Brandon Lee's movie the Crow referenced his death at oct 31 the evening before Halloween at the Sunset Strip. River's brother Joaquin Phoenix later played the Joker.
Johnny Depp symbolized John Dee, the magician who performed the death-rebirth trick. In 2012 after Brandon Lee/Heath Ledger, the Joker is reborn as James Holmes, River Phoenix last movie is finally released, and during the London Olympics a John Dee character finished the ritual of letting the phoenix rise.
Heath Ledger died in 2008, and was symbolically brought back to life at the Dark Knight Rises premiere in the Aurora movie theatre (Aurora refers to Crowley's Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, with jesuit AC Doyle, who created the Sherlock Holmes character, a mason of the Phoenix Lodge). The Dark Knight Rises is the story of Batman faking his Christ like death/sacrifice.
The Olympic stadium represented a female cup, the Cup of Babalon, womb of Diana/Catherine. The Dark Knight Rises, Oz the Great and Powerful, Angels and Demons are all about a bomb exploding in a stadium, an act of sex magic (phallus in a cup): Pluto (nuclear power, the Shadow) stands for transformation and regeneration as a phoenix, Diana reborn as Catherine. The dark destructive masculine is united with the dark, destructive feminine to create an even more destructive union (Isis ritual in the stadium of St Denis in France, etc) Lucifer the unity of opposites. The stadium contained obvious one eye pyramid symbolism (also present in the OTO emblem).
The one eye mascotte represented the Monas Hieroglyphica of John Dee.
Antichrist figure Adolf Hitler hosted the Berlin Olympics in 1936. William married Catherine on 4/29 like Hitler and Eva Braun. The torch symbol of Lucifer the Lightbringer is present at the Diana memorial in Paris. Diana married on 7/29/1981, date of lighting of the torch ritual at London Olympics on 7/29/1948.
The DNA spiral tower at the stadium represented the stargate tower of Tony Starks (Robert Downey Jr who played Sherlock Holmes) in The Avengers.
Opening ceremony (7/27/2012)
The title of the ritual 'Isle of Wonders' referred to The Tempest of Shakespeare with character Prospero based on occultist John Dee who traps his daughter Miranda on an island. The Olympic Bell contained a quote from Caliban's speech in The Tempest.
Royal Box: Queen Elizabeth, prince William, Catherine Middleton, David Cameron, John Major, Tony Blair (speech at funeral Diana), Gordon Brown, Boris Johnson (mayor of London), jesuit Jacques Rogge.
- Prologue with concert in Hyde Park of Duran Duran, Stereophonics, Snow Patrol and Paolo Nutini and a rural scene with a model of Glastonbury Tor (associated with summer solstice, birthday of William) with music by Frank Turner (trained at LSE, toured with Green Day) and the London Symphonic Orchestra.
- Journey Along the Thames film with music of Pink Floyd, The Clash and The Sex Pistols (program Punk Rock) and Muse.
- Green and Pleasant Land with Shakespeare actor Kenneth Branagh as Isambard Kingdom Brunel, one of the architects of the Industrial Revolution. Branagh played in Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk and Tenet. His role as Mercury the Magician was announced by the magician with top hat in The Prestige (2006) and mimiced by James Franco in Oz the Great and Powerful (2013, both movies of Disney).
- Pandemonium, recreation of the Industrial Revolution (watchtowers in Enochian magic),
woman's suffrage movement, The Beatles as seen on the Sgt Pepper's cover with Crowley, workers forging five rings of the Olympic Games emblem.
- Happy and Glorious Elizabeth II accompanied by Daniel Craig as James Bond (based on Elizabeth I's occultist John Dee), images of the London Eye, St Paul's Cathedral, the City of London, Tower Bridge,.. Craig played in Elizabeth with Cate Blanchett as Elizabeth. James Bond actress Judi Dench played Queen Elizabeth I and appeared at the Rio Olympics in 2016.
- Second to the right and straight on till morning, 600 dancers of the National Health Service, Horus/Harpocrates' sign of silence.
music by Mike Oldfield, initials NHS. JK Rowling reading JM Barrie's Peter Pan (captain Hook). appearance of the Child Catcher of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Queen of Hearts of Alice in Wonderland, Mary Poppins with umbrella's,.. scene with giant baby's head (44 years after Rosemary's Baby).
- Interlude with Rowan Atkinson as Mr Bean, music by Vangelis.
- Frankie and June say thanks Tim, music by the Sugarbabes, The Jam, The Who, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin (Crowley-follower Jimmy Page performed at the Bejing Olympics), David Bowie (with Christian Bale in The Prestige), Queen, the Sex Pistols, New Order, the Prodigy, Underworld, Dizzee Rascal, clips of Boyle's Trainspotting and Four Weddings and a Funeral, tribute to Tim Berners-Lee (CERN) as inventor of the internet.
- Abide With Me, motor boat scene with David Beckham as torchbearer, reference to staged terrorist attack in London, day after London Olympics announcement, music by Emilia Sande.
- Welcome, Parade of Nations (athlete Kelly Holmes=James Holmes), music by the Chemical Brothers, Adele, Bee Gees, U2. All nations put a flag at Glastonbury Tor.
- Bike a.m. ceremony with doves (also on OTO emblem) with music by The Arctic Monkeys and The Beatles.
- Let the Games Begin, Olympic flag carried by Doreen Lawrence, Ban Ki-moon (UN), Shami Chakrabarti (LSE).
- There is a light that never goes out, lighting of the torch.
- And in the end, images of the Berlin Olympics, music by Pink Floyd and Paul McCartney (song Hey Jude= Joudy).
Closing ceremony 8/12/2012
8/12 date associated with Sirius, date of Crowley's wedding with Rose Kelly, William Breeze (head of the OTO). Crowley wrote Liber 44 the Mass of the Phoenix. The phoenix ritual was announced by phoenix scene in James Cameron's Avatar, Kanye West's Runaway (line 'At the top of Mount Olympus, ready for the World's game, this is my Olympics'), Katy Perry's Dark Horse, Lady Gaga's Marry the Night, The Hunger Games and transgender Conchita Wurst with I Will Rise at the 2012 Eurovision ritual.
It was created by Mark Fisher, born in Warwickshire like Shakespeare and Crowley. He created the Wall tour of Pink Floyd and tours of the Rolling Stones.
It was directed by Kim Gavin who also directed the Concert for Diana at Wembley Stadium. David Arnold (James Bond films, Stargate) was musical director.
In contrast with the opening ceremony with William, the closing ceremony had prince Harry (present at Dark Knight Rises premiere, host of Invictus Games with DKR actor Morgan Freeman) as main guest.
- Rush Hour, Union Jack ritual designed by Damien Hirst, 8 pointed star of Isis-Ishtar.
representation of the London Eye as stargate, Big Ben and the Gherkin, music by Emilia Sandé and The Beatles.
- God Save the Queen, Timothy Spall as Winston Churchill at the Big Ben, giving speech of Caliban in the Tempest.
- Street Party, footage of Michael Caine (The Dark Knight Rises) in The Italian Job, Batman and Robin, appearance music by Madness, Pet Shop Boys, One Direction (Harry Styles).
- Waterloo Sunset
- Parade of Athletes
- Here Comes the Sun, music by Kate Bush and The Beatles.
- A Symphony of British Music, Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody (Frederick and Elizabeth wedding)
recreation of John Lennon's John the Baptist pose on Imagine like Rosemary's Baby.
performances by George Michael (gay agenda), The Kaiser Chiefs, appearances of models Naomi Campbell, Lily Cole (the Imaginarium with Joker Heath Ledger), Georgia Mia Jagger, Kate Moss,...
Annie Lennox sings Little Bird on deck of a ship. performance by Ed Sheeran, Nick Mason of Pink Floyd. Russell Brand (played in The Tempest) performs a song of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (remake with Johnny Depp) and I Am the Walrus (Alice in Wonderland), Jessie J performs Price Tag. Fatboy Slim, Tinie Tempah.
Spice Girls, Beady Eye performs Wonderwall of Oasis. song by Electric Light Orchestra (film with Kenneth Anger). Eric Idle (Monty Python), Roger Taylor (Queen) We Will Rock You.
- Rio 2016 mayor Boris Johnson hands the flag to mayor of Rio de Janeiro (Christ statue).
- Embrace
- Closing of the Games
- Spirit of the Flame, opening of the Olympic cauldron. Darcy Bussell flies as a phoenix during performance of Rule the World by Take That (group of Robbie Williams=William).
Finale, performance by The Who.
12 days later the One World Trade center was completed in NY.